Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => New Members => Topic started by: KateGG on November 02, 2021, 04:36:35 PM

Title: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: KateGG on November 02, 2021, 04:36:35 PM
Hi there. I had my last period 20 years ago. I am 63 now. Generally I have managed the menopause without HRT (this was due to the fact that I was made aware of possible side effects relating to heart disease) The last six months however have been difficult with increased sweats, aches, lower abdomen aches and back ache. I have spoken to my Dr about HRT she has reassured me that it is generally safe and may reduce my symptoms. Will I have to take HRT for the rest of my life?
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: CLKD on November 02, 2021, 04:40:34 PM
Hi! Consider your Quality of Life against possible risks?

I am sure that someone will be along with advice.  As oestrogen levels drop the muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  Also the body may become dry: inside and out - skin, hair, deep in the ears, eyes, vagina ......... do read the 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy' threads.  Make notes ;-).

Some ladies would take HRT for ever, once they fine a regime that suits they can get on with Life again: if it's no longer broken, why fix.  It is an individual decision, the 1st thing is to get some HRT advice.

Hopefully someone will be along. Has your GP suggested any medications?
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: KateGG on November 02, 2021, 04:53:12 PM
Yes my Doctor has suggested HRT. Oestrogen gel or patch and one tablet of progesterone. To start with I am leaning towards gel (one pump, as she calls it) rather than the patch)
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: CLKD on November 02, 2021, 05:06:13 PM
You may find that if y ou put the product name/s into the search box on the Forum threads will pop up.  Make notes ;-).
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: Taz2 on November 02, 2021, 05:27:58 PM
Hi kateGG. What a shame that you weren't told when you were 43 that HRT at that age is good in order to protect both your heart and bones. The risks don't begin until you are past the usual age of Meno which is around 51. Still it seems that you have got a really clued up GP who understands the benefits of oestrogen even after 60! I'm 67 and have been on patch HRT for 14 years. I have had to really fight at times to be allowed to continue with it after the age of 60. I intend to stay on it for life if I can. I've always used a patch which contains both hormones so can't advise on the progesterone pill side of things. It can take three months before you can tell whether a particular HRT suits you.

Which risks are you particularly worried about?

Lots of help and support on here.

Taz x  :welcomemm:
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: jillydoll on November 03, 2021, 10:58:27 AM

You go for it Kate. If it’s going to improve your life, and stop the struggle, then I would.
Especially as your doctor seems to be quite good aswell.
Let us know how your getting on.
Best wishes.
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: Cassie on November 03, 2021, 11:45:10 AM
I have been on 1 pump of gel for many years and dont intend to give it up for anything, its brilliant, you will feel so much better.
Title: Re: Should I start HRT at 63?
Post by: CLKD on November 03, 2021, 01:20:45 PM
Let us know how you get on!