Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => New Members => Topic started by: Hothothot on June 26, 2017, 12:17:58 PM

Title: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on June 26, 2017, 12:17:58 PM
Hello everyone,

I am completely new to the forum (or any forum come to that) so please excuse any mistakes. I wanted to know if anyone has found a way to manage avoiding weight gain on hrt? To give some background, I am 50, and definitely peri-menopausal. I began having regular hot flushes last summer, and reached the point where I was having them every hour, 24 hours a day - resulting in stress and terrible sleep deprivation. I was keen to avoid hrt as I have never been able to take the pill (made me psychotic, and the progesterone irritated my bladder causing intense pain and urinary bleeding) so my gp prescribed venefalaxine, which worked, but caused terrible side effects. I eventually gave up and went on hrt - Femseven sequi to start, and when I reacted to the patches (when they actually stuck!), I was changed to Evorel sequi. I got on fine with these, bar getting a bit weepy, but gained 10lbs in three months, and the weight just kept on going up. Eventually I got so fed up with the weight gain that I came off the hrt, but after 3 months am right back into hourly flushes and no sleep  :(  I have tried every possible alternative treatment with no success at all.
Has anyone experienced weight gain with one type of hrt and not another? I know that apparently hrt does not cause weight gain, but when I looked at some of the studies used to support this argument, the evidence didn't really stack up. In fact the medical studies I found did show weight gain, but just not around the waist! In my case it definitely did cause weight gain. I have managed to lose the 10lbs but have put myself back on the hrt in desperation at the hot flushes. I am also having problems with vaginal atrophy (got to love that term!), and have reacted badly to vagifem, so hrt is really the only option. I really don't want to put that weight back on, so any tips or advice would be really appreciated. At the moment my approach is 1500 calories a day, regular exercise and no wine.....

Thank you in advance!

Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: peri on June 26, 2017, 04:50:45 PM
Hi Hothothot

I've no revelations for you I'm afraid except to say I agree with you that hrt causes weight gain because that's exactly what happened to me.  I'm also on evorel and it's the one I like the best.  I did get told at the menopause clinic the oestrogen in the patches attracts water, and my weight gain is definitely water retention as it's puffy where I put my patches (tummy area).  I have recently managed to shift a bit and I've done this by cutting out bread - did you see the documentary that explains white bread keeps on rising in your tummy - the last thing I need! Finally just to say I did try tibilone and that was even worse for weight gain, I really blew up and couldn't stand it, I think it's because it has continuous progesterone x
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on June 26, 2017, 05:43:35 PM
Hi peri,

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I find the weight gain so frustrating... I really can't afford to replace my entire wardrobe with bigger clothes, so hunger seems to be the only answer!

I haven't seen the bread thing - I'll have to check that out. That's also a shame, as I tend to make homemade white bread with a breadmaker, and it's really yummy. :)

It's nice to know that the Evorel works for you though.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Annie0710 on June 26, 2017, 05:49:46 PM
I think menopause must play a part with weight gain too.  I've been on hrt since I was 32 and honestly, looking back had a lovely size 8 figure.  Things all went wrong in every dept when I hit 45 and suffered a second bout of hormonal fluctuations.  Size 10 now but nothing like the figure I had before
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Maryjane on June 26, 2017, 06:04:24 PM
I haven't put any weight on with HRT, basically when we enter the meno years are metabolism slows down , and we need to eat alot less and move a lot more.

I eat very well always full , but absolutely no white carbs / sugar, cake, biscuits, crisps ,processed foods etc.

Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on June 26, 2017, 06:22:02 PM
Hello Annie0710 and Maryjane,

I completely agree that menopause probably causes weight gain, but my gain was very sudden and rapid, and only happened when I started the hrt. The weight would not shift in any way when I was on the hrt, but as soon as I stopped it and started a moderate diet it just dropped off. As part of losing the hrt weight I have stopped drinking wine in the evenings (which made me very sad at first, but is ok now), and really upped my exercise. I am hoping that this approach will help prevent weight gain this time.

Maryjane, it's really good to hear that there are people out there who manage not to gain weight on hrt - it gives me hope for a hot flush free future and staying trim(ish).

Thank you both for your responses. :)
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 26, 2017, 07:29:45 PM
I haven't gained much more than a couple of pounds on HRT.

What has happened though is a redistribution of weight around my middle. I no longer have a waist really.
I have cut back on portion sizes though. It's not been that hard as the older I get the smaller my appetite is.
I really think the only answer is to eat much less.
I don't excercise that much. Just a bit of walking and gardening.

Our metabolism slows down the older we get. So I'm afraid the only answer for me is not to eat at all between meals and have much smaller main courses.

Mrs Brown
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on June 26, 2017, 08:28:59 PM
Hello Mrs Brown,

Thank you for the response. I think you are probably right about reducing food intake generally. I have come to the point where I would rather use hrt and eat less. than cope with the misery of hourly hot flushes and no sleep but eating a bit more.

Being a woman is really tough sometimes....... :'(
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Helenhelena on July 04, 2017, 06:59:22 PM
Hi I have found the Evorel Sequi very good. I think I have thickened a bit overall and probably gained a few pounds but not so I cant wear my clothes.

