After a few weeks of feeling exceptionally tired my GP sent me for a series of blood tests. Blood pressure, cholesterol and fasting blood sugar are all up along with a raised GTT liver enzyme. A1c shows OK. It's just fasting sugar levels. I have a doctors appointment in a couple of days. Meanwhile I'm looking at the only 2 medications I take Kliovance HRT and Lanszoprazole 30mg for long term GERD. I know both of these can impact the liver. Alcohol use is once a week at weekends and a few glasses with a meal. Incredibly I'd been working hard on cutting saturated fat and lost half a stone.
I'm wondering now my cholesterol and blood pressure are up would it be better to come off the HRT despite the fact it's a low dose? If I come off it at 62 after 8 years of use would I lose protection for my bones or is that no longer offered by HRT at this age? I feel I could now get past any period of sweats while I adjusted and am really on the HRT for bone health, skin and hoping it's improving energy levels. I don't want to be taking it though if those benefits are no longer valid at this age and outweighed by risks instead. I use estriol Cream for vaginal health and would continue to do so.