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Author Topic: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?  (Read 3499 times)


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Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« on: October 12, 2021, 01:19:22 PM »

Hi lovely ladies. 

Just wanted to ask your opinions as my Health anxiety is out of control at the moment and I can't rationalise anything  ???

When I ended up in A & E the other week with high blood pressure and extreme pressure in my head/ears, they did a CT scan.  The DR said it was all normal and no sign of anything, even sinusitis.   I've now convinced myself that they've missed something as the head and ear pressure isn't letting up.  I've been back to the DR and there is no sign of infection except a slight bulging in one ear drum.  He's referred me to an ENT consultant.   But in the meantime I've now spiralled into the abyss of they just pretended to do the scan, or they missed something.  I woke again last night with pins and needles in my head and face  :-\. And still tingly around my face and mouth today. 

My DR did all the neurological exams (balance, strength etc) and all normal.

My CBT session can't come soon enough!  How likely is it that a CT scan would miss a brain tumour?

Please talk some reason into me  :o.   I'm sorry to keep posting questions. I have no where else to turn.  I think even my DR is fed up with me.


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2021, 03:31:10 PM »

 :kick:   what's the worst that could happen?

Have your symptoms worsened in the last 24 hours?

U managed to have a good check up in these days of ZOOM appts. - were U supported during the investigations?

........ and breath.  As oestrogen levels drop off, muscles may become lax which includes those in the head, neck regions: as well as Eustachion Tubes getting narrower.  Now go look up that Very Long Word ..........  :D I may even had spelt it proper! 

Health Anxiety increases with peri menopause, I think we become aware of symptoms as well as tiring more easily.  The brain then gets going  >:(



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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2021, 06:25:07 PM »

I have had a couple of CT scans and the reports from them have been extremely detailed. They have focused on the areas requested, but have also highlighted other stuff too.


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2021, 06:59:03 PM »

Sounds awful for you Joannfran, l’m so sorry you’re going through this, but to me it sounds like extreme anxiety. I really don’t think the scans will have missed anything. Our minds are very powerful; l diagnose myself with many and varied life-threatening illness regularly and the symptoms are very real. But l’m still alive and kicking. Hope you get peace of mind soon.


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2024, 10:09:27 AM »


I was wondering if you’re still experiencing the same symptoms?  I am experiencing the same ones you’ve described.  I also get this pressure in the back of my head, right ear feels blocked and like it wants to pull me to the right when I’m upright.  I also get the pins and needles in back of head and around the mouth.  Even my neck feels strange.  This is so scary! 


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2024, 11:27:24 AM »

Morning cltk1972 - r your symptoms continual or when you move? 


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2024, 11:48:15 AM »

JoannFran, I am/was suffering from similar symptoms. My pins, needles and numbness in face and body are likely caused by my low b12 which I now take supplements for.
I was having extreme pressure and dizziness symptoms a few weeks ago and GP said I had bulging eustachian tube so I was given a nasal spray, which has cleared up 90% of symptoms.
It's hard because we feel we are ill and that medical people are missing something. Only advice I can give is to keep going back with a detailed symptom diary. Take care


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2025, 06:31:03 PM »

Hi cltk1972

Sorry, I've only just seen your message.  I hope you're ok!  Yes I still get these symptoms from time to time.  I'm not fixated on them anymore though and have accepted that they are hormonal.  That CT scan was 3 years ago and I'm still here  ::)

They definitely got much worse when I was obsessing that something was seriously wrong.  Funnily enough I had some head and ear pressure today.  And I also sometimes feel like my face is being dragged down (very weird).  I am getting better at ignoring all these weird things now.

If you're worried, pls get it checked out, but try not to stress out or focus on it too much because it will definitely make it worse.  Hope that helps? x


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2025, 04:10:29 PM »


I’m so sorry.  I’m just seeing your reply back.  I’m honestly not sure if I’m even replying back to you correctly; need to learn how to use the site😊

I’m still having the burning earlobes, tingling behind them in head and pressure back of head.  I’m so off balance too.  It’s also so hard to lay down as it creates pressure on sides of head and hurts my ears more when laying on them.  I’ve had Ct scans and MRI’s, but I feel like they’re missing something.

I also having burning throughout body and stabbing pains too. I feel like each day I just exist; no quality of life.

I’ve spoken to women in another menopause group I’m in and they said they’ve experienced the burning and stabbing pains, but I really haven’t meant anyone with the head/ear issues.
Was your experience at all like this?

I also have Hashimotos so I’m not sure if it’s a factor in this too, or just the low estrogen. 

Look forward to hearing from you😊


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2025, 07:41:39 PM »

Hi cltk1972

so sorry you're having these issues.  Honestly at one point I was totally obsessed with my head, ear, eye, neck symptoms.  I even kept getting a vein protruding on the left hand side where the pressure was.  I also had CT scan, MRI (2), eye tests and nothing was found.  I genuinely believe that my anxiety was making it worse as I really try not to focus on it too much now and it hardly bothers me (I have however moved on to other things to hyperfixate on  ::)

I am just looking into mind body symptoms.  There's lots of videos on youtube.  Have a look at Pain Free You.  I believe that I get a symptom and fixate on it and make it 10 times worse!  It doesn't mean that the symptom isn't real but it's amazing the power of the brain to make it worse when we have fear of it.  At one point when I was really bad with my head/ear I was waking up in the night with the left side of my head, face and ear numb but also tingling.  It was scary.  This doesn't happen anymore either.   

I think if you've had CT and MRIs then the chance that they've missed something is very very unlikely.  These can all be symptoms of hormones but also anxiety. 

I hope this helps xxxx


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Re: Health Anxiety - would you be worried about this?
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2025, 10:10:10 AM »

Sounds like you've got a lot of fluid in there if your ear drum is bulging. Anxiety will not help. Have you tried steaming your head with a bowl and hot water to relieve some of the fluid and maybe take a nasal spray and antihistamines. This could have been viral intially and left you with all this fluid that can take weeks to shift. It woild accound for the weird head feelings too and imbalance.