Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Tell us how you cope with joint aches

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I take 1000mg of Glucosamine daily & find that this helps an awful lot with the joint pains. Muscle pains some days are a real pain ( excuse the pun ). Really bad first thing in the morning but get better as the days goes on. I am like a 90 year old some mornings when I get out of bed & hobbling all over the place.


I ache from head to foot sometimes i feel like i am about 90 years of age.  It does really get you down though.

I have had swollen joints for 20 years and up to the big M was localised, now i get it in what i call clusters.  My finger joints can be swollen at the same time as my knee and ankles and the tips of my fingers can go hard and sore.

It occurs mainly if i have been doing heavy lifting of shopping bags or using large pan's or even cutting with sissors any material that might be a bit tough.

I am not a week person and i am not scared of hard work, but the condition does disable me from time to time.  When we had been moving to another area once my wrist swelled and i could not drive for 2 days.

I  am being tested  and have had x-rays and i am waiting for another attack as the consultant has given me a test kit and said the next real cluster i get, i was to go to the GP and have blood tests right away while the swelling was there.

The only thing is that was about 2 months ago and i haven't had a cluster since.  Always the same isn't it girls.



Hotflush, how utterly typical  ::) I don't know what to say really, I can't wish that you will get an attack as I don't want to think of you suffering, but I would wish that you could get some answers to your questions.  :-\ :-\ :-\

I can relate to you and Sue when you say you feel like 90 year olds though, I often think this when I am trying to walk in the morning grabbing hold of things for support!

RosieB I bought some Starflower oil caps today on the advice of Starflower and have taken the first one, let's see if they work for me, I hope so. Things have a habit of working for me for a short while then stopping and it is very frustrating, but I don't think it will harm to take them regardless anyway as they are good for joints too. The Menocool I I thought were working then I got sick with flu etc and my natural defense to this is to have sweats and a raised temp these days (didn't use to be though), so didn't know if they had stopped working, or if it was the illness making me hot and flushed. Well I carried on taking it, even though I have now developed gastric disturbance ( I am being polite here ladies  ;D ;D ;D LOL)  and do not know if this is a bug or a reaction to the menocool. Either way now the illnesses seem to be clearing my system a little (still got infected sinuses though) the flushes do seem to be settling again, so maybe the menocool is working? Confused? yes so am I LOL But I am still going to take the Starflower though. I hope I get the same kind of reaction you got RosieB.  ;D ;D ;D

Lots of Love Pops xxx  :-* :-* :-*

Just as an after thought! I have been so used to ignoring my joint pains that now I come to think about it, they have not been so bad these last few months. I always used to take cod liver oil (capsules) but changed about 3 months ago to evening primrose oil (2 capsules at night). Coincidence or not?

Pops, i do understand what you mean.  I am wishing an attack, how bad is that?  I do get arse ache regular now around the top of the legs around just below the hip bone, i feel sometimes like i have been riding a horse.  I thought i was the only one crawling around the place in the morning.  You still have your sense of humour though, what a great gal you are.

lol hotflush


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