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General Discussion => This 'n' That => Topic started by: CLKD on January 22, 2019, 02:52:11 PM

Title: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 22, 2019, 02:52:11 PM
My Mum is the holder of our history - Dad's and her own.  I have lots of 'photos but it's hard work trying to collate it all.

BinL is doing those relevant to DH and onwards ........ it's quite interesting, he's got back to the 1700s.

I love Who Do You Think You Are and Danny Dyer is starting a series after his experiences on the Programme, I think it begins on Wed.?
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Shadyglade on January 22, 2019, 04:37:39 PM
Re check everything. People make mistakes.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 22, 2019, 04:39:51 PM
Saved you some money though and did you find any surprises?  I have the birth and death certificates of my paternal grandparents.  I found some 'photos, taken by my late Dad in the 1950s/60s of various family members so they have been posted appropriately since C.mas, one cousin hadn't seen some that I sent.  There are grand and gt grandkids that might find them of interest.  The other cousin hasn't bothered to acknowledge them  :'( .... I didn't feel that I could destroy them .......

Did U find cousins or others you didn't know of Stellajane?

Dates of birth can lead one astray and very often, children were known by 1 name but christened differently: so they might be Chrales for example but have Robert Edward 'Charles' in the certificate  ::)
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Gangan on January 22, 2019, 04:42:44 PM
I enjoy 'Who do you think you are ?' as well. Danny Dyer was ace !
I got hooked on "Ance*try" and did it for a few months. Managed to find out stuff without having to pay for further certificates but guess i could of gone further if i had of done. Ancestry stopped my subscription no problem when i asked them to.

I've got old unnamed photos and names written in the front of old books some family of which i could then identify. It's a pity people didn't talk more. So much swept under the carpet and you are left with gravestones and snippets.

Gangan x
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 22, 2019, 09:55:18 PM
My poor old Dad never knew who his father was. He was told he died in WW1 but that person died three years before my Dad was born and the sister who came before Dad can't be his either but we know for sure that the three siblings before both of them definitely were his.  I am on Ancestry as I thought I might get somewhere but haven't got far.  Dad was from a poor family and his grandmother was described as a washerwoman/pauper. 

My Mum's family is huge and although many emigrated to America (mainly Philadelphia) loads stayed in  Ireland.  They have all done very well with grandchildren and greatgrandchildren including an olympic champion, a TV actress, an architect who worked on the highest building in Dubai, a teacher in Japan, a judo expert, a champion basketball player,  several teachers, business people and many of them have built themselves very beautiful homes.

Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 23, 2019, 10:51:14 AM
On DH's side one of his relatives was born outside the blanket but raised with his grandparents [1800s] - otherwise we would have a different surname  ;D
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on October 05, 2020, 03:56:43 PM
Who Do You Think You Are begins again soon  :-*

Did anyone watch the programme last night about the 27 siblings: and counting : from 1 sperm donor?  1 lad in the UK, most of the siblings in the US are girls ........ quite involved ! 

Next Monday apparently but I won't be watching David Walliams  >:(
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: C.C. on October 05, 2020, 06:23:36 PM
All I know about my family tree is both my mom and dad have roots in England and Ireland from way back. How far it goes is something I have been meaning to look into.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on October 05, 2020, 09:05:51 PM
I haven't time to follow up yet  :D ........
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 12, 2022, 12:42:28 PM
My Mum's friend: her Uncle was married to DH's aunt - does that make us related  ;D

Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Ju Ju on January 16, 2022, 02:21:58 PM
I have all my sisters genealogy records and photos under my dining table. She spent years collecting information, visiting record offices and graveyards. She died in 2002, far too young. I’ve been given all this stuff to store for younger generations who might been interested in the future. First, I must find some large plastic boxes to protect them from bat poo up in the loft! The current cardboard boxes aren’t up for the job.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 16, 2022, 02:23:42 PM
HobbyCraft for boxes or B&M stores?

Don't forget though that paper weighs heavy ;-).  Damned bats, poo looks like mice droppings  :o
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 16, 2022, 10:54:30 PM
One of the best things you can do is a DNA test on Ancestry.  On my post on here in 2019 i mentioned my late father’s older sister.  My Dad and her were always told their father was their mother’s husband.  It came to light he had died over 3 years before my Dad was born and was serving in WW1 and the dates showed that he could not be her father either.  We assumed they shared the same father but not him obviously but DNA proved this is not the case.  So Grandma had 3 kids with her husband, he went off to war and she had a daughter with someone else and then after he was killed had my Dad with yet another man! 

Another interesting thing it threw up was I found a niece!  She is a daughter one of my brothers never knew he had and she is now 50!  I am in touch with her for birthdays, Xmas etc and she was really keen to meet everybody at first but it was lockdown then so we had to wait many months.  My brother and his 3 adult kids met up with her but I believe it was strained.  She is the same height as my brother, same colouring, same eyes and is very like one of his other daughters.  Her Mum never told him she was pregnant after they drifted apart and he moved away.  When the daughter was about 10 she asked her if she would like to know who her Dad was but she said she wasn’t bothered but then regretted it as her Mum died when she was 13.  Had I not registered on Ancestry she would never have found out.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 17, 2022, 09:26:01 AM
It is interesting what is found out, the more internet etc. we have access to, the more relatives we might find.

Mind you, I have enough problems with those I know  ::)
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 23, 2022, 08:02:51 PM
All out of the blue today I received a message from someone on Ancestry.  I had messaged her over 2 years ago when Mum was still alive and we were discussing Mum’s childhood home and her schoolfriends.
Such a shame It took her so long to reply because Mum would have loved reading it.  She did apologise for the long delay in replying. 
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 23, 2022, 08:16:32 PM
Sad - sometimes Life takes over? What 2020 taught me is that one should never take anything for granted. 
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Ju Ju on January 23, 2022, 08:18:02 PM
My sister would have loved all the new technology. Things have moved on since 2002, when she died.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 23, 2022, 08:20:41 PM
It can be time consuming - one more look, 1 more connection.  10 ins. more .......
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: Ju Ju on January 24, 2022, 10:38:23 AM
She was consumed! Every holiday was based on visiting church yards and record offices! It was interesting to hear about ancestors.
Title: Re: Family Tree
Post by: CLKD on January 24, 2022, 11:07:20 AM
Mum and I loved Church Yards  ;D