Forum Guide and News > Forum Guide
Information for Members
Any personal details you supply to will remain private and confidential. We will never sell, rent, barter or share your personal details in any way with any other company. We will not share your e-mail or mailing address with any third party. All data collected is for our internal use only.
COOKIES Forum does use cookies. However, no personal details are kept on cookies. They simply store your username and the encrypted password. This cookie does not correlate to any of your personal information. The cookie is only present if you have registered as a member of our forum.
* Posts on the 'Private Lives' board are visible only to registered members.
* Posts on all other boards are visible to everyone and may be indexed by search engines
* Members are able to modify or erase their posts.
* Members are kindly requested to give references (eg links) to any health/medical information they provide, when it is not personal experience. Personal experience is anything the person has undergone himself/herself.
* Information posted by members must be true and correct to their knowledge.
* All members are, by default, considered to be non-medical professionals.
* All members and moderators must behave at all times with respect and honesty.
* Advertising is forbidden on the forum but members may pay for advertising on the website.
* Spammers accounts are deleted immediately.
* Members breaking forum rules will receive a warning. Persistent offenders will be suspended or removed at the moderators discretion.
Any information posted on the forum is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and her own physician.
The forum is moderated at random times throughout the day.
Moderators/Administrators include Dr.Heather Currie, MBE, MB BS, FRCOG, DRCOG, MRCGP, MFSRH Other Moderators/Administrators are non-medical professionals.
FUNDING is funded by magazine sales and advertising. contributors and forum moderators are not employed by any of the advertisers and there is no conflict of interest.
ADVERTISING hosts advertisement banners and sponsored links. Advertisement is distinguished by the word "Advertisement". hosts Google sponsored ads and links. We do not control Google ads content and our editorial content is free of any commercial influence.
Any other ads appearing anywhere on the website, are clearly marked 'Advertisement' but are NOT endorsed by
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