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Author Topic: Newbie Needing To Vent  (Read 5143 times)


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Newbie Needing To Vent
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:34:38 PM »

Hi everyone,

I am a newbie here. at the age of 53, having been as reguar as clockwork with my periods since the age of 12, I woke up a couple of months ago and realised I had turned into a witch! My poor hubby does not deserve to have to put up with me at the moment.

For the last 12 months or slightly more I have found that I get periods of waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning (anytime from 2am) and failing to get back to sleep. It has only been recently when I have started to get other symptoms of the menopause (hot flushes) that I started to read up on the net about and realised that insomnia can be a symptom of the menopause.

Well for several months my life cycle has consisted of a week to 10 days or getting progressivley less and less sleep and getting more and more ratty. I was never certain if my rattyness was due to me being hormonal or tired or a combination of both. Then my period would kick in, on time and I would sleep but my periods have been a little heavier than I have known for some years and I have been experiencing discomfort like I used to as a teenager. Not much but enough to make you feel under par for a few days. Then a switch would flick and I would spend the next week running around like a lunatic trying to catch up with everything I had not done for the last 2 weeks because I had not been feeling "right"

Three weeks ago after a 2.30am start I found this website and soaked it all up like a sponge. I was probably about 2-3 days from starting my period at that point so I walked into my doctors surgery that day and demanded I get some HRT. Now I am not usually a demanding person and I know the way I spoke to my poor doctor was out of character but I was at my wits end. I ended up in floods of tears to her! She suggested I get a Merino coil fitted as HRT did not seem right for me. We were about to go on holiday for 2 weeks so I made an appointment to go back today. Strangely the period I was expecting never did turn up and I have been a mess for the last 5 weeks. Mood swings, tears, temper tantrums, hot flushes and erratic sleep patterns. My holiday was spoiled by it and my poor hubby deserves better!

Today I turned up on time for my appointment. I was called in to the doctor 25 minutes late. I am usually quite patient but today I was not in the mood. This doctor asked me to run through all my symptoms then said that HRT is right for me if used in conjunction with a Merino coil. She said as it had taken so long to discuss it all (no mention of the fact that she was already running 25 minutes late) I would need to book another appointment to come back to get it sorted out and the next available appointment is not for 2 weeks  >:(

Then she asked how long it had been since my blood pressure had been checked. I could not remember but I suspected a while ago so she checked it and guess what - off the scale! I have NEVER had a problem with blood pressure in all my life but I was feeling so wound up after having to wait for the appointment and then not getting any treatment started today it is no wonder. Things are winding me up really easily at the moment (as my poor hubby will tell you!)

Well I have been sent away with instructions to do as much research as I can about HRT before I go back in 2 weeks time in the hope my blood pressure has settled down by then. So you lot have been warned!

This newby is the one that will be posting all the really dumb newbie questions at stoopid o'clock in the morning and then getting stressed that no one is responding within 10 minutes! I think I am going to be lurking here a lot for a while.

I apologise in advance for everything .... I just want the old "me" back as I don't like the one I am at the moment and I don't think a lot of my friends and relatives do either.



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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 04:07:39 PM »

Hi Chesh, I'm afraid I don't know much about HRT but just wanted to say welcome. You'll find loads of advice from ladies on here and I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you get sorted.

I know what the early hours waking is like tho and I feel it does contribute to my short fuse for sure. Maybe write a list of things you feel need addressing and take it with you when you go back to the GP ?

Claire xx



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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 04:38:39 PM »

Hi and welcome to the forum.

You sound as if you are going to fit right in. Ask your questions and we will try and help.

You will find help and understanding (we have all been where you are ) and a few laughs and friendship along the way.



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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2013, 06:10:25 PM »

Thanks for the welcome ladies.... I am sure I will soon feel at home here.


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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 06:18:43 PM »

Ask are doing the right thing being prepared before you go back to your GP. Some of them are not very clued up as to what's available.

Can I ask why the coil as opposed to other HRT s



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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2013, 06:26:27 PM »

Oh, sweetheart, we ALL want the "old me" back. :) I was feeling just like you a few years ago. After my periods stopped (a year ago) things calmed down a bit but then I was hit with joint pains and fatigue - it's all a bit rubbish really!

