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Author Topic: Vitamin deficiency  (Read 5049 times)


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2024, 09:55:33 AM »

I meant the blood in the blood top tube was congealed so it may not be accepted by the lab and I will have to get more blood taken.
Appt with GP is 13th Dec and hoped all results would be through for then.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2024, 12:55:49 PM »

Blood tests back. My testosterone levels are normal so don't need any added into my hrt.
My vit d has come up into the normal range since supplementing so just keep going with that.
My b12, ferritin and folate all just in the normal range so will look at supplements after my GP appt next Friday.
Biggest issue is my cholesterol so that needs to be addressed.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2024, 02:16:15 PM »

Your GP will probably suggest statins  ::) which can raise blood sugar levels.  This freaked out my Nurse 18 months ago  ;D with lots of blood tests .........

Let us know how you get you.  How do U feel overall?


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2024, 02:48:34 PM »

I feel rubbish, having lots of numbness and tingling, really expected my b12 to be low.
Hoping diet changes csn be offered first. Been really u0set about it as one of my health anxiety is dropping dead of cardiac issue, having high cholesterol isn't going to help this.
I'm nightshift next week so hopefully speak to a doctor on my ward before I speak to GP.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2024, 02:59:05 PM »

How high is high though?  The levels went up a few years ago so what was high when we were tested, mayB different now.  Is there a history of sudden cardiac or stroke death in your family?  We take statins with no problems other than previously mentioned. 

Good idea to speak to a Staff Member.  Take a list of your concerns to the GP Surgery?


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2024, 03:53:18 PM »

You have to be below 5.0 nmol/l. In Jan I was 5.07, I'm now 5 9.
My biggest issue this year has been the fatigue which doesn't let me spend time cooking etc so I'm relying a lot more on convenience food and takeaways. It's a vicious circle, if I get rid of fatigue I could cook and healthily but if I eat healthily then I would maybe be less fatigued.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2024, 04:05:21 PM »

Lots of ultra processed, so yummy but oh so bad for us  ::) and I think that we have been drawn into fast convenience foods.  Could u be bothered to batch cook small meals for the freezer to take out to defrost?  Cornish pasties; mince/veg mix; Yorkshire puds are OK cooked through then eaten cold especially with HP sauce on ;-). 


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2024, 04:51:08 PM »

JS79 not that it will make you feel any better, but maybe it will. When I first got my result of high cholesterol it was 8.4. I got statins but they caused me side effects so I put these away and started using cholesterol lowering herbal tea. After recheck my cholesterol was 6.8. Then got a call from pharmacist a few weeks back who told me off like a schoolgirl (I swear never in my adult life I was told off this way) so I went back to statins and booked gp appt to change the meds for better ones. In the meantime I got private bloods done with result of 6.3 and when GP reviewed them she said that they are actually not bad at all and gave me a very low dose of new meds. I was original put on Atrovastatin 20mg, then down to 10mg after 6.8 result and now on 5mg.

I am not medically trained at all but I do think that "lower" levels of cholesterol can be controlled with herbs. I was mostly off my statins then "on" them during all this time (10months since first high result)


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2024, 05:02:45 PM »

Not a lot can be eased with herbal remedies or they would be available on the NHS.  I think we swallow 40mg .......... in the morning.  Atrovastatin.  Reluctantly. 

VitD is the essential 'extra' apparently.  Although I haven't swallowed any from July and haven't noticed any difference  ::)



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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2024, 10:18:27 AM »

JS79 - have you had thyroid bloods checked? I only ask as what you say about your vitamin levels and cholesterol could have been written by me many years ago. (My cholesterol was 8 point something :o)

Low vitamin levels and high cholesterol go hand in hand with hypothyroidism.

Also. Did you know that high cholesterol was used as a marker in diagnosing hypothyroidism before TSH tests were introduced? Back in the good old days when your GP would ask how you were feeling and actually look at you while listening. Not like now when it's all computer says you're fine!!

Not trying to worry you, just that lots of women are diagnosed with thyroid disease at this time of life.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2024, 11:51:32 AM »

Just looked back at results.
The range for TSH in the lab is 0.55-4.78.
My level this week was 0.793, when tested in Feb it was 1.31.
It's in the normal range so I doubt they will do anything but something to mention.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2024, 12:20:08 PM »

I feel rubbish, having lots of numbness and tingling, really expected my b12 to be low.
Hoping diet changes csn be offered first. Been really u0set about it as one of my health anxiety is dropping dead of cardiac issue, having high cholesterol isn't going to help this.
I'm nightshift next week so hopefully speak to a doctor on my ward before I speak to GP.

Try not to let this high cholesterol issue rule your life, years and years ago mine was constantly high, it still is. I tried all the different statins available but they made me very ill with terrible muscle pain. I have always had a good diet and exercise so it has to be genetic, therefore nothing can be done about it. They have given me an alternative which brought it down a little bit, but they still want me to have statins alongside this other medication which of course I refused.

Another bugbear that I had to contend with and always being told off about, was the fact for years I had been pre-diabetic, couldn't understand that one but two years on after taking a zinc supplement I am well clear of developing diabetes.

I do read a lot on here if you have a good diet you shouldn't need vitamins and supplements but with the ageing process, I have proved we definitely do.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2024, 02:10:49 PM »

I agree with Ayesha, don't get sidetracked with cholesterol. It won't be having any effect on the symptoms you describe.

If your GP suggests statins, do your own research before taking them. There are various schools of thought as to whether they should be taken or not.

I do read a lot on here if you have a good diet you shouldn't need vitamins and supplements but with the ageing process, I have proved we definitely do.

I agree.

As we age we are more likely to develop intolerances to various foods. This can lead to inflammation in the digestive tract which can then cause issues with absorbing nutrients from our food.
Having a varied diet is all well and good but if you're intolerant to what you're eating, ie if you suffer from indigestion, bloating, stomach cramps etc, which are all signs that your body is rebelling, then you're not going to be able to process food correctly and you need to supplement to get the vitamins and minerals you need.


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2024, 02:27:20 PM »

CLKD If you don't want to take statins, why do you?

Not a lot can be eased with herbal remedies or they would be available on the NHS.

A lot of modern medicine is based on herbal medicine and a lot of modern drugs are plant derived. Doctors are the current 'healers' who in days gone by were burnt at the stake as witches.  :o


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Re: Vitamin deficiency
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2024, 10:55:13 AM »

As we age we are more likely to develop intolerances to various foods. This can lead to inflammation in the digestive tract which can then cause issues with absorbing nutrients from our food.
Having a varied diet is all well and good but if you're intolerant to what you're eating, ie if you suffer from indigestion, bloating, stomach cramps etc, which are all signs that your body is rebelling, then you're not going to be able to process food correctly and you need to supplement to get the vitamins and minerals you need.

This is exactly my story and then subsequently having to take drugs to calm things down which are for life.
Feeling unwell with fatigue, aches and pains, being prediabetic causing anxiety I did a lot of research into vitamins and supplements and I finally found which were successful and I would never be without them now.

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