General Discussion > New Members

New member with a lot of questions.

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Just a thought, but what does the menopause clinic do that a GP cannot do? Do they offer HRT and do breast screening, more regular blood tests etc?

DH = Dear Husband

Glad that you have a diabetic nurse.  She may have some knowledge of menopause, might be worth asking her.

A Menopause Clinic will have up2date information about the types of HRT in which they try to get the lady the best regime possible as well as time to discuss.    They are unlikely to suggest that a woman is 'too young' to have symptoms!!

UK GPs do not have training in peri-menopause.  They may know a little about HRT but don't always get the correct delivery method, they seem to grab at specific treatments which if they don't work, they alter to something else.  Due to GPs not having much time for discussion these days, patients often feel rushed. 

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful to discuss with the Nurse Practitioner or GP - some Surgeries do have GPs with an interest in womens' health, that doesn't always reach to menopause.

Menopause is natural.  Symptoms however can be overwhelming which is where H replacement T can be useful.  It can be a bit Trial and Error.


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