I've always suffered with sleep problems but the menopause has made them worse. I've been taking melatonin for a few years now and it really helps - no hangover the next day or anything (as it's not a sedative). You can only buy it online, unfortunately.

I've been on HRT for a couple of months and am finally starting to notice a difference so hang on in there, things get better.

Have you tried the usual supplements for hormonal imbalance - Evening Primrose Oil, Starflower Oil?

Suzi Q

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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 06:59:03 AM »

HI your not BIlly NO mates ok xxx
Check out Mirena coil some ladies like it some dont
My pal here came Monday she loves hers cos no periods but shes 50 in November
Shes due for a new one in May her GP said NOPE she had to go through meno
She can have HRT Vagifem but no more coil shes a basket case
Yet I have another pal wh had it in and out with in a month she hated t?
So look and learn ad make your own mind up
I took the Minnie Pill and Ovestin now I just use Vagiem xxxxxIM19yrs postmeno went over at 36


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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2013, 07:13:44 PM »

Hi Chesh

welcome I am like you a newbie to this site and came across this web site whilst frustrated, my symptoms are slightly different I  suffer with extreme vaginal dryness to the point  it took over my life I am 51 still have 4 children at home being 19, 16, 14 and 11 thought I was going crazy with constant Thrush I changed my diet to eliminate yeast etc.  Sex was a no go area and I have a lovely understanding partner who is 20 years younger than me without him i wouldn't of coped.

 I am now taking estrogen called vagifem used topically which has helped but have had  a few hicups as i have only been on it for  month GP today has given me a prescription to sort me out but think i will be on this a while not on HRT but if I get no help will try HRT. The reason i will try is due to the fact of all the ladies on here! reading various posts which has given me the confidence to say I can get through this but to stand up to my GP, that is what our NHS is there for when you need it.  I am not sure why your being given the coil but good luck hope it goes well.

Please keep us informed  :) x



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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2013, 10:37:49 AM »

So.... first of all I want to thank all the good people of this forum for helping to enlighten me. It turns out that over the last 12-18 months I have had various health niggles that I have simply ignored or blamed on other factors. One thing I have been plagued with is really bad heartburn. I put it down to the fact that at present I really need to lose some weight. I carry antacid tablets with me everywhere and chew on them several times a day. I know there are other remedies that might give better results but they cost so much! There I was browsing through the topics when I saw a mention of heartburn being one of the symptoms of the menopause (really? it was one of those moments when the penny dropped with a big clang!) then a few posts later someone suggested ginger as being a cure. I doubted that as I could not see how the tingling in the back of the throat you get with ginger could do anything except make heartburn seem worse but it is a cheap and easy remedy to try out (especially as I love ginger beer) I went and bought a bottle of ginger beer last thursday and I have a small glass after each meal and before I go to bed. Bingo - I have not taken a single antacid tablet since and NO HEARTBURN!
Now....... whether or not my heartburn was due to the menopause or excess weight remains to be seen but I want to thank you guys because it is one less little bit of misery in my life. .... of course sipping ginger beer will not help me lose weight but that is another story!

Last thursday I also bought some "Menopace" and so "Black Cohosh" along with some "Kalms Night"
I have been managing to get a bit more sleep so my world feels a little happier. I suspect it is too early to notice any real results from the supplements yet but I am feeling much better.

This is due to the group hug I have recieved here along with extra sleep and lack of heartburn. It may also be due to my hormones setting down again but who knows!

The doctor suggeted a coil because I already have a copper one fitted and have used the coil for birth control throughout my adult life without any problems.
I have to admit there are so many different names being mentioned on here. How does a doctor decide which one to start with I wonder? Is there any starting point that I should be suggesting to her?


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Re: Newbie Needing To Vent
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2013, 06:06:22 PM »

I too had bad heartburn a couple of years ago, it went on for several months. Always at night, so it stopped me sleeping, and especially if I laid on my right side (which is the side I prefer to lie on). I worried for ages that there was something seriously wrong.

What I've never understood is why we get these symptoms during the menopause. What causes them? It can't all be down to hormones!