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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 738864 times)

Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2007, 08:57:01 PM »

Just a quick question for Janice about the mattress topper you bought - do you think it was worth the expense because I am considering one to see if it helps with my aches and pains.  Do you feel any better in the morning when you wake up and try to get to get out of bed after sleeping on it?  I would be interested to know what you think before I fork out for one.  Thanks,
Love Libby


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2007, 07:27:11 PM »

I have just registered with this website and reading all your posts on this thread has literally reduced me to tears as I felt I was reading about myself. I was 52 10 days ago and about 18 months ago i had a bad fall when i was in Libya and broke my leg. Since then I have had pains in my ankle joint on that leg but also pains in my other joints ie other ankle, wrists, base of spine*coxsic*. I put it all down to compensating for my fracture. I get up from sitting, or out of bed and feel as if i should just sit down again and not move then there wouldnt be pain. I am staying in Vienna at the moment but will be home in UK again as I have to see my doctor about high blood pressure but after reading all your wonderful posts I am going to write down all the things you have mentioned and speak to my doctor and see what she suggests. I just feel so much better knowing that I am not on my own and there are lots of others who have the same things wrong and also feel about 90 years old. I am off to read more posts and threads and get to know all of you better.

Thank you

PS Do any of you get C.R.A.F.T. moments Cant Rember A F....... Thing!!!!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2007, 08:38:44 PM »

Yep, I get the the CRAFT bit too. I even forgot I was wearing my shoes yesterday.  How dumb is that then?  ;D  ;D  ;D

I can also relate to feeling like a 90 year old too. 



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2007, 10:18:01 PM »

Hi there,

I'm new to this site and am very glad I've found it. Perhaps it will help me to feel less depressed and to find some answers.  I'm 57 and have been post-menopausal for 3 years. Apart from the hot flushes and other usual things, the joint pain is the most troublesome. I have constant pains in my elbows and wrists, sometimes also particular finger joints will get very painful for a short period. Sometimes I get pains in my knees and ankles. The elbows are the worst. I was referred to the local hospital where a doctor advised me to wear wrist splints on both arms. Not wanting to look like the bionic woman, I decided to wear one for a few months and then the other similarly. They do help a bit, especially for driving and operating a keyboard, of which I do a great deal. But the pain never really goes for any length of time. I've tried Glucosamine but as I suffer from IBS as well!!! I've found it difficult to tolerate. I'll give it another try. Perhaps Arnica too.

Very good to know that all you others are experiencing something similar and that I'm not just a mad postmenopausal weirdo!



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2007, 10:39:05 PM »

Hi Lizzie :welcomemm:

Welocme to the madhouse ;D ;D ;D hope you like it here everyone is really friendly and helpful

WooHoo there is light at the end of the tunnel ;D ;D ;D great you are post menopausal

I take EPA for my joints and find it really helps it is Omega 3 oils :)


Tricia :peace:

Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2007, 09:22:57 AM »

Hi Lizzie and a big welcome to the forum, :)
I am sure you will find a lot of support from the ladies on here - they are all great.
I can sympathise with all your aches and pains.  With me the worst areas are the ankles, knees, thighs, neck, shoulders, etc. and that's on a good day!  Seriously though, I have forgotten what it is like not to be in discomfort and I suppose I have got used to it to a certain extent but I would love to feel a bit more flexible than I do now.  I do a wonderful version of the 'monster walk' every morning - it's an amazing sight.
I started taking Cod Liver Oil with Omega 3 last week to see if that helps at all.
Anyway, once again welcome, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Love Libby


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2007, 03:00:31 PM »

Hi Everyone

Well, I bought a new bed (or rather my OH bought it!), as we had one of those low down Ikea ones. I now need a step ladder to get into the new one (I'm only 5'2"), but it is heaven! I also bought a mattress topper, and it is lovely. I still get the occasional aches in bed, but nothing like I did.  When I first get up, I do plod round like a baby elephant, as my joints have seized up, and going downstairs, it sounds like someone is unfastening velcro in my knees!!   ;D

I can't kneel down without needing to hold on something to ease myself up again.  I've started starflower oil capsules along with my menopace, and I do feel generally better.

