Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Sue174 on October 04, 2018, 01:05:15 PM

Title: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 04, 2018, 01:05:15 PM
I'm hoping someone can help please. I've been on and off different hrt for just over 2 months and it's making me feel awful ... anxious, low mood ... so was put on antidepressants too. Got so fed up at the weekend not seeing improvement in mood so give up hrt. I feel so low and just want to cry all the time as seems ages since I've felt ok. I've nothing to be sad about. When will the hrt be out of my system?
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Joaniepat on October 04, 2018, 01:24:09 PM
Hello Sue174, welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten.

I think each HRT regime is supposed to be trialled for 2 or 3 months before trying another if it doesn't do the trick. ADs aren't really recommended for menopausal symptoms, but I guess it all depends on the situation, some people need both. Perhaps you could tell us where you are in your menopause journey, what you have already tried, and what symptoms you need to alleviate most. Based on that, I am sure one of the more knowledgeable ladies will be along soon with some sensible advice.

All the best for now,
JP x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 04, 2018, 01:54:11 PM
Hi and welcome to MM Sue174

Do tell us more about yourself.  How old are you? Are you still getting periods? What menopause symptoms are you trying to control?  Has the low mood started with menopause or did you suffer with low mood and anxiety before the menopause? What types of HRT have you tried?

HRT can help with many menopause symptoms but low mood and anxiety can be tricky to treat.  HRT will certainly take time to settle so if you haven't trialled an HRT for at least 2-3 months you can't really tell if it's working or not.

If you have only tried continuous HRTs then you may be sensitive to progesterone, so you would need to stick with a sequential HRT which gives a monthly bleed.

ADs are worth trying if HRT doesn't help the menopause symptoms but they should not be prescribed as a first line treatment. DG x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 04, 2018, 04:51:03 PM
Hi Dancing Girl, thanks for welcoming me. I'm 53 and have had Mirena coil for just over 5 years, dr said it should be ok for another 2 years, as I used to have heavy periods. It helped with menopause symptoms too. I started on patches but they kept coming off, can't remember which, went on to Elleste duet a month after and that's when I started with bad anxious stomach and waking early, stopped them. Went on citalopram, didn't help then Dr give me beta blockers for anxiety. Got a bit messed up so stopped betablockers and started Elleste again, felt no better so changed to Evorel Conti patches and Prozac ... been on Prozac 5 weeks and stopped patches after 3 weeks as felt awful and fed up of feeling unhappy for just over 2 months with all these meds. I wish I'd never started hrt as symptoms not that bad but my sister is on Evorel 50 and she said less than a week she had so much energy and felt much better ... I didn't. I just want to feel better as I'm withdrawing and not good.
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Joanne13H on October 04, 2018, 05:08:53 PM
Hi ,
I'm new here :) struggling a bit and wanted a bit of advice. Started with awful menopause symptoms last year . Sweats like Mount Etna going off ! Insomnia from hell , dry eyes and horrendous anxiety . I'm generally a really confident and outgoing person .
GP is fabulous - started me on Elleste Duet and results instantaneous . Felt amazing . Progesterone element was a bit grim and I suffered with reflux but all manageable . After 12 months GP said I had to go on continuous and changed to Elleste Conti. Reflux worse so we tried patches . Wasvon Evorel for 1 month . Felt like I had permanent PMT ! Breasts like cannon balls and awful migraine . So , I ripped patch off and called GP for advice . They have suggested Femoston Conti or Kliovance/ Kliofem. I wanted a patch ideally but the one they did suggest as an alternative FemSeven is no more ☹️☹️. Any tips ? I've been without for 10 days and all the symptoms are back and I hate it . Friend suggested coil for the progesterone but I'm not sure . It's a minefield and I just want to feel the way I felt 6 months ago !
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: jillydoll on October 04, 2018, 06:35:47 PM
Hi Joanne 13H

I'm on femoston conti, and I've found it really good, I've had to tweek it a bit,
But now it's kicked in, I find it does help me a lot...
It has the kindest progesterone in it, I was on patches before and couldn't tolerate
them, so switched to femoston.
Try em, you can always try something else if they don't suite you.

