Hi everyone,
Newbie here. For context I'm nearly 46 and about 4-5 years ago I started to her mid cycle spotting. So I saw a gynaecologist and had an internal scan and hysteroscopy and nothing sinister was found. I have a larger than average
Womb but apparently nothing to worry about (I am tall).
Since then, over the last two years my periods have been pretty irregular - sometimes 21 days, some 35, 28 etc. But in August and September last year I had two cycles consecutively, one 35 days and one 42 days. Then during October and November I had bleeding on and off - sometimes like a light period for 7 days, then some spotting, then a break etc. January and Xmas things eased off and I had another 42 day cycle into February. But in April and may things have got chaotic. I’ve had spotting, what I thought was a period and now am definitely on a period ans I’m on day 13! It’s horrible. Every time I think it’s slowing down it returns!
I’ve seen dr and he said a good idea to go back to my gynaecologist so I am in the process of sorting this. But has anyone else had this? Everything is going through my mind at the moment.
Thanks in advance for your replies xxx