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Author Topic: Newbie question  (Read 1770 times)


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Newbie question
« on: September 29, 2024, 06:42:37 PM »


Newbie here - sorry if this is in the wrong section- trying to find my way around!

I'm 43, been perimenopausal for 3 years. Been on Evorel Sequi patches for 10 months (1.5 patch).

It's really helped with my hot flushes and sore breasts, and helped a little with my sleep struggles... but my weight gain and fatigue seem to be getting worse, as is my virtually non existent libido. Also over the last 3 months Ive been getting periods every 2 weeks and in the run up to those periods quite a few days of period pain type grumbling to the point I'm convinced I'm about to start, so I wear a pad  ::)

I guess my question is - is this normal?  The GP said it was possible for it to cause heavier and irregular periods but usually more likely in the first 3- 6 months of using them.

I can see from searching the threads that some of you have experienced similar. My GP is suggesting a possible switch to a coil.

Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated as I don't want to come off something that has more or less sorted my hot flushes but the periods are getting a bit difficult especially as I work shifts too!

Many thanks!


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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2024, 08:54:56 AM »

Hormones  ::)


As hormone levels rise and fall they may over-ride replacement regimes.  U R getting the usual signs of a bleed approaching ...... my periods : without HRT : waxed and waned for years  ::).  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.

Many find the mirena coil helps.  Hopefully some1 will be along, if not put 'mirena coil' into the search box.  Make notes ;-)


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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2024, 12:07:29 PM »

Thank you  :)


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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2024, 12:39:14 PM »

The IUS is in addition to estrogen, you wouldn't need to come off it. You can just switch to an estrogen only patch instead of sequi.

It serves as the progestogen component and can help reduce or even stop bleeding altogether.

A better option for perimenopause in my opinion is the combined pill if you can take it. This can stop periods altogether if taken continuously and also prevents all the hormonal ups and downs.

None of these will help your libido however, this is generally androgen driven.


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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2024, 12:41:14 PM »

A mirena will most likely sort if out but if you're getting two periods in a month presumably you're getting one of your own and one from the hrt cycle? In which case you could try adjusting the hrt cycle so it's in sync with your own. Are you using 1.5 of the conti patches as well as the evorel ones? (Just checking you have sufficient progesterone).


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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2024, 07:09:00 PM »

Thanks for the replies.
Yes, using 1.5 of both patches.
Oddly enough, this month, I have only had 1 period. So it is a bit hit and miss after having 2 periods a month for a while!
It's not a bad idea trying to switch them around to try and match the cycle though... especially as there is a longer wait than I had anticipated to get the coil... So I've had to get another batch of patches  :)