I don't seem to like alcohol as much. I have cut down to almost nothing and also taken up cycling everywhere rather than using the car. I have found those 2 decisions have helped make weight gain minor.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hurdity on July 04, 2017, 08:10:09 PM
Hi Hothothot

I use Estradot patches with micronised progesterone ( Utrogestan) on a long cycle. I eat less (and drink less alcohol) and exercise more than I used to - both cardio and toning - to keep my weight down and my shape acceptable ( aside from the waist thickening that is characteristic of menopausal women even despite HRT). I put on weight during peri-menopause and early post-meno but made a conscious decision that I didn't want to become a fat old woman if I could help it - for  a multitude of health reasons as much as any, so I have gradually lost it although if I blink it goes back on. I have been on this HRT for 10 years and now in mid 60's.

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Ju Ju on July 05, 2017, 06:30:10 PM
I put on weight during peri menopause. At 60, I resorted to HRT. The gynaecologist warned me that some of my symptoms were due to insulin resistance. I took this seriously as I have a very strong family history of diabetes. I followed dietary advice and cut out refined sugar as far as possible along with limiting natural sugars ( fruit only with meals, not as a snack). I lost weight and feel much more comfortable. I have had to buy new clothes though!  :) but I look much better in them and feel more comfortable. So no, I haven't put on weight with HRT, but this is because I looked at my diet and am eating much more healthfully.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on July 06, 2017, 05:44:02 PM
Hello Helenhelena, Hurdity and Ju Ju,

Thank you for your responses. It definitely seems that a change of approach to diet and exercise is needed to avoid weight gain as a result of menopause, with or without hrt... Like so many other women of perimenopausal age, I also have autoimmune thyroid disease, which also makes it difficult to maintain a steady weight. As a teenager I gained 3 stones in 3 months on the pill, so I am a bit paranoid about taking hormones! When I gained weight initially on the Evorel sequi it seemed that my worries were justified. Unfortunately, at the moment I am experiencing severe hot flushes every 30 to 60 minutes, 24 hours a day, after 2 weeks back on the Evorel.  :'( No sleep...... Last time I went on the Evorel it took 5 days to completely stop the flushes. On advice from a locum GP, I have added an extra 1/2 patch to see if I need a higher dose now. She has also given me a week of sleeping tablets to help with the appalling insomnia caused by the flushes through the night.

I am so relieved to have this contact with other women, and am so grateful for all your advice and experience.

Thank you everyone. :)
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Katia on July 12, 2017, 06:51:37 PM
I switched from he pill to HRT 3 weeks ago and have put on weight. It's made me just want to eat and eat so I have eaten the calories for the weight gain. I'm hoping it settles as I can't keep going up
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on July 13, 2017, 04:18:52 PM
Hi Katia,

I've been back on the hrt for 3 weeks now, and so far no weight gain, but I have been working really hard at not putting it on. I do miss my glasses of wine though!
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Katia on July 14, 2017, 01:39:59 PM
I know, hothothot, I need to work harder.  I start on Monday.  The hrt is making me so hungry.  The pill didn't.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on October 03, 2017, 06:31:02 PM
I thought I'd add to my own post just in case it helps anyone else who reads this thread. I have now been back on hrt for nearly 4 months. The first time I tried hrt I gained 10lb's in 3 months, which made me very sad..... :(  This time I gained 4lbs in 3 months - hrt definitely make me hungrier. The good news though, is that I have managed to lose the weight fairly quickly by cutting out the wine, and reducing calories.

I do think that hrt predisposes some of us to weight gain (despite all the claims that it doesn't), but in my experience so far, it can be lost again. I hope this is helpful for anyone else with concerns.

Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: jennyp25 on October 25, 2017, 08:52:40 PM
i am new to HRT patch, my doctor tells me i shouldnt put weight on with HRT, that it is the lack of the  hormone that causes the weight gain. im trying so hard to loose weight I hope my GP is correct, feeling worried  :o :(

Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Hothothot on October 27, 2017, 05:21:18 PM
Hi JennyP25,

I'm afraid there's not much I can add to what is already on the post..... I did gain weight when first on hrt (10lb), but managed to lose it again. I am currently on a fairly high dose of hrt to control hot flushes, and seem to be controlling my weight ok. It's a battle though, and as soon as I relax I gain again. :(   For me, the menopause symptoms were so bad that hrt was the only solution, so I have to work with that, and adapt my diet accordingly.

I was one of those women who always swore I would never touch hrt (so easy to be judgemental before it hits you!), but I couldn't manage without it. I am hugely grateful it is available, and I have just had to accept that life/diet/wine consumption ( :'() etc, need to be managed from now on.

I hope it works out for you.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: jennyp25 on October 27, 2017, 08:13:09 PM
Thank you I am hoping it works I'm feeling  up and down at the moment. But only been on the patch for 4days.  👍
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Tinkerbell on October 27, 2017, 09:10:26 PM
I have been on systemic HRT for over a year now and have managed to loose weight, down to the fact that my awful VA has been under control since starting it and I can exercise cycling and swimming.
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: jennyp25 on October 28, 2017, 08:43:15 AM
Oh that's positive. :) I am quite active. So hopefully this will help 🙄
Title: Re: Advice for avoiding weight gain on hrt?
Post by: Katia on October 29, 2017, 09:14:24 AM
I didn't gain weight with the gel,  didn't agree with me. The only one I have gained weight with is Angeliq, but it may be that it has almost as much progesterone as the pill, or it could be that estradiol puffs me like a balloon. The conjugated don't