One of the many tests I've had getting to my perimenopause diagnosis was vitamin blood tests. My b12 came back about 250, which for UK is considered normal range but low normal, no treatment suggested.
My vit d came back at 27 and was advised by GP to start 1000iu daily, but then I was told later by my acupuncturist that I could be taking more so I increased to 2000iu.
I ran out of tablets 2wks ago and bought the better you spray but never got round to reading instructions as tiny writing. For about 10days I've felt rubbish, this did coincide with my period so put it down to that but that stopped last Sunday. Since Wed night I've basically been in my bed with a flare up of the symptoms including extreme fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, numbness in limbs and some other wonderful things.
I've started vit d again on Thursday so hoping to see an improvement soon. I have telephone consult on Monday so will ask GP for repeat of blood test.