Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Angel-angie on September 14, 2017, 07:49:53 PM

Title: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Angel-angie on September 14, 2017, 07:49:53 PM
I've been going through an early menapause since 39 nothing has worked now visiting a menapause specialist and have now been prescribed everel 100 X 2 patches it seems soo high any one else started off on 50 finally at 200 still have night sweats seffinetly better  x
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Taz2 on September 14, 2017, 08:05:46 PM
Hi Angel-angie.   :welcomemm:

It does seem a high dose but if you are under the care of a menopause specialist then there must be a reason for you being prescribed this amount. I'm not sure how old you are now?

Taz x  :)

Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Angel-angie on September 14, 2017, 08:19:44 PM
Hi I'm 46 it's been terrible but I am worried about this high amount  is there a risk to this amount I'm also on Provera 10 mg for 12 days not feeling well it's only last 3 weeks upped my everel from 150 to 200
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Taz2 on September 14, 2017, 08:54:03 PM
I'm sorry you are feeling so dreadful but you will get a lot of help, friendship and advice on here and wont feel so alone.

I don't know anything about Provera to be honest but I'm sure someone else will be along soon to help.

Taz  x  :bighug:
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Salad on September 14, 2017, 10:29:26 PM

I agree with Taz2 and feel you should follow your Specialist's advice to see how you get on.
I'm using a dose equivalent to 150 and understand that worry that comes with going outside the 'normal' dose. But I am feeling better overall despite having the odd symptom break through.

I've no experience with the use of Provera but as Taz2 said someone will hopefully pop along and help.
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Hurdity on September 15, 2017, 08:39:43 AM
Hi Angel-angie


Two things come to mind. Some women just don't absorb well from patches - so have you had blood tests done (one doesn't say much but having two or three at different points in your cycle should give an indication)? In this case gel might be a better option ( there are regularly women on here changing from patches to gel or gel to patches due to absorption problems)?

The other thing is that I know some gynaes prescribe high dose oestrogen to suppress the cycle and in order to eliminate mood swings. Prof Studd does this  I seem to remember - for reproductive depression. Maybe this is the aim of the high dose?

If you have been prescribed this there is no risk and if there was it would have been explained to you. You are less than the natural average age of menopause and so your body would have been making oestrogen for a few more years yet - these years ( until 52) don't count in terms of risk. The evidence is that there is greater risk to your future health from having an early menopause and not replacing oestrogen so try not to worry.

The important thing is to feel well and to find the right treatment that works for you. In your position I think the starting point would be blood tests, in view of the lower doses not working. The other thing is testosterone which can be the missing link for some women. The gynae I saw said that women sometimes make the mistake of increasing oestrogen when it's T they need - although the right dose of oestrogen should eliminate flushes and sweats. The most reliable indicator of of T deficiency is low libido but also tiredness, lethargy, muscle aches/weakness.

What does your menopause specialist say about all of this? You are surely in good hands here.

There is another thread about Provera on here and you could go to the home page of the forum and do a search too. Suunydays and Dana are using it ( these members come to mind but there will be others).

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: MIS71MUM on September 15, 2017, 04:32:18 PM
When I read Prof Studd's report, it definitely mentioned 100mg x 2 patches to override the cycle.  I expect at some point I'll be increasing my doseage from 87.5 mg to 100mg, and maybe even higher if necessary.  I'm 46 too, and look at it as though the oestrogen patch at 200mg could only be like taking a high dose contraceptive pill and that's allowed till age 50.  So at the moment, I'd try not too worry about it.

There has been another member on here before who has succesfully overriden her cycle with 4 pumps of oestrogen a day - again I understand that this is a Prof Studd recommendation.  She is about our age too. 

Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Jinja on September 15, 2017, 07:09:42 PM
Hi, I saw a menopause specialist last week and she said younger women, I'm nearly 46, often require much higher doses of oestrogen, she put me on one everol 100 patch but said I might find I need  2 patches or a patch and top it up with some gel
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Angel-angie on September 15, 2017, 07:10:04 PM
I am confused I have upped to 2 x100  not feeling well how do we know if it's too much x
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Angel-angie on September 15, 2017, 07:11:54 PM
Hi are u on a progesterone too xx
Title: Re: Everel 2 X 100 patch any one
Post by: Angel-angie on September 15, 2017, 07:37:11 PM
Also I occasionally have migraine with aura x