Evening, I started with symptoms in 2021 which went away after about 6months apart from fatigue, eye deterioration and joint issues. In Dec 2023 all my symptoms plus more came back and have never left. Felt like weekly visits/calls to GP and tested for MS, vit deficiency etc. I do have a vit d insufficiency and b12 is just in the British normal range. After reading my symptom diary it became apparent my symptoms grt worse around the time of my period, which had also changed to lighter and shorter although still 28day cycle.
Been on HRT since July and some things have improved, my cold/hot flushes are gone as well as the nights sweats. However my joint issues seem to get worse. Pain in almost all my joints but worse in shoulders, hips and knees.
I still have fatigue, lightheadness(like I'm drunk), brain fog and especially very emotional and teary.
Should I speak to GP? I had a fight to get HRT and don't want to lose it as I do believe it's working but think there may be something else going on.