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Author Topic: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery  (Read 4205 times)


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2025, 09:40:19 PM »

I'm seeing neurologist shortly - I'll let you know the outcome.


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2025, 09:45:41 PM »

That would be great to know what your neurologist says crispy , I too will update when I get my appointment god knows how long I will wait for it though.

Good luck hope all goes with your appointment and you get some answers x


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2025, 02:09:00 AM »


Oh I’m so sorry to hear you had relief only to have it return.  That is so disheartening. 

You’re the first person I’ve talked to that has said they’ve had the earlobe and tingling as well.  I’ve been told that I could have some occipital neuralgia going on, which I’m inclined to believe it is.  I’ve also wondered if some of it is from the beta blocker, Metoprolol that I take.  What do you  take for your bp?
I also am a migraine sufferer, although I haven’t had as many surprisingly since all this stuff started.  I’m in the US and I have t heard of sturgeon?  Is it like an aspirin?  Also, does your head pressure make you feel off balance?  Please let me know what you find out from your scan and neurologist.  I hope all goes well❤️


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2025, 10:50:29 AM »


I’ve recently just read about occipital neuralgia and thinking this maybe a possibility for my ongoing symptoms too I’m going to put forward a few suggestions to my doctor.
I used to take propranolol for bp and anxiety which it worked for both but during that time my head pressure and associated symptoms didn’t improve in fact I think I felt even more unbalanced, I moved to losartan which you may know as coozar in the US , I’m now on amlodipine which they said would actually help with the strange migraine but they said that about beta blockers, I’m only 6 days on amlodipine so will see if I get any improvement.
They also tried me on sumatriptan which was awful, I will never take that again.
Sturgeon is actually an anti sickness drug used for travel sickness but it also works for dizziness, you can also buy it over the counter in the uk but can only use it for 4 weeks at a time then need to have a break , maybe if you have a similar drug in the USA you could try it but speak to your doctor or pharmacist first to make sure it doesn’t interact with your bp med , I’ve looked at online forums about these symptoms and some say anti histamine’s work something I’m going to try because I’m getting desperate.
Reddit is a good forum to look at many posts about these issues on there .
Also I was on daily aspirin just 75mg and the dispersible type prescribed by my doctor it worked a bit for the pressure but couldn’t take it long term due to it potentially causing stomach issues so they didn’t want me on long .
I will keep you updated and I really hope you find some answers and relief, let me know how you get on .
Take care and wishing you good health ♥️ x
Ps forgot to say yes the pressure makes me feel very unbalanced hard to describe like I’m drunk I feel like I’m swaying or walking on a boat that’s rocking very unpleasant and makes me feel unsafe to go out alone ☹️ .


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2025, 11:02:40 AM »

Ps cltk1972

I just did a quick google and you can buy stugeron in the USA from pharmacies it is a type of antihistamine so don’t mix it with any other antihistamine it’s also known by the generic of cinnarizine it treats motion sickness and vertigo, might be worth a try but ask about taking it with your other meds before trying.

Wishing you luck x


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2025, 07:29:49 PM »

Hi CrispyChick!

I noticed you mentioned a poisoned feeling.  That’s exactly how I describe the sensations I get I’m on the inside of my body.   It’s like a rug burn, electrical shock feeling all over.  Is this what you are experiencing as well?  And the head thing is so bad.  It’s really bad today.  So off balance.  Feels like this is never going to end.😩


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2025, 04:09:43 PM »


My poision feelings this flu running in my blood. So not sure if that's the same?

Anyway. I've been ill for a very long time with this. I chalked it all up to hormones as changing hormones definitely made things worse. However, whilst I believe hormones are a contributor, I'm now going down a different route.

I saw the Neurologist. He has diagnosed me with PPPD - which is a constant dizziness with no known physical reason. It is a Functional Neurological Disorder. On top of that he says I have very many functional sensory sensitivities - like I get severe stomach pain on/off (no physical cause), strange tinglings, sore hair list goes on. My bucket is so full, with the volume dial turned right up - so I feel sensations others don't. This is why I feel sick and poisoned all the time he says.

Anxiety now becomes a huge part of it and fuels the pppd. I acknowledge I now have a problem with anxiety.

His website is very good. I'll post it at the bottom.

So, I'm going with this now. Had my issues been hormonal, I suspect they would've changed over the years.

Solutions? Not many.

Ssri. I'm upping mine as I was on very low dose and it was doing nothing. But it's hell. Another symptom is medicine sensitivity. I'm really really struggling to get on it.

Psychotherapy to help retain your brain to dial down the sensations. I'm awaiting that.

So, that's my outcome. I don't know if you all have the same, or not. But it's worth looking at and mentioning pppd when you are seen. The website explains what it is. X


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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2025, 08:48:04 AM »

Hello CrispyChick

I just wanted to thank you for updating the forum.

Hopefully now you have a diagnosis you can concentrate on finding the right solutions and strategies.

Wishing you well and take care.




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Re: Head pressure, lightheaded, jittery
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2025, 10:36:33 AM »

Thank you for your kind words Kathleen. X

I hope indeed I can move forward and heal a bit. The last 12 months have been absolute hell as I've changed one hormonal thing after another. Still in hell with the AD start up.

It all shows how utterly sensitive my system is. I've created some of this mess with my hormonal tampering.

But yes, it was nice to finally feel heard. X
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