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Author Topic: Newbie, symptoms help.  (Read 2294 times)


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Newbie, symptoms help.
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:46:31 PM »

Hello all,
            This year my hormones been up and down. I have heavy periods for a few years now, but didn’t go to the doctors about it. Only earlier this year, suddenly one night I was sweating, accompanied by dizziness. I decided to book to see my GP.  Told me I’m anemic and I have fibroids. I hate going for tests and scans! Anyway I  think it is the blood loss over the years and haven’t had a proper checkup because of COVID. My RBC is normal now, but still feel tired. Also my GP told me I’m Perimenopause, but still have periods.  OK, Just want to know if people share the same symptoms.
Do you experience fatigue and lack concentration? I have Tinnitus in one ear, it come and goes. Sometimes bloating. Also notice I go to the toilet quicker than before. Empty my bowels every morning now, my poop is like a tan colour. I'm 53, look young, but inside feels old.



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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2024, 10:10:41 PM »

Yes. Yes.  Yes.   :welcomemm:

Peri-menopause are the years leading up to the final bleed = menopause.  We are advised to count 12-14 months after then to ensure that we are actually 'there', a show/bleed means that we have to count from month 1.  Again. 

Your symptoms from where I'm sitting are peri-menopausal.  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress. 

What has your GP given for the anemia over the years? 

In peri some find that they become sensitive to foods and alcohol.  In recent years I've had to drop as many processed foods from my diet after being fine with croissants, cakes etc. I began to feel quite ill.  For many years I began to get slow transit which can be problematic  ::).  We have to work round the needs of my bowels.

Hot flushes can present in many different ways, including how you felt - sweating and dizzy feelings.  As hormones rise and fall we may feel all kinds of different and surprising symptoms  ::).  Also periods can wax and wane = dizziness. 

As we age tests and scans are offered routinely, including the bowel screening one which is quite easy with clear instructions.  Hormone upheaval can, I believe, interfere with how fibroids may react  >:(  ::).  I'm sure that some1 will be along with more advice.

What colour was your poop previously?  Mine does vary especially when I've eaten beetroot  :o  ::) but as it's a human composting system, I expect it to look brown-ish. 

Browse round.  Make notes.


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2024, 11:38:21 PM »

My periods have been heavy for the last few years. Before that it was regular and no clots. Also I didn't have to change a lot.
I am still getting light brown stool, soft.  Not hard sausage type. Last time had some orange,yellow bits when I wipe. Sometimes feel bloated if certain food don't agree with me. And feel heavy.  My bowel movement is much quicker in the mornings now, since I have changed my diet. Avoid processed food, meat and sugary food. Also started eating food that reduce Oestrogen Dominance. Helped a little.  Maybe it takes time.  Previous years, I have been eating a lot of chocolates, carbs. Not enough fibre rich food, so I keep getting constipation and indigestion.  Poo usually dark brown, sometimes soft or hard. I took Ferrous fumarate for a few months, because my RBC was so low. GP told me it was about 65, normal range over 110.  Now I'm over 130. Still feel tired. Lack concentration and difficult sleeping. Anyway, tried Tranexamic acid this month, just in case my periods all over the place. Last month had no sleep for nearly two days. Days of bleeding, heavy light, spotting. I have kept a diary now. And added the food I eat.  Also started taking probiotics and eye health.



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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2024, 10:13:45 AM »

HI! my periods were heavy, clotty, excruciatingly painful ...... after the end of it I would have 2 clean days then 24 hours of brown discharge = old blood.  Hormones weren't enough to clean the womb but as it was 'normal' for me I never worried.

Personally I would cut out the 'oestrogen dominance' foods what ever they might be.  Sometimes we try too much which affects the bowels.  My dog would do a soft dark brown poo first thing, the next couple would be loose and light yellow  ::) as the lower bowel emptied.  Then she would pass harder brown stools in the day.

I rarely feel empty so have to tick the calendar to remind me that I"ve been! 

Tranexamic acid is usually to ease very bloody periods, did it help at all?

As we go into peri periods can wax and wane, become lighter or heavier as hormones rise and fall. 

LIVE Greek yoghurt is good - natural yoghurts don't always have live bacteria in.  I use eye drops as mine itch although my eyes are claggy the next morning  ::).  It's The Change ...........  >:(  ::)


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2024, 10:51:04 PM »

Thanks for the advice and suggestion.
Tranexamic acid have lessened my periods. Instead of going to the toilet nearly every 1-2hours for the heaviest days, I can be more relax and change 3-4 hours.  They don’t fill the whole pads, so I’m not completely soaked.  Slight watery and dark red colour.   No thick, heavy clots, sometimes scares me!
Even though I have no periods at night, but I still get up around 4-5am. Sometimes find it difficult to go back to bed. I have tried going to bed early, but keep turning and tossing in bed. Last time I only had 4 hours sleep!
Do you have a brand of yoghurt I could try? What about probiotics in food or supplements?
Thanks ;)


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2024, 07:49:32 AM »

One shouldn't require 'supplements'.  I use LIVE greek yoghurt ......... it is written in 'red' on the container.  I also eat 'Waitrose' yoghurts with 'live' cultures that also have hazel  nuts in. 


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2024, 05:40:09 PM »

 Thanks for the reply. I have to be careful how much dairy I eat. I have arthritis and my joint have been playing me up this week. Sometimes it is in remission. Gee, I hate it when everything comes together. This year is not my best year.
Chat soon.


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2024, 07:45:02 PM »

Changeable weather can interfer with joint pains.  My Grandad could 4cast rain with his knees, 2-3 days B4 it arrived!

Why does dairy affect you, in what way?   Many young girls are deficient these days due to cutting out dairy products  :-\ = knock on effects as they reach their 30s.


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Re: Newbie, symptoms help.
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2024, 07:48:21 PM »

   My gut is a bit funny, sometimes having dairy make me bloat and go to the toilet. Other days is ok. BTW, I am only allowed to use Tranexamic acid for five days. Have to wait another month to use it again.   Can I take fish, cod liver oil, will this increase bleeding and I think it helps inflammation? 
Most people post about Peri and heavy periods. I wonder how long will I last when menopause finally comes. Have to top up my sanitary towels all the time!
Chat soon.