Hi Ladies
Tanny said:
Not sure if anyone else is noticing that the symptoms come and go, mine seem to have a subsided for a few months and I thought I was ticking along ok, then suddenly wham, its like they all come back together, suppose the hormones dip in and out.
Absolutely Tanny, this happens to me, it makes gauging the success of anything you take for the relief of symptoms very difficult, as you do not know if it is a natural easing in the symptoms for a while, of if the easing is a direct result of something you are taking.
I too seem to have had an exacerbation of my symptoms this past week, I am directly linking this with stress. I know that certainly for me stress can really aggravate my menopausal symptoms, not surprising really as the brain triggers the release of hormones in response to "Fight or Flight".
I have also seen a recurrence of my reflux problems with the pain in my throat returning too and this happens every single time I get stressed with and exacerbation of other menopausal symptoms.
I too have cut right down on coffee, mainly I only have one cup in the morning and woe betide anyone that interferes with my coffee time
I like to take my time and enjoy it. Sometimes if I am out at the shops I have a skinny latte', usually on a Saturday, which I look forward to. I do not drink tea, as tea has a lot of caffeine in it too. I am lucky because I do not drink alcohol or smoke, so these are two less things I don't have to worry about cutting down or stopping. Although the other week I did have a brandy on the advise of someone on here and it knocked me sideways
very quickly, LOL. I am allergic to chocolate and I actually resent this as I love chocolate, but I do sneak a bit here and there, as long as it is not too often and in strict moderation I usually get away with it. I find that chocolate gives me severe palpitations and migraines, so really do have to watch it.
I was taking 2000mg of starflower oil in the morning and I cut it down to 1000mg in the morning and 1000mg in the evening and I am wondering if this has caused the increase in flushes, so today I am reverting to 2000mg in one hit to see if this settles them back down again, but as you say Tanny, I have a feeling it is stress causing this.
Know exactly what you mean by one thing after another, it seems to have been this way for me for around a year now, I hope you manage to get some relief from this, it is not a very nice place to be.
Still at least we have each other on here
Lots of Love Pops xxx