Angel  :)



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2007, 03:38:07 PM »

This is good to hear, I am going to translate the Starflower Oil and see if I can find a herbal shop in Vienna as I wont be back in UK until the 27th and the way I feel at the moment I will be pushing the plane back to Manchester to get it there quicker so I can get to the shops as I am just soooooooooooooooooooo fed up feeling like this all the time and the latest thing I dont know if any of you have experiences is not wanting to go outside the house. Maybe this is to do with the pain I have got in my legs and hips which seems to meet at my coxic which is pure agony/


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2007, 01:45:50 AM »

Hi grace :)

I have gone through a period of not wanting to go out as home felt safe, I would think to myself yes I will go out tomorrow and come tomorrow I would back out or find myself becoming more nervy as the time came to go out, sometimes I would actually cancel an appointment if I had one just so that I didn't have to go out, but then I thought about all the things I was missing out on and that desire to rejoin the living was stronger that the desire to just sit and look out the window at life going by, although I suppose if you are in pain yes it would make you want to stay at home as I can imagine that trying to work through the pain can be difficult at time, I suffer from RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and when it was really bad thinking back now yes I would not want to be bothered with going out, now that it is at bay apart from slight pain in my joints and spine I work my way through it, I do hope you get some pain relief soon as it can be so debilitating :foryou: :hug:


Tricia :sunny:

Dolly Rocker

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2007, 06:35:55 PM »

So this is normal then!  That's a relief.  I spent three years becoming increasingly disabled by pain in muscles and joints.  GP was not particularly interested, but between the GP, three physios, two consultants and a massage therapist they came up with seven diagnoses before the GP said - It's the menopause. 

Frankly I was sceptical but now I can see that she may be right. Anyway, once she had said that she had another excuse for pushing HRT at me!

Now I take two rhus tox 30 homeopathic tablets (from Boots) every hour for a couple of days and that seems to knock it on the head for weeks.  This was recommended by my homeopath.

May not do you any good ladies, but it won't do you any harm so could be worth a try.

Dolly xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2007, 06:56:49 PM »

I have always prided myself that I got a hold on my Rheumatoid Arthritis, I spent thousands of pounds many years ago having my fillings changed as I was allergic to the metal fillings, also with various remedies I had built up a very good rapor with my homeopath for a few years now I have not even had to go and see her as I was pain free, but today knocked me for six, I am so sore, this is the first today I have been able to use my hands, the pain goes from my neck down my arms and my hands, I got a taxi to go to the shops today and I even had to get the taxi driver to fasten my seat belt, I couldn't even grip it I have nausea with the pain, to be honest I got to the point earlier on that I bit the bullet and took painkillers as I couldn't stand it any longer, my reflexologist told me to just go home and go to bed as my results from her treatment showed that my hormones were going doo lally, I haven't felt this bad for years and it is hitting me like a sledgehammer, hot flushes seem to in full swing now also, I really felt today as though I was going back to square one again, today is the first day I can honestly say I felt totally useless I could hardly lift a cup of tea this morning using both hands to try to lift it up, gave up on eating as I just felt sick, I got my life back after developing the RA with the help of homeopathy and today I just felt that I can't have this, I had started living a full life again no sticks to walk able to put my clothes on without getting someone to help me, today I couldn't put my socks on as went to my reflexologist with no socks on and got her to put them on for me after she was finished, I am thankfull that I live in a small town and nearly everyone knows me, therefore the taxi driver helped me without asking why, although he did mention that he had never seen me so much in pain for a long long time, I am sorry for rambling ladies but I just feel so c*** today and sincerely hope that tomorrow this is gone, I was meant to go out with a friend tomorrow as she is having a day off work and if I am like this it won't be much fun at all, thanks for listening, it does help to know that you are all here, although I feel having typed this I am complete moan I hope you will bear with me, I just needed to get it out.


Tricia :-*


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2007, 06:59:56 PM »

Hi Dolly,

I just read your post there and see you take rhus tox, I take it you find it really good for the pain as I really don't want to go back to using painkillers when I haven't used them for years, I will get some tomorrow and give them a go, thanks for posting about them :)


Tricia :-*

Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2007, 07:30:23 PM »

Oh Tricia, I do feel for you, you poor thing being in such pain like that.  You musn't apologise for coming on and telling us how you feel, I just wish there was something I could say that would make you better but I know there isn't.  I know what it is like to be in pain but thankfully I don't suffer like you are suffering today.  I really, really hope you feel a bit better tomorrow - it would still be nice if you could see your friend, it often helps. Could she not come to see you rather than going out?  At least you would have the company, just a thought.
Take care and I am thinking of you,
Lots of Love
Have a hug


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2007, 08:11:11 PM »

Thanks Libby,

I did give my friend a call and she is going to come to my place and take it from there as it would be shame to miss out on her company as she is such a good friend.


Tricia :-*


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2007, 11:32:19 PM »

Dear Tricia, I am so sad to read of what you have been through today, I have never heard you so down, I wish I could give you a big hug but fear it might give you more pain so this is the best I can do from down here on the south coast with you up in Scotland,
 :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really hope your pain is better in the morning my lovely & I hope you get a good nights sleep & rest, sorry I hadn't read your post earlier before I sent you my PM.
Take care of yourself & lets hope you feel better tomorrow & your friend comes round & you have a bit of fun.
Love Cazikins (& dont forget the E) XXX 
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