Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES

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Dr. Heather Currie:
Hot flushes
The hot flush, or flash, is well known as the classic menopausal symptom and affects 60–85% of menopausal women. Hot flushes and sweats are called vasomotor symptoms and vary immensely in both their severity and duration; for many women, they occur occasionally and do not cause much distress, but for about 20% they can be severe and can cause significant interference with work, sleep and quality of life. Women are affected by vasomotor symptoms on average for about 2 years but, for about 10%, symptoms can continue for more than 15 years.
Hot flushes usually last 3–5 minutes and are thought to be caused by a change in the temperature-controlling part of the brain.Normally, there is a daily pattern of rises and falls in your body temperature, being lowest at about 3am and highest in the early evening. These small changes are not normally noticed, but a menopausal woman may flush with every temperature rise, whether these are normal changes or not – for example, moving between areas of different temperature or having a hot drink – because of a change in the setting of the temperature control centre in your brain; your body thinks that it is overheating even when it isn't. To try to cool your body down, a variety of chemical reactions cause the blood vessels in the skin to open up, giving the sensation of a rush of heat, and sweat glands release sweat to dissipate heat.
It is believed that the changes in various hormone levels that occur around the time of the menopause, lead to the change in the setting of the temperature control centre, but the exact underlying mechanism is still unclear.
Other factors that can also cause flushes include being overweight, alcohol, excess caffeine, spicy foods, monosodium glutamate and some medications. Eating a healthy diet and losing weight if necessary can be helpful. Other simple measures that can help include:
•           wearing cotton clothing rather than man-made fibres
•           wearing loose thin layers of clothing rather than thick tight-fitting clothes
•           keeping your bedroom temperature fairly cool at night – either leave a door or window open or consider a fan (partner permitting of course!).
Flushes affect every woman differently and, for many, no specific treatments will be required. When flushes are embarrassing, disruptive and affecting your quality of life, then help is available and your doctor will give you an individualised treatment plan – we are all unique!
Headaches, palpitations (sensation of heart racing) and dizziness can be associated with vasomotor symptoms. Excess caffeine can worsen palpitations, so take coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks in moderation.
Tell us what works for you.

 :) :)

After 18 months of hot flushes which were becoming unbearable,I tried HRT this turned me into a depressed gibbering wreck - I tried 2 different sorts and never want to feel like that again, In fact I was prescribed anti-depressants to get me back to 'normal' (whatever that is in the menopause!!!)  That sorted the misery, but still several hot flushes a day and about 5 or 6 night sweats which  woke me up every night I was beginning to feel at my wits end!!!   I must admit I would try anything which will

It would not matter how ridiculous it is, I am there, headstands in the local park/ice cold showers/ tap dancing naked in the high street - I'd try it just to feel better!!
 HOWEVER!!! a friend of mine recommended high strength (1000mg) starflower oil capsules   ;D ;D ;D  IT HAS WORKED!!! I AM SO HAPPY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!  Down to about 1 flush a day and that is only if I am flustered!!  Now sleeping almost through the night!!   
I know each of us are different, and it may not work for everyone, but after about 10 days I really noticed the difference and a month later all is still well!
l would also like to say that reading this forum has helped me enormously, and thank you to all you lovely ladies who have made me realise I am not alone... It has been a real turning point. Thanks once again xx

Hot flushes/sweats have totally taken over my life 'at least thats what it feels like' i get no sleep, cannot sit in company without getting up every 30-40mins, and i am only just coping with my job, i suffer from Arthritis, so having to get somewhere cold to cool down, is making this worse, and i now have joint pain everywhere, taking 6 anti-inflammatory tabs a day, but only getting slight relief, had the sweats now for nearly 5yrs, so i hope, i am not one of the unlucky one's, to get them for 15yrs :'( :'(

Star i will try oil capsules, i have tried everything else, without success, but willing to give everything a go..and may i add, i really feel for any other member suffering these, plus panic attacks, depression etc: my hearts goes out to you :-* Glad the forum is back so we can express our selves again, and know we are not alone....x

I find HRT wonderful and am lucky I can take it.  I reduced the dose last year but had to go back to the 2 mg dose as hot flushes and nightsweats came back with a vengance.  I only have two coffees a day now in the morning and then no more caffeine for the rest of the day.  I find that if I have caffeine after midday I have very disturbed sleep and can wake up with palpitations.  I have cut down on red wine (my favourite tipple).  I find that I can drink either one or two glasses for roughly 18 days of my cycle.  But when I start on the combined bit of the HRT red wine really effects me.  I have disturbed sleep with nightsweats and palpitations.  I also find that a calcium/magnesium supplement taken in the evening with a banana also helps me sleep better. 

I've just found this site and the forum - thank goodness. I believe I've just started the menopause as I've experienced the night sweats for the last 10 days with just one or two days of daytime hot flushes. Waking four or five times a night is not doing me any good at all - I look as if I haven't slept for months. My husband won't sleep with the window open - "its winter for goodness sake, who has the window open in the middle of winter? Are you mad?" Tonight I'm sleeping in the spare room with the window WIDE open...
I saw the post re Starflower Oil and will definitely try it. I've always thought I would try to get thru the menopause as naturally as possible without resorting to pills, etc but after the last 10 days, I shall be going to the doctor tomorrow to see what options there are. The very thought that this could last for 2, 5 or 15 years is too hard to believe. And my husband agrees!


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