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Response to: HRT tablets associated with increased risk of blood clots

10 January 2019

“The findings from this large study add to the existing evidence on the link between different types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and risk of blood clots in women.

“When taken as an oral tablet, HRT is already known to increase risk of developing a blood clot, though the absolute risk is low. This study highlights different level of risk from different types of oral HRT and confirms that there is no increased risk when HRT is taken as a patch or gel through the skin (transdermal). Transdermal HRT may still be an option for women with a higher risk of blood clots. Women should discuss this with their healthcare professional, as HRT is an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms and for most women when used appropriately, provides more benefits than risks.

“The decision whether to use HRT should be made by women who have been given clear, evidence-based information by a healthcare professional, including information about complementary therapies and lifestyle and dietary changes. HRT dosage, regimen and duration should be individualised based on a woman’s medical history, family history and symptoms.”

- Dr Heather Currie, Spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, trustee and past chair British Menopause Society, Founder and MD Menopause Matters

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