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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 78 out now. (Winter issue, September 2024)


Author Topic: Update on Mirtazapine  (Read 3547 times)


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Update on Mirtazapine
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:35:15 AM »

Hi all,
Just to update you on the Mirtazapine I've been taking for meno anxiety.
I'm into my 4th week now and I'm feeling really good.
I'm back to 'ME' :)
In fact I've had a brilliant week!
I'm amazed at how quickly these ADs work.
I'm taking 15mg at night and sleeping well,waking up good and it's lasting throughout the day.
It is not until you feel better that you realise how bad you were.
It is such a relief! :)

Dyan X


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Re: Update on Mirtazapine
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 09:05:41 AM »

that's brill, Dyan!!  :)
So pleased for you!

I am reluctantly considering some form of anti-depressant (to counteract the effects of progesterone intolerance as cannot forego progesterone altogether)

Can I just ask a quite personal question?
Does this medication affect your sex drive/sexual response?

That is the reason I have avoided taking ADs for my bad PMS which I suffered from for years.
I tried ADs whilst suffering from PND and never found any benefit from them, but found they dulled any sexual response to zero. Sex was/is a very important part of our marriage, particularly for my long suffering husband.
So, I am looking for an AD which will have less of that effect.

I understand if you don't want to answer the question  :)
But either way - I am very pleased that you are feeling good!!!  :) xx


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Re: Update on Mirtazapine
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 09:32:24 AM »

Thanks Clovie
Apart from taking the Mirtazapine I have been on fluoxetine 80mg for 8 years now for my OCD. This has been a life saver for me.
In answer to your question:
I would say it dulls it a bit and takes longer,if you know what I mean ::) ;D
But otherwise no problem. ;)
Hope this helps.
Dyan X


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Re: Update on Mirtazapine
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 09:38:12 AM »

Thank you Dyan!
Yes I do know what you mean  ::) ;D

That sounds better than the ones I tried in the past - on those I may as well have been a sack of spuds for all the response he got no matter how long we tried  ::)  ;D if you know what I mean LOL

Thanks again - and great you are feeling so much better! xxxx