Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => All things menopause => Topic started by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 09:00:52 AM

Title: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 09:00:52 AM
One of my worst meno symptoms is exhaustion.... total exhaustion all day and every day . I am unable to do anything.

Does HRT improve this exhaustion ?
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: aspie65 on January 11, 2018, 12:54:16 PM
I have CFS/ME and the meno made this so much worse I am now largely housebound.  I am on HRT but sadly it didn't really make much difference for me.  However one thing I've learnt from this website that we are all very different so I would give HRT a try just in case it helps.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Conolly on January 11, 2018, 01:17:26 PM
Hello Aspie65,

I haven't been diagnosed with CFS/ME or Fibromyalgia but I'm afraid it's going to be one or another soon. I am considering HRT but as I have clotting issues this is going to take a while. In the meantime I have to deal with aches and pains on a daily basis.

Well, I just wanted to say I'm an Aspie 🤗

Conolly X
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: aspie65 on January 11, 2018, 01:32:44 PM
Nice to meet a fellow menopausal aspie, I think we do have it worse than many because of this.  As for your aches and pains, talk to your doctor about pregabalin.  It is used for pain and anxiety.  It is sedative but I take it at night and I find the help with my sleep does help with giving a little more energy each day. 
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dancinggirl on January 11, 2018, 01:48:08 PM
Fatigue is a difficult one to solve.  There are so many reasons for fatigue but it certainly can be a meno symptom.  However, lack or sleep, poor thyroid function, low iron, B12, Vitamin D or general vitamin deficiencies, recovering from a virus etc. etc. can all contribute to low energy.  HRT can help to restore sleep patterns and improve muscle strength etc. so can improve energy but it can only do so much.  If everything has been checked and there are no obvious deficiencies or underlying health issues, then the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome tends to emerge and this is now treated with a variety of strategies which should be discussed with the GP.

To feel totally exhausted all time is horrible but I don't think HRT alone will be able to solve this. I would ask for some help with your chronic fatigue - I believe there are good programmes available to help this. DG x
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: aspie65 on January 11, 2018, 01:51:10 PM
I'm intrigued by your comment about good programmes around - do you have any more information?
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Conolly on January 11, 2018, 01:56:16 PM
Nice to meet a fellow menopausal aspie, I think we do have it worse than many because of this.  As for your aches and pains, talk to your doctor about pregabalin.  It is used for pain and anxiety.  It is sedative but I take it at night and I find the help with my sleep does help with giving a little more energy each day. 

Unfortunately I think you're right. 😔

I have read one of your posts re pregabalin and I think it's wonderful that it's working for you. I will definitely mention it on my next appt. Thank you aspie65.

Conolly X
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: aspie65 on January 11, 2018, 02:12:52 PM
Yeah I'm a bit of stuck record on pregabalin but I am so impressed with it I really want other people to be aware that it exists. 
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dancinggirl on January 11, 2018, 02:19:06 PM
I have a couple of friends who have CFS/ME and they have done some programmes that seem to have helped them.  These programmes are usually CBT based but involve a whole lifestyle regime to get life back on track - it takes time and a lot of discipline - so not easy.  They both still have set backs but now cope better when fatigue returns.

My theory is; if you are someone who is usually very active and likes to lead a very full life, the fatigue can be the body rebelling against this. Maybe you worked through a cold or virus and never fully recovered or perhaps you go through a time of extreme stress OR maybe both these things. I have had times when I feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted, usually because of high stress, so now I know I simply have to pull right back and focus on diet and relaxation and gradually increase exercise till I'm sleeping better and feel more calm - my energy then slowly returns.
I had gastric problems, awful lower back pain and high stress problems at work last year and it's taken me 6 months to feel even slightly back to normal! 

The menopause throws so many symptoms at us, it can be very distressing and indeed frightening - nobody prepares us for this and help from doctors is usually meagre - we often have to fight to get help at a time when we feel so vulnerable.   Anxiety and not being able to cope with anything stressful are very near the top of the list of meno symptoms. The mental and physical result of this will be fatigue. HRT is just one aspect that may help.

My brother-in-law is an eminent gastroenterologist and does believe there is a CFS - I think he believes one cause is as a result of a virus and this virus can be quite minor initially, with few symptoms, but has long term effects for the body - this is why it's so difficult to diagnose.  I think the medical profession is still very divided about this syndrome and how to treat it - no quick fixes.  DG x 
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dancinggirl on January 11, 2018, 02:32:16 PM
I don't think one should ever rule out the benefits of an AD/SSRI - they are not just for depression and many find they help alongside HRT.  The fact that they calm the whole body down, removing pain and anxiety, this can have a very healing effect.

I had a friend who has a very good GP and, when she was going through a particularly difficult time with health and family issues, he advised her to try a SSRI just for a few months.  HE described using this SRRI to her as “giving her body and mind a break” - my friend told me it was the best thing she could have done at the time as it did indeed help her to sleep and feel calmer about everything and it restored her health and wellbeing. She only took it for 6 months and came off slowly and hasn't needed it since.

