Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Alternative Therapies => Topic started by: CrispyChick on January 08, 2023, 10:11:43 AM

Title: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on January 08, 2023, 10:11:43 AM
I posted about this last year, and was going to resurrect, but the forum suggested a new post  ;D

So, I've actually started taking it. 400mg, Nature's Aid - premeze brand, made in UK.

Love to talk to anyone taking it, or previously taken it in peri.

I took it 5 years ago and wow. It changed my hormones dramatically, for the better. However, I quickly developed excruciating migraines and stopped.

After 5 years of trialling what seems like 'Everything else', I'm giving it another go. Same brand, but half the dose. I also intend to take monthly breaks for a few days to avoid attenuation (as suggested by Lara Briden).

So - anyone out there? I don't think I've ovulated this month (and suffering for it) so that's one thing if should help with in time.

Any stories welcome... Xx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CLKD on January 08, 2023, 12:26:08 PM
There's already a post about this  :-\
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on January 08, 2023, 12:33:00 PM
I know. I just said that. I was resurrecting it but the forum stated at me that as if was over 120 days old, I would be better starting a new thread. So I did  ;)

I guess the thinking is, with 120 days people will have changed, moved on etc. So better to start again for fresh eyes?!
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CLKD on January 08, 2023, 12:33:59 PM
Not necessarily.  It allows people to read through the whole thread rather than hunting for responses. 
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on January 08, 2023, 12:37:22 PM
CLKD. I was just doing what the forum suggested.

Your view clearly differs to how the forum was set up.

I dont really care where I post, I'm just looking for help and support. So I'd rather not weigh my new thread down with a discussion about the rights and wrongs of starting a new thread please.  :-*
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CLKD on January 08, 2023, 12:46:48 PM
I suppose I come from the days of dial up.  As well as not wanting to wade through a search box to find information although having looked, there doesn't seem to be much about it on MM.  Let us know how you get on?
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 01, 2023, 03:31:15 PM
That's 5 full weeks... If a yone ejse is out there??? Or has been on vitex, agnus castus.   :)

No changes yet... So I've doubled the dose. Which only takes me to what the bottle suggests anyway.

Really love to hear from anyone that is or has used it in peri. X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 01, 2023, 08:04:55 PM
Hi crispychick, I used angus cactus for a few years. I'm peri, it seemsed to help with my sore breast and other general PMT symptoms. I stopped it for a while, just forgot to buy it and have recently just started it again xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 01, 2023, 08:50:14 PM
Thanks Cara. Nice to find someone.

A few questions, if you don't mind.  :)

Can you remember how long it took to take affect??? Did you originally take it continuously?

How much do you take?

I'm on 400mg dried herb, so now 800mg. I need to go easy as 5 years ago I took it to amazing effect, but I quickly tipped into excruciating constant migraines, so I quit. I'm using same brand and now same dose (as of 3 days ago). But 5 weeks on half the dose and I feel nothing but desperate  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 01, 2023, 10:25:06 PM
Crispychick mine is tablet form from Holland and Barrett, I'm not sure if the dose. I did take it continously for years previously, I honestly can't remember and ive only restarted it last week.  I tried HRT for a few months and because I didn't like some of the side effects, headaches being one I remembered angus cactus and decided to try it again. Sorry not much help but I do remember I was fine on it.

Just been and looked at the packet it says 52mg xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: KaraShannon on February 01, 2023, 10:34:54 PM
I used to take it regularly as it stopped all pre menstrual tension (as it was called in those days, now is a 'syndrome.')  That was in the 90's though.

I can't remember the dose but I took the liquid drops by Vogel.

I took it a year or two again before starting HRT, to see if it would help with irregular periods, but I then had a day of ectopic heartbeats.  I think I might have taken too much then though and it may not have been what I needed.  I'm not put off, it worked beautifully in the early days so I do like the herb, but can't help as far as menopause goes with it. 
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 02, 2023, 04:31:53 PM
Thank you ladies.

I've seen the Holland and barret ones. They are an extract, which in my limited reading means they are more guaranteed potency than my herb, which is why it comes in higher doses.

That said, when I took this same one 5 years ago, the 800mg herb was far too much taken every day, so, as soon as it starts to work (if it does!!) I intend to drop back to 400mg and take breaks on my period. Or I might even swap to the lower dose extract.

I'm trying this one because I know, without any doubt, that it can work. But as karashannon discovered - things can change and I'm now 5 years further towards meno with a lot more synptoms than just pms. But... Time will tell.

