Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => All things menopause => Topic started by: Sickntired on May 14, 2019, 10:28:09 AM

Title: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Sickntired on May 14, 2019, 10:28:09 AM
I have taken a head in the sand tack with the lapses in concentration and IBS as I recognise menopause is an irrationality demon who makes you go from ok to 6 months later every twinge and fart is cancer or dementia onset once a week or day.   In seriousness when should you really worry ?  I ask to , like every menopausal woman , not end up in the doctors surgery every 2 days.   Does anyone have medical experience of this?  I find my  rain seems to blank on information it's getting , I see stuff but not acknowledge,   the penny doesn't drop .....
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: CLKD on May 14, 2019, 11:12:44 AM
Morning.  Same here.  Forgetting names.  Days of the week. What I did yesterday.  Don't worry much ......... it is annoying though!
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: jaypo on May 14, 2019, 11:57:02 AM
Most of us been there sickntired,it is really awful,a while back I was running myself ragged with all these “symptoms “
You should try and find the thread in funny side of menopause where you will see ,what have you diagnosed yourself with,it's quite funny,you're not alone
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: CLKD on May 14, 2019, 12:02:34 PM
IBS can be managed.  We have several threads on that too  ::)
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Sickntired on May 14, 2019, 01:05:00 PM
Thanks. Weighing up whether to go back in antidepressants and stop the hrt at this juncture.  IBS was bad on Femeston but worse on Evorel Sequi  , similarly " blank " episodes,  taking most of morning to get mood up to speed in absence of excersize along with major dithering time wasting,  I mean an hour here an hour there,   more doom  feeling and death paranoia.  Whoop .  Sorry for being miserable git,  not in a "i can laugh at this " place yet .  Not moaning just frustrated . Ran with another woman was just introduced to by others on Sunday , as we ran we spilled out all the stuff we were going through and was nice for each to feel like oh a comrade.   Serious rant , the doctors and govt needs to get up to speed on the fact that we are massive part of workforce,  myself low wage, and being expected to go though another 10-15 years of this being patched up and shoved back to the frontline.  It's not that it's just fashionable or acceptable to talk about,  it's necessary as more of us work than before and guidelines on handing out fans with a hug and a cuppa just doesn't cut it.  Meds need to be better or docs need to be better trained to deal with the apparently 63 symptoms that don't get acknowledged except flushing and bloody Vaginal blah blah blah which isn't relevant in the Workplace when you're tired , everything aches with heartburn and swollen stomach and your boss reads stuff to you because he's scared you'll miss something through brain - fart.  If one more well meaning happy clappy person says relax it's an empowering change , enjoy it , - I can't be held responsible for my actions.   God , just hand me the drugs and the nice nightdress ,doc.
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: CLKD on May 14, 2019, 03:19:21 PM
Doctors need to be better trained regarding menopause.   A Dr on the TV at lunchtime said that the message is 'getting through but slowly'  :bang: and she is supposedly on the Front Line  :cuss:
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: jillydoll on May 14, 2019, 03:50:19 PM
I'm always forgetting names, or names of films and, actors, singers ect...
Thank god for Google!
It does worry me sometimes, especially as there's dementia in my family, but it doesn't just affect me with regards to this meno crap, I find my OH is like it too sometimes, maybe just an age thing, and affects everyone?
Also, there's a lot of different factors to consider, like, stress, depression, anxiety, not enough sleep, all these things have an especially, and if we're suffering from anxiety, depression, food goes out the we don't get enough nutrients to make our brains work properly.....
That's my theory anyway!  Oh , and not forgetting the lack of hormones too! 🤨
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: CLKD on May 14, 2019, 04:43:00 PM
Lots going on in Life can make me muddle headed  :-\ - 1 thing fills it and I can't negotiate round other stuff.
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Sickntired on May 16, 2019, 07:43:41 AM
Thanks all.   It's more "blanks" = I see something ie, a written instruction or fact pertaining to work and either doesn't register in that few seconds like I see the shapes of letters but brain doesn't signal it's wording I understand.  When I replay the point in my head like a video,  it's like happening in slow-mo so I guess this is more speed of function? Slow down as described in depression (?)   I know it's happened,  mostly in morning as  for instance at work I now cover tracks (I have all these strategies in place it's exhausting),  by going to 're read the list and find I've seen that theres cheese to be salted that day, not tommorow as I thought I saw.   (Work for artisan Cheesemaker, important I don't make these mistakes as costly for a new small firm,  confirms me as idiot then I get no more responsible jobs,  means I do repetative tasks every week and have no confidence to do more ie make cheese which they originally wanted me to do)
It happens in other stuff , I just don't link circumstances or don't acknowledge something is happening...

