Hi there
Bit of a long one this is I am afraid, but would appreciate advice.
Have suffered from really bad Vulvodynia since 2012.
I couldn’t work anymore and lost my career, my livelihood, my lifestyle , my social life and at several points I seriously thought about taking my life. I even approached Dignitas.
Anyway went to see a pain management person in July 2022. They were very cold and abrupt in their approach, but as they were the only one available, I had no choice.
They offered me a pudendal nerve block which i gladly accepted as the pain was 9/10 day in/ day out.
I finally got the appointment for the procedure in November 2023.
Sadly I got covid three weeks before which ruled me out.
They said they would get me a new appointment asap.
I got my new appointment in Nov 24. When i rang up however to confirm , the clinic said i was down for an ablation procedure, not a nerve block.
I found this odd and as it was then 2 years since the original consultation I felt abit unsure..
But they told me to come and see the consultant anyway and they would discuss with me.
Now inbetween nov 23 and nov 24 I went to see a ‘hands on physio’ for nearly 8 months who worked on my piriformis which he said may release the pressure on the nerve. And gradually it did. Mynpain went from a 10 to betweena 4-6, and i now sometimes get 10 days a month more or less pain free and am no longer at the end of my rope.
Anyway, i went to see the consultant and they made no attempt to conceal their annoyance when i asked them to confirm which procedure I was having and why. They snapped back ‘well which do you want’, which of course I had no answer for as I am not an expert
I explained that I had beentold to attend the appointment by the clinic to discuss options, and I asked what success rate the nerve block had. I was told frostily ‘sometimes it works , sometimes it doesnt’.
I asked about downsides and they said ‘you might be in more pain than when you started’. When I said that that wasnt great as I had only just got back basic functionality , there was an eye roll followed by it would only be worse temporarily.
I said i would defer the decision until i had considered it further.
The nurse in the reception said ‘oh, theyll be livid now if you didnt do it’ .
Anyway , since the I have found patient leaflets that are given to patients in other nhs areas.
I think I have gathered that relief is only temporary from the block, that its usually used as a diagnostic, and that you could indeed end up in a worse position.
I wondered if anyone here has any thoughts/advice/experience on this procedure , and how to deal with someone who will be doing a procedure who for some reason seems to dislie me despite best efforts.
Thankyou and sorry this is so long.