Be good to hear when you find it starts helping cara. X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 02, 2023, 06:24:48 PM
Crispychick which one do you use l, what's the name, I may swop from the Holland and Barrett one xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 02, 2023, 08:29:51 PM
Cara, I use Premeze by Nature's Aid. It's made in UK.
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 02, 2023, 10:38:10 PM
Thanks crispychick I'll have a look. Let me know how you get on xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 04, 2023, 10:22:02 AM
So, that's me 5 weeks in, but only 5 days on double dose.

I'm very pmsy. But not as bad as last month. So there's still a way to go. But it is known as a slow acting herb.

I had some bloods done this week. They show my prolactin is lowering. Also my P is up quite high. But my E is still sky high. So that's why I'm still unbalanced.

Really hoping the AC can do its thing. This month hopefully. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 04, 2023, 12:06:32 PM
Crispychick fingers crossed it helps xx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 07, 2023, 09:38:19 AM
Cara, can I ask what symptoms you are taking agnus castus for??

That's me done 6 weeks. 1 week on double dose. No improvement yet. I'm fact, it's been a terrible month.

Fingers crossed things improve as I move into 3rd cycle.
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 07, 2023, 04:50:44 PM
Crispychick sorry its not helping as yet 😒 I started taking it for PMS symptoms, sore boots, cramps and mood, I went in Holland and Barrett  and theu recommended it.

I was on HRT for a while but recently came off it so decided to try angus cactus again xxxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 10, 2023, 10:55:09 AM

How many weeks have you been taking it this time so far?

Waiting for improvement is torturous.  :(
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 10, 2023, 07:21:38 PM
Crispychick I'm only 3 weeks in, not sure if it's doing anything to be honest because I've not had a period for a couple of months.

Are you perimenopausal xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 10, 2023, 07:35:49 PM
Yes. Peri hell here. I'm 46.

I am now wondering if I actually needed the higher dose to start with, I've only been on the higher dose 12 days  >:(. Hope I don't have to start counting again.

Still, at least no side affects  :)
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 10, 2023, 11:08:32 PM
Crispychick I'm 47, it's certainly peri hell. Are ur periods regular? Perhaps you did. It's a nightmare isn't it. I'm also taking health and her perimenopause supplements. R u not on HRT xx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on February 11, 2023, 10:10:40 AM
Oh. I've got my eye on the health and her supplements as I'm keen to try ashwagandha. But one change at a you like them?

Hrt. Absolutely not. I have normal to high estrogen but incredibly low progesterone. Regular periods. So I'm hoping the Agnus castus can increase my own progesterone but also help balance my estrogen.

I've been this way a long time, at one point my gp did give me hrt tablets - the estrogen tablets absolutely poisoned me. I've got a lot of posts on the bhrt thread and progesterone cream.

What's your situation??? I think you said you had tried hrt??

Did you stick with the Holland and barret ones? X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on February 11, 2023, 05:15:03 PM
I do like the health and her supplements they seem to help with mood for me.

My periods are all over the place, seem to be going longer and longer.

Tried HRT for a few months but stopped due to hair loss, could have been a coincidence bit wasn't chancing loosing anymore. Seems to have settled now I've stopped.

Yes stuck the H&B ones for now but may try the ine you suggested when these run out xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Madeline on February 15, 2023, 10:24:26 AM
Hi crispy chick,

Dont know if Im helping but possibly 5 years ago I used the extract the Holland and barret one. Mt boobs got very sore and I started spotting mid cycle so stopped as it didnt seem to suit me but I will say it was very strong and definitely works on the cycle. Sorry not much good to you, best of luck.x
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 03, 2023, 01:09:48 PM
Thanks Madeline. If us helpful that you felt the Holland and barrett ones very strong. They are much lower dose than what I'm on.

Cara - how are you getting on???

That's me 9 weeks in. 4 weeks on 800mg and the inevitable has happened. The headaches have arrived, just as the blooming thing has started to work. No pms this month!!!!

So, I've stopped for a break. Once the headaches calm, I'm going to restart using the Holland and Barrett lower dose ones. I've come this far. It's now in my system, may as well see if a lower dose works. Maybe even every second day.

I'd love to hear how you're getting on with it. X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 04, 2023, 09:28:30 AM
Aw crispychick what a shame headaches have started...not good. Try the H&B see if the headaches subside.

I'm feeling pretty crap at the moment, haven't had a period in 3 months so think I'm dipping further into it all. I'll see how I am for a few months but may re think HRT xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 16, 2023, 11:31:15 AM
Hi cara - have you got anywhere with the agnus castus yet???

