Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Other Health Discussion => Topic started by: loonarider on August 13, 2021, 02:13:17 PM

Title: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: loonarider on August 13, 2021, 02:13:17 PM

Excuse my third post of the month here. I've had blocked ears for days now, distorts sounds, and really can't hear properly - that and breathlessness today where feel like I'm drowning (has been coming and going for 3 years now) which makes this unbearable.

This is the life this peri-menopause isn't it? loving every minute of it!. Never had thoughts of ending it, but how does one live in constant phyiscal suffering? and it's not like the type of hrt I'm on will solve everything  - may just makes things worse - all trial and error. It's all long-winded and depressing when you just want things to be OK right now in the present. I'm just miserable all day thanks to these symptoms.

Anyone know of a good ear decongestant I can buy? Desperate. I'm just about had enough, not sure what to do with myself. This is grim. I've even stopped playing piano which I love to do to calm me down, but the distortion feedback due to the blocked ears puts me off. :'(

One thing I've noticed though, is in the evenings the blockage clears up very slightly.
Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: Hopeful on August 13, 2021, 02:58:54 PM
Sorry to hear you have such awful problems. If your ears are blocked I got mine cleared by micro suction at spec savers, you have to use an olive oil spray for 3 days first to soften the wax. Or you could try sodium bicarbonate ear drop which was what my GP 1st recommended (unfortunately too much wax hence the micro suction)
I do hope you can find some relief from all these terrible symptoms.
Has your GP investigated your symptoms especially the breathlessness?
Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: CLKD on August 13, 2021, 05:22:53 PM
My ears sound blocked often - I do put my small finger in for a good wriggle which clears the sensation briefly.  As we age the Eustachian tubes can narrow ........... lack of oestrogen. Again. 

Do U sing?  It means that we breath correctly ;-). 
Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: loonarider on August 14, 2021, 09:08:15 PM
Sorry to hear you have such awful problems. If your ears are blocked I got mine cleared by micro suction at spec savers, you have to use an olive oil spray for 3 days first to soften the wax. Or you could try sodium bicarbonate ear drop which was what my GP 1st recommended (unfortunately too much wax hence the micro suction)
I do hope you can find some relief from all these terrible symptoms.
Has your GP investigated your symptoms especially the breathlessness?

Yes apparently the brrathlessness is anxiety as after having the usual health checks everything came back normal.

Thanks, I'll certainly try the olive oil and book an appointment at specsavers.

Appreciated  :)
Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: loonarider on August 14, 2021, 09:09:20 PM
My ears sound blocked often - I do put my small finger in for a good wriggle which clears the sensation briefly.  As we age the Eustachian tubes can narrow ........... lack of oestrogen. Again. 

Do U sing?  It means that we breath correctly ;-).

Hey there,

Have tried finger wiggling in esr to no avail. Sometimes when I yawn it clears it very slightly which is wierd.

I do sing a bit yes, but mostly a pianist  :D
Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: Jasmine20 on August 29, 2021, 03:38:40 PM
Loonarider - you haven't got reflux by any chance?

I'm not up to date with your posts but I'm looking into 'silent reflux' myself to explain some of my symptoms. It's when pepsin from the stomach finds it's way up into your esophagus and then into the sinuses and even the ears. It can cause breathlessness and people often mistake it for asthma. It can make your voice hoarse and affect hearing too.

Title: Re: Can't hear properly, can't breathe properly, can't function. This is terrible.
Post by: shrosphirelass on August 29, 2021, 04:22:02 PM
Have you tried otomize, its a prescription medicine, but only mild. I have ongoing issues with my ears and my dr lets me have some in reserve in case I have a flare up. It works brilliantly for me.