Yes. Yes. Yes.

Peri-menopause are the years leading up to the final bleed = menopause. We are advised to count 12-14 months after then to ensure that we are actually 'there', a show/bleed means that we have to count from month 1. Again.
Your symptoms from where I'm sitting are peri-menopausal. Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.
What has your GP given for the anemia over the years?
In peri some find that they become sensitive to foods and alcohol. In recent years I've had to drop as many processed foods from my diet after being fine with croissants, cakes etc. I began to feel quite ill. For many years I began to get slow transit which can be problematic

. We have to work round the needs of my bowels.
Hot flushes can present in many different ways, including how you felt - sweating and dizzy feelings. As hormones rise and fall we may feel all kinds of different and surprising symptoms

. Also periods can wax and wane = dizziness.
As we age tests and scans are offered routinely, including the bowel screening one which is quite easy with clear instructions. Hormone upheaval can, I believe, interfere with how fibroids may react

. I'm sure that some1 will be along with more advice.
What colour was your poop previously? Mine does vary especially when I've eaten beetroot

but as it's a human composting system, I expect it to look brown-ish.
Browse round. Make notes.