It must be so strong. I stopped my 800mg whole herb when this luteal phase triggered intense headaches (like happened to me before). I took a week off. Now taking half a Holland and barret tablet (4m extract), do 2mg.

But I can't seem to exit this luteal phase  ;D. Never in my life have I had such a long cycle. I'm now day 36 and nothing.

The extreme head pressure has abated, but I'm getting so many migraines this luteal phase. I need it to end.

So, clearly 800mg whole herb is ridiculously strong for me. I might increase to the 4mg H and B, should my period ever arrive!

Love to hear how you're getting on with it x
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 16, 2023, 03:29:12 PM
Hi crispychick oh I'm so sorry love 😒 not what you want is it, nothing worse than constant headaches.

I'm feeling okay in myself, mood wise. Still no period for me either which is making me feel slightly anxious, I don't know why!!!

Perhaps like you say reduce and see how u feel or maybe try the H&B ones. Sending love xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 16, 2023, 06:12:34 PM
Good your mood is good. Actually, through all this high dose trouble, my mood has definitely been better than previous months.

It's the only positive 🤣

How many weeks have you been on it??? I was on it about 9 before I got this tremendous change - which I assume was a very very strong dose of prog following my ovulation (which was very late).

So defo takes a age to kick in. X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 16, 2023, 06:43:24 PM
Least we are both bot being moody 🤣🤣 that's one good thing!!

A few months now I think....keep on it and see how you get on. Has your period come now xx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: laszla on March 29, 2023, 06:23:52 PM
Bit late to this thread but I am a fan of agnus castus, I use that same brand as you Crispychick and despite being officially postmenopausal and now on a continuous regime, I often experience the same mood patterns as I did in the past and vitex definitely balances things out. Occasionally I stop taking it thinking I might not need it anymore and soon feel worse so I think I'll stick with it longterm
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 30, 2023, 06:59:27 AM
Laszla that's very intersting. thank you.

Do you take it continuously? No regular breaks??? On the 800mg?

Unfortunately the premeze was far too high a dose for me. When it kicked in at month 3 I gig daily debilitating headaches and a 42 day cycle!!! I never cycle beyond day 28. When I took if 5 years, ago - I got the headaches.

So, this time, I've not given up. I've gone onto the standardised dose extract instead. And am only taking a very small dose. Will see what this month brings. Following my period, I've finally got rid of the headaches.

Really intetesting to hear your take on it. I feel it has real potential for me. Its just about finding my dose. As with every thing hormonal, I seem really sensitive!!!

Cara.. Are you still going with it???
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 30, 2023, 08:03:36 AM
Crispychick so glad your headaches have subsided 🙂. Maybe the lower dose suits you better.

Yes I'm still taking it and lately mood has been good. Had a very light period, first in 3 months and mood stayed okay, so think it's helping somewhat xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 30, 2023, 08:28:52 AM
Amazing cara.

Are you still on the 4mg extract from H and B?
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 30, 2023, 11:34:27 AM
I am yes xxx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 30, 2023, 12:08:54 PM
That's good to hear its working. I'm taking half one of those at present. No idea if it is enough, but I needed to get rid of the headaches.
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: Cara999 on March 30, 2023, 02:11:14 PM
Crispychick there's nothing worse than headaches 😪 glad they have finally gone xx
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: laszla on March 30, 2023, 11:32:29 PM
Crispy I take one tablet only on most days (400 mg)and usually early in the day. Maybe try the drops which might give you more control over the dose if you are sensitive?
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on March 31, 2023, 06:56:38 AM
Laszla. Good idea re. Drops.

I'll see how I go this month on the extract tablets, well, half of one.

I'm so glad the headaches have abated. Hopefully I'll find my dose and I'll get some help with my symptoms. X
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: tootsieroll on October 27, 2023, 06:42:34 AM
Laszla. Good idea re. Drops.

I'll see how I go this month on the extract tablets, well, half of one.

I'm so glad the headaches have abated. Hopefully I'll find my dose and I'll get some help with my symptoms. X

@CrispyChick, how did you do on it?  Did you take it daily or every other day?  I heard that lower doses of Vitex increases prolactin and H&B definitely looks like it's low dose.  It's dose dependent.  Low doses raise prolactin and high doses decrease it.  You want prolactin low to produce progesterone.
Title: Re: Anyone using /used Agnus Castus (vitex)?
Post by: CrispyChick on October 27, 2023, 09:56:03 AM
It was horrible for me.

High doses gave me screaming headaches. The whole episode increased my P off the scale, but also my E. So it didnt help me at all.

I'll never touch it again.