General Discussion > Birthdays and Events
New Events page
If you look at the links at the top of the page, you'll see a new link for Events.
These events won't be appearing in this calendar (not just yet anyway).
There are a series of events for the Women's Wellbeing roadshow which travels around the UK. You can join their mailing list to be kept informed when they're in your area.
How do i add my birthday to the calender please?
thanks Joyce x :)
hi joyce
there's been a post about this before. if i remember correctly, it's done automatically from the details input in your profile. mine's on there and i never added it myself but i have filled in my date of birth on my proflie.
i think this correct. if not apologies (its my meno brain) ;)
You're right Karene as I've just done mine on my profile and then noticed it was automatically added to the calendar.
Suzi Q:
Is there anyway we can display a persons birthday like a reminder
I felt awful not knowing it was ladies birthdays and missed them
I think this would be a good thing to do doesnt have to say age just
Reminder Larkys Birthday today that sort of thing
Im sure lots of ladies would love that to be available
Suzi Q :D
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