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Author Topic: Exercise  (Read 1666 times)


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« on: October 22, 2024, 12:56:34 PM »

Does anyone do any exercise?

I'm scared to start exercising incase my heart explodes.
I'm 45, lots of peri symptoms but before they started I was at gym anit regularly but a couple times of month and would go swimming once a week. Since symptoms started in Dec 2023 I've not been able to do anything. Fatigue is awful, joints ache, ectopic heartbeats, lightheaded and dizziness. I think my joints are worse because of peri and also the weight I'm carrying.
I've downloaded a walking app and going to try that.
Do you ladies have any advice?


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2024, 01:47:34 PM »

Start with something gentle and increase if you feel OK. Are you on hrt to relieve your symptoms? Exercise (and life) is so much easier when you don't feel awful.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2024, 01:50:17 PM »

Chair exercises from the waist upwards.  It's what they do in care homes  ::).  Stretching upwards with arms as high as possible; hold.  Relax arms down the side of the chair.  Repeat 5 times.  Rest.

Singing?  Humming ? helps with breathing issues.  When did U last have your blood sugar, VitD and thyroid function levels tested becasue we shouldn't blame menopause on every symptom and both can be impacted by peri.

How is your diet overall?


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2024, 01:53:08 PM »

Yes been on oestrogel and utrogestan since July, been on 3pumps for about 5/6 weeks. Sweats and flushes gone but fatigue limb numbness and joint pain still the same 😪
I'm on vit d 2000iu daily as level was 27 when tested in March, b12 was just in normal range so advised against supplement.  Not had BM and blood pressure checked since I started HRT.
Diet could be better, I'm not losing weight, not gaining weight but I am overweight


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2024, 01:58:51 PM »

I think that U mentioned the weight issues on another thread  :-\ correct me if I'm wrong but I gets very confused I does  :-X

Losing weight slowly ......... Weight Watchers or Slimming World perhaps for support?  U mayB able to join on-line.

MinL managed by weighing all her foods, i.e. butter, putting what she required the next day onto a saucer.  Once the saucer was empty, that was it until the next day.  She kept the weight off.

I lack discipline, i.e. a walk would have been beneficial this morning but a cloud came over  ::) and I feel tired.  The walk would have energised me but I didn't want to get caught in the rain, however.  🌞 ☀️ now  ::) so I've been in the garden instead.



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Re: Exercise
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2024, 02:14:38 PM »

Hi, when my knees were really aching the GP suggested turmeric and it has definitely helped. In terms of exercise, I walk my dog 2x daily, 30 mins before work and for an hr after work. I try to sea swim as much as possible as this really seems to be the most beneficial for physical and mental health. Maybe start with a small amount of exercise every day e.g short walk then gradually build it up. It will probably have more of an impact if you do half an hour walk every day than something like the gym once a week. If you make it part of your daily routine it will get easier as you get used to being more active.  If you have a friend or neighbour ideally with a dog maybe join them on walks as it's a lot more enjoyable walking with company!


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2024, 02:15:55 PM »


Have you had your heart checked at all?  Just wondering why you are worried about your heart exploding?  I get lots and lots of ectopic beats too and have had loads of tests done and been told all good (they are my worst symptom as well as anxiety)!

I would definitely suggest walking.  Start off little and build up every week. I like to listen to a podcast whilst walking.  Not only is walking a good exercise, it's also so good for mental health to get out in fresh air.  Good idea to download an app!  There's also loads of women on instagram giving advice on exercises for midlife.

Also, I had really bad joint pain and fatigue which only went when I introduced Testosterone.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2024, 02:17:29 PM »

I've lost 10kg in a Yr but still have about 20kg to lose.
Ice done slimming world previously snd I know it works for me but I find my wil power is helped when I'm exercising.
I do 20,000 steps on a work day but today ice only done 2000 so far, I'm dog sitting so heading out for a walk.
I will never be a jogger or runner and don't really fancy weights at the gym.
My knees are really struggling lately.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2024, 02:20:27 PM »

K45, I live 4min walk fro the sea and used to go in once a week but the group of friends I went with don't do it anymore and would not do it alone.
Joann, I've had a 24hr heart monitor which showed ectopic heartbeats but not that need treated. I've also had a couple of ecg which haven't shown anything worrying either.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2024, 03:49:25 PM »

Very sensible - I don't sea swim alone once autumn arrives either. Where we live there are 2 sea swimming groups - I'm not sure if that's something you might have in your area.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2024, 04:15:34 PM »

With anything new starting slowly is important.  Cold water shock is common ........... wading into cold water has never appealed to me though I've swum near Houghton Mill as a child and Brandon Creek where the bottom is sandy and water clear.  I would never 'do' water where I couldn't see the bottom!

A gentle walk in the sunshine is lovely: stopping to listen to any wild life or enjoy gardens around the area.  There isn't any rush is there JS79?


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2024, 04:22:01 PM »

There are groups that go in the sea but I don't know anyone involved in them.
I don't mind a gentle stroll when it's daylight, dry and school time lol.
I think main issue this week is my period is due next week and I get really sad when I see myself in the mirror at this time of month, always have. I would never go clothes shopping even in my 20s the week before my period as everything looked frumpy.
I'm 5'8 18 bottom and 16 top but I used to be a 14 before I stopped smoking 10yrs ago and have never manged to lose the weight and shape I put on.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2024, 04:57:44 PM »

Many years ago I wore an outfit that I really loved: until my sister told me that I 'looked like a frump'  >:(  :'(

DH hadn't said anything  :-\

I'm a fair weather walker too - shall we meet up on a beach somewhere ? ;-). 

Do U weigh yourself or is it a 'look'?  When my apron dropped years ago I can look down and see a bump, laying down in the bath however my belly is flat  ::) - Middle Aged Spread they called it.  Due to oestrogen levels dropping. 

You've reminded me to about a bright yellow dress that I could wear when I felt confident.  Otherwise it stayed in the back of the cupboard.  MayB that was at 'certain times of the month', I can't remember that far back.  It clung a bit ........


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2024, 10:30:16 PM »

If your knees are bad, what about seeing if there are any swimming pool exercise classes, or as clkd as mentioned, do some sitting down for upper body, or laying down exercises.


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Re: Exercise
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2024, 05:49:39 AM »

I found gentle yoga or just basic stretching really helped with the achy joints, and it wasn’t too intense. The key was listening to my body and not pushing too hard
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