I've added a bit to the other thread.
As I said, I didnt mean to upset anyone, just quoting my therapist and my own personal experience.
Sorry if you think I was being rude
Personally I think mental illness is such an awful thing, but people's attitudes to it is horrific
I wouldnt wish it on my worstest enemy, and get infuriated when people at work havent a clue and either:
a. Say "so and so should pull themselves together"
b. Have a bit of a bad day and start spouting " I'm sooooooooo depressed".
Although I was a lucky one and managed to come out the other side relatively unscathed compared to some poor people (BTW its taught me some strengths I never thought I had ), I have seen both my husband (BTW BIG genetic link from his mother's severe mental illness) and best friend suffer terribly.......and the feeling of impotency to see someone you love, being so ill, is just
Goodness knows how awful it is to be suffering it
Wishing anyone who is suffering