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Author Topic: Feeling so miserable.  (Read 2397 times)


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Feeling so miserable.
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:34:44 PM »

Hi guys!
Im a newby so I hope you'll bear with me if I mess up!

Im 50 and started my menopause when I was 42. I smugly thought I was sailing through it on a breeze! Oh how wrong I was!  :'(  That'll teach me!  :o

For the past 3 years I hardly know whats hit me! And this past 6 months its really stepped up a gear, & Im pacing the floors at all hours of the night, if its not insomnia, its hot flushes. They are worse than ever and even with the fan on full pelt, (even in winter) Im still suffering. Im moody & emotional, sooo irritable, forgetful, uninterested in life and generally feel like a pile of poo most days.

I was on Clonidine for 2 years, but these became ineffective, so GP took me off of them. She wants me on HRT, but as Im carrying extra weight shes says her major concern is DVT. She thinks the benefits outweigh the risks. But my previous GP said 'If you were my Mother I wouldnt want you within a million miles of that stuff!'
Who do I believe??
Ive not had a period for 14 months, and before that it was 18 months, with a random bleed on one occasion.
Ive so far steered clear of HRT because of the risks, but my GP is pushing me to try patches, but Im quite scared. I gave up smoking 6 months ago and she says this will help immensely, but Im in a right old quandary, just dont know what to do. I simply cannot carry on like this...

Have any of you lovelies been in the same predicament? What would your advice be?

Also, is HRT the standard prescription fee, or is it different? I think i heard/read somewhere it was double the usual fee??

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Re: Feeling so miserable.
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 07:57:56 PM »

Hi Leejaysmum
             I know how you feel that's why i come on here tonight, i'm taking hrt climaval 1mg been on them 2wks and the hot flushes are not has bad but my mood swings etc are feeling worse, my gp did say i could go on 2mg if i felt they weren't working, i went on hrt because i felt like you i couldn't go on like i was because i couldn't stand the sweats and everything else that went them moods etc.
Ive been having the symptoms a few yrs,i'm 48 had an hysterectomy when i was 32 for heavy bleeding.
The only advice i could say is you could try hrt and if your not happy then you could stop , i really hope you get some relief from the sweats it really isn't a nice thing to go through.


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Re: Feeling so miserable.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 09:39:20 AM »

Hello leejaysmum. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll find the knowledge and support from the ladies here invaluable, I know I have. Like you I've suffered for the last three years with the last six months being unbearable. For me it was the constant anxiety that wore me down and finally sent me to the GP to ask for HRT.  Within two weeks the worst of the feelings had gone and although I'm still having issues it was reassuring to know that hormones were responsible and that there is treatment out there for us.
If I were you I'd try the patches and see what changes they make, think of it as a sort of experiment. As you say you can't carry on like this and you really don't have to.
Take care.


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Re: Feeling so miserable.
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 09:54:40 AM »

Hi and welcome.  I'm 51 and very lucky so far with hardly any symptoms at all, but I shall be asking for HRT when the time comes thats for sure xx