Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Karen max on April 10, 2018, 03:00:29 PM

Title: Advice of HRT
Post by: Karen max on April 10, 2018, 03:00:29 PM
Hi all
I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some advice regarding hrt
I'm 4 years post menopause and have been suffering anxiety past 3yrs which I know is hormonal relasted as it peaks at same time each month..
My doc has give me 2 different hrt 1st one was kilovance which cause really bad aches and caused bleeding which lasted weeks in end ..
Angela (think that's right spelling ) didn't help me either hit flushes were worse plus dizzy head ,headaches . Plus vpbkeeding heavy on it also

Is that anyone who has used hrt that has helped eased  there anxiety and hot flushes , I've to see GP tomorrow and going to ask for a different HRT but I'm clueless regarding this and do is my doc ..
I've looked into bio hrt but we don't seem to have any clinics her in Ireland ..
I've suffered 4yrs menopause apart form few moypths of them 2differebt hrt and really can't cope with these horrible symptoms any longer I am definitely going need help from some kind of hrt

Many thanks

Title: Re: Advice of HRT
Post by: jillydoll on April 10, 2018, 08:29:02 PM
Hi Karen.

I'm new on here but thought I'd reply to you.
I too suffer anxiety and am on femoston conti ultra low dose 0.5/2.5
I am 3years postmeno. What I do when I find I'm feeling depressed,
Crying a lot or my anxiety is bad is, I double my dose only for a few days,
Until I start to feel better then reduce back down again. I know when to do this because
I start to get back ache and stomach ache like I used to get before I stared my period.
I think it's because the progesterone is too high for me and that's the side effects. As
Soon as I drop back down to my original dosage I'm fine again. Maybe in time I will have
To up my dose to 1mg/5mg but for now this is working for me. It's a bit of a rollercoaster, but hey,
There's no quick fix and after trying a few different hrts, (patches) these pills seem to be the best
For me.
I also take benedryl everyday to help my anxiety which works great, as I won't take
Perscription drugs for it.

Femoston conti is supposed to be one of the kinder hrts.

Good luck...jillydoll.  :foryou: :foryou:
Title: Re: Advice of HRT
Post by: jillydoll on April 10, 2018, 09:27:29 PM
Hi Karen.

If you also look into the Treatment section at the top you will see some
Options .

Hope this helps.

Jillydoll. X
Title: Re: Advice of HRT
Post by: Karen max on April 10, 2018, 11:44:25 PM

Thank you I will have a look.
It's just to hard to get a hrt that suits me , I have pushed this for 4yrs but now it seems to be getting worse rather than better ..

Thanks again x