I mantra is 'to keep an open mind'.  DG x
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 02:54:22 PM
If fatigue is caused by low oestrogen then hrt should sort it out.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: knorman on January 11, 2018, 03:26:29 PM
Hello aspie65 I also have CFS/ME and have had to leave work as a result. I have used a book by Dr Sarah Myhill to try and aid recovery and have found it invaluable.  I have been making progress partly through not being at work (I miss it) and pacing and resting, but the night heats have taken their toll and back in November I ended up not being able to move again. The menopause has made everything go backwards and now I do not know what is CFS and what is menopause, as so many symptoms cross over.
Dotty,  I started taking HRT and started to make improvement, but seem to have an allergic reaction to it, so back to the drawing board and the night flushes are back.  The Dr Myhill book (I am sorry, I cannot for life of me recall the title!) may help you as well with the exhaustion, as whether due to menopause exhaustion or CFS/ME, the principals for correcting should be the same.  Also, CoQ10 is the supplement I take for energy replenishment, it may help. Hope you find relief soon.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: aspie65 on January 11, 2018, 03:31:12 PM
Thanks for the book recommendation I will check it out.  You are so right how it is so hard to tell what is CFS and what is menopause!
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 03:33:57 PM
I think a lot of women are misdiagnosed with CFS, when actually their  problem is hormonal....low oestrogen.

Some top gynaecologists have done research into this.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 03:35:20 PM
knorman......if you get your hrt right you might find that the fatigue goes away.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Donna-paul on January 11, 2018, 03:50:09 PM
I find all this topic interesting as I've had M.e since I had my son 25 years ago. I've struggled with it for years and had to give up work I had hormonal melt down last summer when my periods stopped and all Perimenopausal symptoms I do believe hormones has a lot to answer. I just can't tolerate hrt we'll still trying!
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 03:54:36 PM
Donna - Paul .... which hrt have you tried?
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: knorman on January 11, 2018, 04:26:22 PM
I became ill 4.5 years ago and kept pushing myself through work etc. as everything I read up on how I was feeling led to being peri-meno and thought I just had to get on with it. Big mistake, I could kick myself now!  I think you are right that if we get the combo correct, it will help, but I know I have a way to go yet to recover.  However, miracles do happen!
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: knorman on January 11, 2018, 04:30:24 PM
It has worn my poor little brain and body out today trying to get my head round the HRT combo, so I think I am going to have to stop going round in circles.  Time will tell and thank you for advising re: the Oestrogel.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Donna-paul on January 11, 2018, 04:40:59 PM
I tried Femoston and elestte duet but was allergic to both on just the estrogen bit. Now on oestrogel 1 1/2 pumps a day trying to up to 2 but got terrible headaches and norethistrone. It's a stuggle and last resort to try otherwise I may have to try alternative route. I believe it's the M.E that's making it difficult I'm still preserving as they say you should try for 3 mths!
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Kathleen on January 11, 2018, 05:16:44 PM
Hello ladies.

My trusty meno book mentions the link between low oestrogen and increased fatigue and poor quality sleep, "laboratory studies have shown that women who have normal levels of oestrogen fall asleep faster than women who don't...those with adequate levels also spend more time in the deepest stage of sleep and feel more refreshed when awake" so seems that we have poorer sleep quality even without night sweats. Oh the joys!

Take care ladies.

Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 11, 2018, 05:29:20 PM
Kathleen... I agree with that. I have terrible sleep which is not always because of night sweats .
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: knorman on January 12, 2018, 08:56:18 AM
I'm going to suggest the oestrogel pump to the Dr next if the burning tongue and lips do not go. Tried Elleste 2mg duet first and thought it was the progesterone, then Femseven patch, which kept the symptoms going and kept falling off, now on 1mg Elleste Solo with micronized progesterone, which I think is a bio-identical? I start the progesterone this evening, so fingers crossed I don't have a double whammy reaction. Hoping the 1mg being lower dose oestrogen may help with the allergic reaction, it is starting to take the night heats away again. Maybe third time lucky?
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: knorman on January 12, 2018, 08:58:45 AM
If I don't come on here again later, have a good weekend all.
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Hurdity on January 13, 2018, 11:51:55 AM
I haven't read all this thread in detail - but aside from the obvious vitamin/iron deficiencies, being overweight or lack of exercise, other life-style issues - then fatigue (and including ME/CFS and fibromyalgia) can be caused by underactive thyroid, oestrogen deficiency and testosterone deficiency. Unfortunately none of these are tested and treated properly so a lot of women especially in mid-life get labelled with these conditions and then are stuck for life! Proper thyroid testing includes TSH, T3, T4 and anti-bodies (to test for Hasimoto's) and treatment requires a flexible idea of reference range ( that it's not an all or nothing concept - some women will get symptoms even while within the reference range for normal function). Oestrogen deficiency - will affect different women in different ways - there is not an absolute level below which women will feel fatigued and above which they are fine. Rule of thumb - try HRT especially if late menopause or post, preferably not continuous combined (to avoid the continuous sedative effect of the prog). Testosterone just isn't tested and is poorly understood for women - I mean there isn't even a test designed for women sensitive enough to detect abnormalities within our own reference range. Quote from my GP "We can't go round testing testosterone levels in all women who come here complaining of tiredness" !!! FFS - why not - at least consider its deficiency as a cause of symptoms. I was threatened (well suggested!) with referral for fibromyalgia - but I was having none of it and sadly (ie it should be available to all on NHS) had to go for private treatment for testosterone. So many of women's conditions are probably hormonal in one way or another....

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Does HRT improve fatigue?
Post by: Dotty on January 13, 2018, 11:56:46 AM
Hurdity...I agree.  I think  a lot of women are misdiagnosed with CFS when actually the problems are caused by hormones and menopause .

I've had every test going and everything you have suggested is fine and my blood tests show that I am very healthy.  Wish I felt healthy!!!!