Good luck. Xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Joanne13H on October 04, 2018, 07:31:34 PM
Thanks so much .  I am finding this forum really helpful. Had some health scares with abnormal smears last year which has really unsettled me . All ok now but dreadful menopause symptoms were all around the same time. Since not been on HRT can really feel those awful symptoms returning. I am very lucky to have such a great GP but get the sense it can be guess work ! I was advised patches were the best way to take HRT but I honestly felt shocking ! Apart from that ripping the patches off my behind wasn't pleasant   - do they use superglue ! Will try the femoston conti :) xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 04, 2018, 09:19:38 PM

If you have the Mirena then you don't need the combined HRT.  If the Mirena has been in place for 5 years then it does need to be changed - your GP is wrong.
I think you are getting an overload of progesterone as the Mirena may still be giving off some progesterone and then adding in the combined HRT, which also has progesterone, could mean you are getting too much and this might be effecting your mood. 
If you had a new Mirena you would simply need oestrogen as patches( Estrodot are the best) or perhaps try Oestrogel (which you apply to inner thighs each day) and I think this might be better for you - especially if you were doing OK on the Mirena before.
The Mirena with Oestrogel was my best HRT regime overall. DG x

Joanne - most conti HRT pills or patches can be tough to tolerate fro many women - it may be worth trying the Mirena will gel or patch.
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Ladybt28 on October 04, 2018, 09:58:25 PM
Hi Sue 174 and Joanne13H  :welcomemm:  Nice to have you onboard.  Progesterone cannot be tolerated at all by some women so they use it in a very short cycle, others can manage the usual prescribed cycle - some take it fine continuously but as dancinggirl says - you have a mirena which is dispensing continuous low dose - you don't need any extra and it will kick off all those horrible progesterone side effects.  Mirena's are good because it is so low dose and being inside you at the site of the womb you don't get the fluctuations that you get with pills going through digestion. 

I am on oestrogel and I like it because I can play around with the dose.  You can start off with 2 pumps and use anything up to 4 a day. I haven't managed to get the progesterone right but I now know what I can't do.  There are a lot of posts on here about the anxiety aspect of meno and most of us who are having troubles find it quite difficult to get under control - its perseverance really and finding out what your body can and wont tolerate and in what combo. Bit of a slog but some strike it lucky in 2/3 goes - others of us- we are still trying.
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 05, 2018, 08:19:55 AM
Thank you so much DancingGirl and Ladybt28 for your replies, it's such a relief to have someone there to chat to about things like this as I've got myself in such a state with it all and desperate to feel better. I had a bad day yesterday so rang drs and they're getting my dr to ring me this morning so feel better talking to you so I know what I need to do to get on right track ... thank you both and I'll update you when he's called xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 05, 2018, 03:44:36 PM
Well, dr rang me late this afternoon and I asked for oestrogen patches and new coil. He asked what my menopause symptoms were ... which was only very mild flushes if any and he said I shouldn't be on hrt so to be honest that's fine with me with how I've been with it. I said thought it was progesterone that caused anxiety, poor appetite, losing weight, not sleeping properly etc .. he said it sounds like depression and keep taking fluoxetine 20mg for another 2 weeks (to make 7 weeks I'll have been on them) and if no improvement he'll up dose. So just persevering.  He did say progesterone would be out of system by now so that's a relief. Thank you again for being there xxx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Hurdity on October 06, 2018, 07:02:25 PM
Hi Sue174


So sorry to hear about your symptoms and problems with medication and different HRTs and I agree with what the others have said - no wonder you were feeling rough with a combi HRT oin top of the Mirena.

Also the doc really should have not given you ANY of those meds ie beta-blockers, citalopram, prozac etc for anxiety and associated menopausal symptoms until you have been given the right HRT and given it a proper trial - this is shocking. He is suggesting you keep increasing the dose when oestrogen should be a great help to you and your mood.

If you are peri-menopausal then your homrones will still be up and down but as Dancinggirl says if you get a new Mirena then you can add in oestrogen only at a dose that suits you and then only after a proper trial of several months if you haven't found something that works at the right dose and you have issues in your life that warrant additional medication - then time to consider them. Sounds like you don't though - as you say if you have nothing to be sad about then it's most likely to be the hormones and it's HRT you need - the right type at the right dose.

Try to find another doctor who doesn't want to just dish out the meds for different symptoms without looking at the whole picture. I would follow Dancinggirl's suggestion - get another Mirena -and then trial either Estradot patches (they are very small and stick well) starting with 50 mcg with the option to incrrease - or estradiol gel (Oestrogel/Oestrodose) - and withdraw from all the other meds if you can!

