Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => New Members => Topic started by: CelesteM on August 25, 2022, 01:13:49 PM

Title: New member
Post by: CelesteM on August 25, 2022, 01:13:49 PM
Hello everyone,
I am a new member from Australia and discovered this site while searching for help online. I’m nearly 51 and after feeling young and healthy, suddenly I’m feeling and looking much older in the last two years. I’m really not coping! I’m a few months post menopause and the last few months noticed many menopause symptoms that are really affecting my life. I still have teens at home and work full time and feel like everything is just too hard! My doctor recently prescribed Estralis conti 50/140, which I tried for 3 days but couldn’t stand the constant period like cramps and headaches. She has now prescribed Femoston conti 1/5, which I can start in a few days. I’m hoping this will help me get my life back!  I welcome any advice. Thank you  :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Flossieteacake on August 25, 2022, 01:17:03 PM
Hello CelesteM. Welcome to the forum. I do not have any advice but just wanted to welcome you. You will find a lot of support on here. :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on August 25, 2022, 01:27:54 PM

You can put the product names into the search box on the Forum - see if threads pop up.  Make notes.

How long since your last monthly period?  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains, as well as the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, scalp, vagina, legs, deep in the ears, eyes, nostrils  ::).  HRT can also protect heart and bones.

If you can tolerate the regime try to stick with it for at least 3 months.  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use. 
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CelesteM on August 25, 2022, 01:49:32 PM
Hi, it’s been 16 mths since my last period. I’ve put off starting hrt as I wasn’t really noticing any symptoms, but the last month or so I’ve had the worse time, aching joints, weight gain around the waist, waking each night feeling hot, dry everywhere, anxiety which I’ve never had, terrible moods, irritable, crying and feeling really hopeless. I’ve also cut myself off socially in the last few months and have no desire to socialise anymore. I have to force myself to go out to events and just ignore most invitations I receive. I’ve never had depression before and have always been quite positive and happy. This has been a really hard time, and I’m hoping hrt helps a little.
I have read on this site that you should try the hrt for 3 months, but the period pain from the Estalis conti patch was so bad I couldn’t sleep. I will try the femoston conti and see how I go. Thank you!
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on August 25, 2022, 01:50:32 PM
It's The Change - does what it says on the tin  >:(  ::)

Let us know how you get on.  Nowt is worth being in pain with!
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Epona52 on August 25, 2022, 02:35:32 PM
Hi celestem, I really feel for you as everything you have said relates to me, its awful and so debilitating, I used to socialise alot now  I just shy away from it and barely go out at all, I even shy away from family just don't feel myself anymore, I can walk into a shop and just feel totally overwhelmed with anxiety to the point I just want to run away, I hope things will feel better for you soon, take care