Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => All things menopause => Topic started by: Boombod on April 05, 2019, 10:07:37 PM

Title: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 05, 2019, 10:07:37 PM
Hi everyone I'm new and been peri for about a year finally decided to go to docs today and was surprised she offered me hrt straight away she gave me evorol sequi now I have anxiety about starting it not the first 2 weeks but the last 2 weeks with the progesterone part been reading a lot of women don't get on with now wondering if I should start or not anyone any views on this thanks
Title: Re: New member
Post by: sheila99 on April 05, 2019, 10:43:40 PM
Yes, definitely try it. I was on it and the prog was fine. There are a high proportion of ladies on this forum with particular problems with meno, the many who are happy with there HRT are less likely to post. The chances are you will be fine, if not you can ask to change.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 05, 2019, 11:16:56 PM
Thanks no harm in trying I guess will see how it goes as u says can always change thanks for answering x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Hurdity on April 06, 2019, 07:49:16 AM
Hi Boombod


As sheila99 said! It wouldn't be still on the market if sufficient women didn't get on with it as it wouldn't be commercially viable!

How old are you and what have your periods been doing reently ie cycle length? If they are pretty irregular and you are well into peri then you should now get a regular monthly bleed and if you have sweats and flushes then hopefully these will disappear, along with other symptoms.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Hurdity x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 06, 2019, 08:55:08 AM
Some ladies have no problems with it  ;)

Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 10:19:16 AM
Hi I am 46 my periods use to be every 28 days on the dot but are now more heavier . I had 2 last month this month was a week late I am getting hot flushes . Night sweats .anxiety pain in my knees and feet gum problems worst pmt ever  and I also have an under active thyroid and thought it might me that but it's in normal range she did say my fsh was 11 but I don't know what that means  I pick up my patches on Monday from chemist they had to order them in and she says to start on first day of my next period and pray they work thanks for answering x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Rosie77 on April 06, 2019, 11:10:17 AM
Hi there!  Give them a try!  I am on the patch and progesterone pill. Tolerating pretty well. I have been pretty nauseous as I have to take the progesterone continuously. Starting week 4 in a couple kinda early still. My mood has been much better since starting.  I have lots of symptoms, so I don't expect everything to be resolved!  Best of luck! 😀
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 11:13:45 AM
Thanks Rosie I will do  :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Peripurple on April 06, 2019, 11:32:07 AM
Hi boombod, I actually always feel better in the prog phase, so give it a go and see  :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Tc on April 06, 2019, 12:07:40 PM
Boombox. Hi and welcome.
Everyone reacts differently to different types of HRT and regimes. Even the docs dont realy know why but you will hear the phrase ",its not one size fits all". Some ladies love a particular one and others dont get on with it.
So please dont be put off. Theres no harm in trying and you may find it's perfect for you.
I do know that consistently high FSH >30 miu/ml  can be used to diagnose post meno along with  absense of period for 12 months. I know fsh levels are also used to assess fertility but I'm not sure what role they play or how significant the levels are n  peri meno.. Maybe someone else will know. Im guessing it would depend on where you were in your cycle when bloods were take  to assess it.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Tillymint on April 06, 2019, 02:30:33 PM
Hi ladies - I was given evorel before xmas but still not started  it but think am going to take the plunge as I've been feel bloody rubbish for the last couple of months - change in bowel habits- colonoscopy all clear- no clear diagnosis of IBS but my digestions been awful- cramps acid reflux - blood tests got put on folic acid which I think I've reacted too but docs saying could be a virus- rash all over hands &rash patches on face - it's been an absolute joy lately!! Add on some anxieryy/doom feelings totally exhausted etc & I think I've just about covered it !! Periods are rare - last one was mid Jan but very light - worried about HRT as used to get migraines but had none for year and a half.  .... so sorry for rambling post- I often check this site & it really helps - do you think HRT might help me as I'm so so down !!  :( :( not myself at all - thanks for listening xx
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 06, 2019, 02:42:23 PM
As oestrogen levels drop so muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as acid reflux  ::)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 04:34:23 PM
Thanks tc and tilly let me know how ur getting on with ur evirol  :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 04:36:38 PM
Aww that good news peripurple hope I am the same will let u  know in a few weeks when I try the prog part of it x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 04:55:03 PM
That's not so good birdy can I ask what hrt it is ur using and how long u have been on it
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 10:32:47 PM
I forgot to mention when I was at the docs she says my bp was high so took it 3 times says it's getting lower think the anxiety got the best of me but surely if it's high she would not have gave me hrt now I two minds whether to start because of that x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Tc on April 06, 2019, 10:37:53 PM
Boombod. She will have averaged it over the 3 times.
My dad always gets a first high reading. Lots of people do.  "white coat syndrome"  so dont worry xxx
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 06, 2019, 10:54:47 PM
Thanks tc I'm such a worrier wish I could go back to my 30,s lol x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 07, 2019, 05:12:30 PM
Ok thanks will ask chemist x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 07, 2019, 07:00:16 PM
BP can raise in the surgery.  We have a monitor at home but I don't register on it, apparently I'm clinically dead  ;D [not that you would notice  :D]
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 07, 2019, 07:03:23 PM
 ;D I was just looking at magnesium on amazon so does anyone know if it's best to use the chelated ones to help bp x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 08, 2019, 09:31:02 AM
Sorry clkd just looking back and realized what ur message meant I didn't mean to ignore all ur  replies I really appreciate what u have said in them thanks for replying to my questions 😀x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 08, 2019, 12:05:25 PM
Perfect thanks
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Pink68 on April 08, 2019, 07:57:30 PM
Hi boombod, can I ask what your cycle is like? Iam peri as well still have an irregular cycle but doc has given me everol sequi hrt, I haven't started them yet as don't know if this is quite a high dose to start with. X
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 08, 2019, 11:00:12 PM
Hi pink mines are still normal most months maybe a week late sometimes but a lot  heavier and bad pmt  than I use to be I think if u have not had a period for a yr then it would be just conti bu not sure myself cause am still new to all this Peri stuff x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Ladybt28 on April 08, 2019, 11:49:58 PM
Just a couple of things from looking at all the posts.  Its a bit late in the day but welcome Boombod!  If you are peri then checking levels of hormones doesn't really work.  GP's usually do it once to see if they are low and then say "menopause" cos it rules out other things but you still have your own hormones flitting in and out under your own cycle which means its very hard to measure them again at any given time.  This also can cause a bit of erratic bleeding.