There's the usual distraction/ lack of concentration  x 1000  (ie DON'T have a chip pan!!!!)

What gets me is I've said this to the recent Dr I saw = very lucky saw a doc at a menopause clinic  and she changed me from Femeston to Evorel Sequi patches which has been 3 weeks now , I see a definite decline again ,  more of thus blanking , deeper gloom and death feeling , procrastination and totally removed .  Stuff I was organising myself to do I've lost the push to crack on with = lack if motivation we all talk of .
 Conversation with running mate told me HRT does nothing for this as in "no help" , and the Dr said nothing about it.   
Now  lost.  I'm still debating to go see my GP (again) and explain ,  ask about the differences in hormone levels on each med and on balance stop one for the other plus go back on antidepressants,   I'm good at pushing myself but you can only do it for so long. 
This isn't a compliant , hopefully it helps someone recognise thier symptoms.

Any advice or experience welcome.     
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Robin on May 16, 2019, 10:43:08 AM
Agree with birdy that's what helped me with these kind of symptoms
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Sickntired on May 16, 2019, 11:27:14 AM
Thank you ,  the expert doc has suggested testosterone gel but only after 6 months no periods - been 3 months so far , understandable but glad you've both highlighted and in agreement , makes me feel better for the moment.   Time to phone GP.....  again 🙄
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Robin on May 16, 2019, 03:51:50 PM
Why would you have to wait to be without periods? I've never heard that before. Were you given a reason? I'm perimenopausal and use testosterone
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Robin on May 18, 2019, 05:47:50 AM
They have given me it once and I hope they will repeat but it's not showing on my repeats list. Menopause specialist recommended it but gp reluctant to prescribe anything never mind testosterone. I hope they will continue to allow it
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Shadyglade on May 18, 2019, 08:00:07 AM
I saw a clip on the TV about testosterone. This doctor, or specialist was saying what was available now is generally too strong as it is manufactured for men. What is needed is a product especially formulated for menopausal women.
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Robin on May 18, 2019, 08:11:11 AM
Yes I've had one specifically for women but that's not available on the NHS yet so gp prescribed that is manufactured for men. I prefer the female cream but will be thrilled if I can continue with the men's gel version on the NHS
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: Ladybt28 on May 18, 2019, 03:47:08 PM
No reason why you shouldn't and why in goods name all this 6 month nonsense  :bang:

There used to be a womens version but it was discontinued because no one prescribed it! Now GP's are a bit more clued up and are prescribing testosterone there is no womens version to prescribe.  Anyway mans stuff works good enough at the right dose.
There are plenty of women on testosterone who have been on hrt so long they didn't know when their last period was.
Yes defo "bit of a dick" Birdy  :-X

Testosterone helped quite quickly with my foggy head and in about 3 weeks I actually felt like I was "present" in the world and didn't lose words or whole sentances anymore.  When it's really bad I suppose that is what dementia actually feels like to someone who has it (not that I had dementia but I was convinced I did and my family thought so too!!)  Anyway, its gone now.

Go sort that doctor out Robin - sounds like they are confused. Most practitioners say no testosterone within 3 months of starting or changing a regime - not 6 months post period?  Oh dear Mr/Mrs dick is
Title: Re: The dementia that isn't, when is it?
Post by: CLKD on May 18, 2019, 05:12:59 PM
Or see a Pharmacist for advice and find out which GPs prescribe it for women?