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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 78 out now. (Winter issue, September 2024)


Author Topic: From vaginal laser treatment to spa breaks – it’s the great menopause gold rush  (Read 6743 times)


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Article in The Guardian:
"Women have never had more products and services designed to help with the menopause. But does the new-found choice improve lives or is it just companies in search of the next profit?"
See it here


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It's a highly emotive subject judging by the women judging and sniping at each other in the comments section, which is a shame  :(

Some of the hype has calmed down now but there was a point in the media last year where you couldn't go a day without seeing some kind of article promoting menopause products and some celebrity saying hrt had given them their life back.

(All hrt did for me was make my hair fall out and contribute to anaemia. Oh yes and a breakdown due to the emotional instability. Yeah, really got my life back, not)

It's good that we have more information now but there's also a great deal of hyping of products. The ex-wife of a certain 90's rock star and her overpriced wares spring to mind.