Hang in there - it does get better - hope this helps and good luck!

Hurdity x

Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 07, 2018, 10:58:29 AM
Thank you so much for your reply Hurdity, I really appreciate all the advice. I'm just so confused with it all and really don't know what to do for the best now. After having felt awful for abt 3 months now I just want to be me again and stop thinking abt hrt and how I'm feeling all the time. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or menopausal... and not sure drs know either ... I just don't know whether to give it a couple of weeks jst carrying on Prozac to see if mood lifts and if not does that mean it is menopause and insist on new Mirena and oestrogen? Xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 07, 2018, 03:14:10 PM
If the low mood started when your menopause began then it is hormone related. If the low mood started when you began HRT then it is likely to be the excessive progesterone causing the problem. Either way Prozac is not the answer.
Prozac May mak some of the menopause symptoms but it won't give you all the benefits for your heart and bones and won't help to prevent urogenital atrophy.
GPs need to get more clued upnon the treatment of the menopause. Your GP shouldn't have given you combined HRT patches while you still had the Mirena. If I were you I would ask for a new Mirena and start oestrogen only patches. Do try to wean yourself off the Prozac.
DG x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 08, 2018, 12:31:53 PM
Hi everyone, I've been to the drs this morning and managed to talk them into giving me oestrogen only patches 😀 . I'm really hoping things improve now because I wouldn't know what to do next xx thank you to all of you ... you've been a godsend to me through this
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 08, 2018, 01:44:07 PM
If your Mirena is over 4 years old then you do need to change this soon. Hope things improve DG x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 08, 2018, 02:58:33 PM
Thanks DancingGirl xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 12, 2018, 11:54:51 AM
Hi everyone, I'm just sitting here still mulling over hrt etc and just wondered if anyone could advise because deep down I'm thinking to stop hrt altogether (Evorel 50 oestrogen patches) and have my mirena coil taken out too as just over 5 years old and be without everything. Wouldn't know what to expect but would things get back to normal and how long for everything to get out of system ... only been trying different hrts 3 months but don't want to keep struggling with this. Any advice would be much appreciated please xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 12, 2018, 01:02:19 PM
Sue174 - if you have had your Mirena for 5 years then you should have it changed anyway if you wanted to stick with it as part of HRT( your GP should know this!!).

I assume you had the Mirena for contraception originally? Why did you start the oestrogen?  What symptoms were you getting?

If you did have it removed and stopped the oestrogen patches, you could then have a proper break to see how you feel. If you are still peri menopause then your periods might well start again but could be erratic - however it would give you the chance to reassess and move forward in a more positive way. I don't think you have told us your age?

A break from everything might well be a good idea at this stage. DG x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 12, 2018, 01:18:47 PM
Hi DancingGirl, I had mirena for heavy periods and started with the oestrogen patches last week as was on combined and started feeling anxious, low mood, not eating or sleeping properly. I'm 53 and only know I had the blood test 2 yrs ago confirming on menopause. Before I started hrt not many symptoms at all, not to disrupt anything.  I know I'm probably being really impatient to see if this works and want a quick solution but after 3 months I don't feel any better, no worse mind. My husband retires in a couple of weeks and I don't want to be like this. Xx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Dancinggirl on October 12, 2018, 02:17:04 PM
Ahh yes, I remember now. Your silly GP had put you on combined hrt when you didn't need extra progesterone.
I think it might be worth trying the oestrogen only patches for 2-3 weeks to give them a chance to kick in but make an advance appointment with the GP to either remove or replace the Mirena for 3 weeks time.
DG x
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on October 12, 2018, 02:31:30 PM
Hi DancingGirl, I think that's the trouble that the gp doesn't seem to help and one said I shouldn't be on hrt anyway that I'm depressed. I've got an appt beginning November so will keep going. As I say I just expect it to work instantly and feel better ... my sister saw vast improvement on same things in less than a week. If no change when back to drs will stop everything. Thank you so much again for all your help and advice xxx
Title: Re: Help with hrt
Post by: Sue174 on November 22, 2018, 11:13:18 AM
Hi everyone, hope all ok with you all. I just wanted to update you all a month on ... I stopped all HRT and just kept on with the antidepressants and thank goodness I'm feeling my old self again and it's amazing after those few really bad weeks when I thought it wouldn't get any better. I just wanted to thank you all for all your advice and being there for me when I really needed someone xxxxx thank you 💕