Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => New Members => Topic started by: HollyM on August 04, 2021, 06:07:21 PM

Title: Newbie here and need advice
Post by: HollyM on August 04, 2021, 06:07:21 PM
Hi everyone - newbie here.  I finally plucked up courage to have a telephone conversation with my GP (impossible to get a face to face appointment) to start HRT.  I thought it was going to be difficult as I will be 61 next month and at least 10 years post menopausal. 

Anyway, after asking several questions he agreed to prescribe an oestrogen gel, progesterone and Ovestin cream, and I wondered why I had left it so long!

However, my joy was shortlived when he phoned back later to say that before he will write a prescription I need to have a blood test (to determine liver function and something else which I have now forgotten!) and also a physical - what that will entail I have no idea.  He won't even let me have the  Ovestin cream which I understand has very little, if any, risk.

Is this normal practice for someone of my age who has never had HRT ( I was prescribed Vagifem years ago which did not work), or should I be grateful he is being overly cautious?
Title: Re: Newbie here and need advice
Post by: CLKD on August 04, 2021, 06:12:35 PM
I suspect that he is being 'proper' [criky that's good English ain't it  ::) ]

Don't be fobbed off with your age though.  Make a list of symptoms and lay it on thickly ;-).  Any idea when the appt. will be? Press the point that you require treatment for the atrophy ASAP to ease symptoms.  4 me it was like razor blades  :o up there!

Wonder why the 'vagifem' didn't 'work'?  Do read our threads about 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy'.  Make notes ;-).  Let us know how you get on. 
Title: Re: Newbie here and need advice
Post by: HollyM on August 04, 2021, 07:59:41 PM
I don't know why Vagifem didn't work but at that time, and we are going back a number of years, the only alternative offered was HRT and my GP then was not very keen on prescribing it.  To be honest I wasn't very keen either due to the bad publicity.  Hence the reason I have left it so long and also, naively, I thought my symptoms would go away!

The appointment for the blood test is this Friday.

Razor blades is a very apt description!

I did speak to the receptionist about the prescription for Ovestin and she said she would speak to the GP but I received a text message two days later confirming that I have got to have the blood test and physical examination first.  Re the physical, I have no idea when that is going to be or even with whom (GP or nurse).  The GP insists I have one, clearly the receptionist is aware I've got to have one, but neither have offered a date and time.