No one size fits everyone - just give it a go and keep trying till you find one that suits.  Took me 2 years! and now I have been on the right thing for 8 months but it took nearly 5 for everything to settle.  So patience can be the name of the game but you could be lucky and get it first off - I do hope so.  The other ladies are right, we are all so different what works for one won't work for another!

See  the blood pressure I have a bit of a theory about that.  I have been on blood pressure medication for 10 years but when I think back it started when I was in peri and I had ridiculous anxiety, I mean, nearly psychotic at times!  But since I have been on the right hrt, nearly all my meno symptoms have gone or are hardly any bother and there have been occasions when I have forgotten my blood pressure meds and been to the GP and they've taken my blood pressure and its normal!  How does that work, well, I reckon my body spent so much time in a state of panic it was putting my blood pressure up.  I now get a little lightheaded sometimes when I do remember to take my BP meds and that could be because they are lowering a bit too much.  Anyway that's my theory - if you live 7 years in one great big panic attack you are bound to have high blood pressure!
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 09, 2019, 09:17:56 AM
Thanks for that message ladybt28 I picked up my evorol sequi yesterday but didn't start it cause of the blood pressure been high I do have the nurse on Monday to get it checked then again and hoping it's went down a bit from last week at the docs x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 09, 2019, 01:59:34 PM
DH found his home BP monitor this morning to check levels for his Nurse as it's no good in the Surgery - white coat syndrome  ::)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 09, 2019, 02:49:22 PM
Thanks clkd I've never heard of white coat syndrome before I was never an anxious person till all this Peri stuff started taking magnesium last night so hoping that will help me and hopefully be a bit calmer for the nurse on Monday if it's fine then can start my patches next month x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 09, 2019, 02:50:34 PM
Is there a BP monitor in the waiting room that you could use?  A reading should be taken 3 times to even out, takes about 20 mins..  Let us know how you get on!
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 09, 2019, 02:56:38 PM
Not that I've seen anyway but will let know next week how it goes x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: CLKD on April 09, 2019, 03:03:17 PM
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 09, 2019, 03:17:55 PM
Thanks clkd and everyone else for taking time to answer felling a bit calmer now much appreciated x
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Boombod on April 17, 2019, 09:55:10 PM
Hi all again went to nurse on Monday for a smear and bp she took that first still was high so let's do the smear then bp after so she says bp fine and to start evorol sequi on next period which is 2 weeks away so will update in a few weeks and let u all know how it's going xx
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Macavity on April 19, 2019, 06:09:28 AM
I have never done anything like this before! I am 52 and have been in denial about menopause symptoms for a few years, in February everything came to a head and I became extremely anxious, something I have not had before. I started on Everol 25 on the 7th March and after about 4 days felt on top of the world, the symptoms of night sweats and anxiety started to come back after about 4 weeks and my gp upped me to Everol 50. On the 10th April I went to see a specialist clinic and was upped to Everol 100.

That was a week ago and although things are better and I feel well for a part of each day, there are some parts where I still feel very anxious.

Has anyone else had a similar experience and will hrt work for me?
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Ladybt28 on April 20, 2019, 02:56:00 PM
It is very early days Macavity. Although you may have felt on top of the world for a few days, hrt takes quite a while to balance out in the system. It is rarely a "quick fix".  When prescribed, most consultant recommend a minimum of 3 months to see how things go and to report back.  I cannot see why it wouldn't work for you but you have to be patient for a while yet.  Some of us have more trouble with it than others and it usually the ladies with the most problems that post on the forum needing support and information so don't worry about what you read here just yet!  :)  give it at least 6 weeks on the Everol 100 to really get picture.

One thing to say is that if you are still peri, your own hormones are still kicking in and causing the hrt to fluctuate at various points during the cycle which may give you the "good days - bad days" syndrome.  Just stick with it for the time being but keep us posted as to how it's going.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Emerald2017 on April 20, 2019, 03:35:56 PM
Hi and welcome! Just give a try and you will see! I find the hrt that suits to me after 2 trials. Give to it some time.