My poision feelings this flu running in my blood. So not sure if that's the same?
Anyway. I've been ill for a very long time with this. I chalked it all up to hormones as changing hormones definitely made things worse. However, whilst I believe hormones are a contributor, I'm now going down a different route.
I saw the Neurologist. He has diagnosed me with PPPD - which is a constant dizziness with no known physical reason. It is a Functional Neurological Disorder. On top of that he says I have very many functional sensory sensitivities - like I get severe stomach pain on/off (no physical cause), strange tinglings, sore hair ...my list goes on. My bucket is so full, with the volume dial turned right up - so I feel sensations others don't. This is why I feel sick and poisoned all the time he says.
Anxiety now becomes a huge part of it and fuels the pppd. I acknowledge I now have a problem with anxiety.
His website is very good. I'll post it at the bottom.
So, I'm going with this now. Had my issues been hormonal, I suspect they would've changed over the years.
Solutions? Not many.
Ssri. I'm upping mine as I was on very low dose and it was doing nothing. But it's hell. Another symptom is medicine sensitivity. I'm really really struggling to get on it.
Psychotherapy to help retain your brain to dial down the sensations. I'm awaiting that.
So, that's my outcome. I don't know if you all have the same, or not. But it's worth looking at and mentioning pppd when you are seen. The website explains what it is. X