Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: DS68 on May 11, 2020, 05:16:09 PM

Title: Advise would Help x
Post by: DS68 on May 11, 2020, 05:16:09 PM

I have recently changed from everel 50 conti patches due to there being a shortage and the doc swapped to Femoston 1/10.

I noticed that i would get anxiety for about 5 days every month and when I recoginised the pattern I learnt to cope better, but it initially freaked me out as was fairly new to me.

I don't know if its the swap, the menopause or life but my anxiety has shot through the roof - it was pretty ok on the patches - I could cope and get on with life, but for the past 4 weeks I don't know whats happened to me , I couldn't get out of bed, racing thoughts that came from no where - memories of sad past events in life suddenly came rushing back and such low mood it scared me, I had such pains with the adrenaline (i think thats what it is) pumping around my body, I felt frozen in fear upon waking and literally couldn't pull myself out of bed.  I have spent the past 4 weeks battling with this mood - that I am now  afraid its who I am now, I have seen small improvements but I am terrified I wont get better.  I am eating healthy - exercising few days - trying to relax etc - take care of youngest son who's still at home.

I guess I would like to ask if swapping can have this effect, or is this another symptom 0r something new. I've done the whole searching for an answer via dr google but thats actually made me feel worse and even more alone.  I guess its the whole 'am I normal or have I actually lost the plot?' question I repeatedly ask myself.

Anyone who could offer me some advice or has felt this way would really help me feel less alone in this.

Thanks and love to all

Title: Re: Advise would Help x
Post by: CLKD on May 11, 2020, 05:39:34 PM
HORMONES  >:(  :welcomemm:

Maybe put the product name into the search box.  Make notes.
Title: Re: Advise would Help x
Post by: sheila99 on May 11, 2020, 08:49:12 PM
You could need more oestrogen. Even if the dose appears the same it might not be for you as you may absorb one better than the other. I think it's a different progestin? So it might be one that doesn't agree with you. Perhaps phone round pharmacies to see if they can get evorel now and switch back?
Title: Re: Advise would Help x
Post by: Mogster71 on May 12, 2020, 05:42:29 AM
Hi DS68

Hope you're feeling ok this morning.. :)

Forgive me if I'm wrong but it looks like you've gone from a conti (continuous) regime to Femoston 1/10 which is a sequential one. Where abouts are you in meno lovely? Were you still having periods before you started your HRT? Sheila is right, they are different progesterones - Evorel is norethisterone and Femoston is dydrogesterone (it's a much gentler progesterone for many). Could you check with your doctor?

Anxiety is awful, and this situation with COVID isn't helping...times are certainly changeable and throw a few erratic hormones in....

Hope you can get to the bottom of it and start to feel a bit more human soon xx

Title: Re: Advise would Help x
Post by: daisie on May 12, 2020, 10:08:11 AM
hi ds68..i just thought id say i am having the exact same symptoms as you i wake up with terrible anxiety in the morning the horrid thought that run around my head always thinking the worse iv been waiting to get my medication sorted .the doctor told me yesterday to try sertraline i got the prescription yesterday .i knew it would be a bad thing cause i cannot take ssri antidepressants but i thought id give it another try i wish i didnt ,i was up all night runing to the toilet 5 times with the runs and feeling sick .theres no way i want to take another one theyr side effcts are too bad for me to cope with .i know how you feel with the anxiety its always worse in the morning ,come night time i feel ok ish then back to square one every morning x
Title: Re: Advise would Help x
Post by: CLKD on May 12, 2020, 11:52:29 AM
........ and breath.  Not easy is it? 

A dedicated anti-antixity helps me to take when it overwhelms me.  Rescue Remedy mouth spray may help too.