General Discussion > This 'n' That


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Read John Barrowman in 3 days; started a book about dementia in November which is a put down pick up one; began 2 others but can't remember the titles  ::)

"Or Is That Just Me?" - Richard Hammond
Freddie - by the man who 'kept' him, cared for his clothing, cats, houses etc..

My author of the moment is Harlan Cobin. He is the master of the twist at the end that leaves you gob smacked.

You never see it coming.

He is also very easy on the eye  ;)


silverlady thanks for that i only have one more anne murray books to read so i will have a look at elizabeth elgin now  :)


Found another author you might like.

Have just been finished listening to "The War Widows" by Leah Flemming. It was excellent and I have made a note of the other books she has written.

The Girls from Worlds End
Remembrance Day
Mothers Day
Orphan of War

Going to the library to reserve them.

Think you will really enjoy them.

silverlady x

Love my kindle too Mrs P.

Just got back from the library, it was closed forgot it was half day ::) ::) OH was not impressed but I talked him in to going for a walk along the cycle path through the woods and he has cheered up now  :)

silverlady x


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