Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Kathleen on June 25, 2018, 12:47:26 PM

Title: Email from Private Consultant but Confused.
Post by: Kathleen on June 25, 2018, 12:47:26 PM
Hello Ladies.

May I pick your brains again ladies? I have received an email from the Consultant I saw privately last week, it was very short and to the point but includes a comment I don't understand and I'm hoping you can enlighten me.

I am post meno and have been using 2 pumps of gel and Utrogestan 100mg orally since February. It seems my estradiol level is 274 pmol/L so I've been told to increase to 2.5 or 3 pumps but not to go higher than that. The Consultant adds that she wants me to let her know how I get on. Can I ask for your opinions ladies? Do you know why she thinks I shouldn't exceed 3 pumps? Do you think it odd that I am still symptomatic at a level of 274?

As always I am grateful for your help and truly value your opinions.

Wishing everyone well.

Title: Re: Email from Private Consultant but Confused.
Post by: CLKD on June 25, 2018, 12:49:48 PM
Probably because anything higher than 3 is not usually required?   I would send a query ......... 'please clafiy your suggestion of no higher then ..... ' - she knows what she means but isn't good at putting it over?
Title: Re: Email from Private Consultant but Confused.
Post by: Tempest on June 25, 2018, 12:52:07 PM
I would say yes - it does seem a little strange at your age to be symptomatic at that level,  Kathleen. If by symptomatic you mean flushes?

I am wondering if it's fluctuations that are causing your flushes, if so? Flushes aren't all about absolute estrogen levels.

I was flush free previously at a level of 120 on the gel, with no ovaries if that gives you an idea. I achieved that with 2 pumps of gel.

Title: Re: Email from Private Consultant but Confused.
Post by: Dotty on June 25, 2018, 01:44:26 PM
Levels can be decieving because some women will get symptoms at low levels and others won't.  Many consultants and GPs do not bother testing oestrogen levels.  I would say that you need as much oestrogen to stop your symptoms.  I take 4 pumps of Oestrogel and my consultant said that's fine and I shouldn't change it.

Just goes to show again that we are all different.
Title: Re: Email from Private Consultant but Confused.
Post by: Kathleen on June 25, 2018, 04:12:51 PM
Hello ladies.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

Tempest -  I still have flushes on 2 pumps of gel although they are milder than they were. My emotional symptoms are causing me the most worry but I'm hoping these will settle when the flushes stop. I live in hope lol.

Dotty -  I remember you saying that 4 pumps were the minimum for you and I wonder if I'm the same?

Thanks again ladies, you've reassured me that one size doesn't fit all so I will increase my pumps and keep my consultant informed.

Wishing you all well and take care.
