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Author Topic: Amitriptyline dementia risk?  (Read 1184 times)


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Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« on: October 27, 2024, 05:08:28 PM »

Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a long time but do look in from time to time.
I am wondering if you could give me some feedback on the above.
I have posted in the past about having sciatica.  Most of the time it's pretty bearable and I have not had the horrendous flareup I had two years ago where I could barely move with the pain.   However it is always there in the background and I have to be very careful of how I lift and bend whilst still remaining pretty active.   

During my yearly appointment with a consultant regarding my osteoporosis she asked about other bone issues i.e arthritis, sciatica etc. and what I was taking for them.  When I said that I only take paracetamol she said that wasn't good enough for sciatica and that she would advise my GP to put me on a neuropathic pain medication. 

So she prescribed Amitriptyline and I was vaguely aware that there was some talk of anticholinergic drugs and the risk of dementia.  When I asked her about this she said that if you start having memory problems come off it straight away! ::) 

My sister in law passed away in April of this year from dementia (she was 76), I will be 74 next birthday and am extremely anxious about taking this.  By the way I also have sleep issues and GP thought this might solve both problems.

My question is:  am I wrong to be afraid of this medication? 

Many thanks.



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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2024, 06:24:11 PM »

Quality of Life?  Is there any Peer Reviewed Research ? Could U get onto a research study by taking the suggested medication?

Sorry about your SinL I can understand your worries - was she taking any particular drugs in the last 20-25 years that may have contributed to the dementia?

Do U have sciatica?  3 years ago I thought that my pain was such, however, physio diagnosed a bursitis .... now I've got it in both thighs and I think, my R elbow. 

U could self refer to a physio to be taught exercises for the various pains.  When did U last have an X-ray or MRI scan on the bits that ache?  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains. 


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2024, 06:30:41 PM »

Hi , I take amitriptyline and have done for many years 10 in total with a 3 year break a few years ago , originally I took it for ibs which it was amazing for , I now take it for various things fibromyalgia, insomnia and mild anxiety it works pretty well not a total cure for pain but  definitely an improvement, I’ve heard of the dementia risk and there’s a risk to the heart according to the PIL , I asked my doctor about it given I’m a long term user and he said it’s usually related to the very high doses and long term use but the risk is minimal, I only take 10mg occasionally I’ve done 20mg but these are tiny doses nothing like the big doses they used to give to treat depression.
Nerve pain is treated with low doses on amitriptyline, what dose are you on ? I personally am not concerned about the risk of dementia but if you are I would speak to your gp about it .

It should definitely help with insomnia and hopefully help with sciatica, there are risks with every single drug we take but the serious risks like dementia are rare but I’m no expert I was reassured by my gp about the risks , I guess it depends how much you are suffering you have to weigh up the risk v the benefits.
This is only my personal opinion if you are really worried and it is worrying knowing a drug could potentially cause dementia I would really suggest taking to a doctor and get professional medical advice or a pharmacist they of course are extremely knowledgeable about medication.


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2024, 11:48:53 AM »

Thank you CLKD.  If you look on the Alzheimer UK website you can read what they have to say regarding the latest studies into anticholinergic drugs. There are studies on other sites also.  I tried to do some links, but for some reason they are not working.
No my sister in law wasn't taking anything which could have contributed to her dementia. 

I have done all the exercises required and still do them, but still have this issue. I came on here a couple of years ago when I was in agony and was offered some really good advice regarding next steps and I will definitely take those should I start getting bad flare ups on a regular basis
At the moment I am just trying to deal with ongoing less severe though sleep stealing symptoms I am experiencing. 
I also feel that if I could address my sleep issue alone that would help.  I have been thinking of maybe trying Mirtazapine which I took many many years ago for a brief period. 

Many thanks for your feedback :) 


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2024, 11:56:46 AM »

Thank you Asher for your reply.  I know quite a few people who seem to take this medication without issue.  I am still trying to decide what to do.
It's also an age thing, as I said I am 74, though a fairly young and active one (as most of my age group seem to be these days).  However there seems to be an issue with over 65s taking these anticholinergic drugs.
I don't mind taking a risk with a side effect, but possible dementia in the future?
Maybe I am overthinking it all, but the GP though eager to prescribe them was less than reassuring.

Many thanks :)


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2024, 12:36:46 PM »

How often does the sciatica become troublesome?   4 me it is when I fail to kneel to do stuff, i.e. putting the lead on the dog's collar B4 a walk.  I should kneel!

When gardening I have to kneel, even so the nerve/s sometimes pull.   Also check your footwear!!! 


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2024, 04:03:20 PM »

It's troublesome to a greater or lesser extent every day, but I haven't had a really bad flare up for a long time.  Same as you I have to be careful bending and need to kneel down to do stuff a lot more.  That pull is a very unpleasant sensation!
Footwear good. 


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2024, 05:45:11 PM »

R U less worried now?   How do U view Quality of Life, after all 'that bus may be along behind you' B4 dementia sets in ;-).


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Re: Amitriptyline dementia risk?
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2024, 07:19:37 PM »

I'm still worried about trying the Amitriptyline.  But I take your very good point about quality of life and that bus coming along behind.
Thank you Clkd.