Hi lovely ladies.
Just wanted to ask your opinions as my Health anxiety is out of control at the moment and I can't rationalise anything

When I ended up in A & E the other week with high blood pressure and extreme pressure in my head/ears, they did a CT scan. The DR said it was all normal and no sign of anything, even sinusitis. I've now convinced myself that they've missed something as the head and ear pressure isn't letting up. I've been back to the DR and there is no sign of infection except a slight bulging in one ear drum. He's referred me to an ENT consultant. But in the meantime I've now spiralled into the abyss of they just pretended to do the scan, or they missed something. I woke again last night with pins and needles in my head and face

. And still tingly around my face and mouth today.
My DR did all the neurological exams (balance, strength etc) and all normal.
My CBT session can't come soon enough! How likely is it that a CT scan would miss a brain tumour?
Please talk some reason into me

. I'm sorry to keep posting questions. I have no where else to turn. I think even my DR is fed up with me.