Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Alternative Therapies => Topic started by: DaisyB on June 06, 2017, 04:44:23 PM

Title: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 06, 2017, 04:44:23 PM
girls - just wanted to share that I have opted to go for this oil as an alternative to anti-anxiety meds for 1 month - GP isn't opposed to it as it's grown and cultivated etc organically in Ireland and is non psychoactive- will keep you posted on progress (or not)

DaisyB x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: peri on June 06, 2017, 04:59:38 PM
What does CBD stand for DaisyB?x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 06, 2017, 06:02:29 PM
What does CBD stand for DaisyB?x

It's extracted from Cannabis!
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: CLKD on June 06, 2017, 10:13:00 PM
What does it stand for ........... has it been tested and given NICE approval  :-\ if not, why would anyone take something that hasn't been trialled against drugs that can work ?  Let us know how you get on .......
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 06, 2017, 11:53:05 PM
Lol - chill CKLD its organic, grown on home turf, approved by FDA and psychosomatic properties removed. I'd much rather try this first than jump into anti anxiety drugs with multiple side effects - GP didn't oppose but asked me to try her way if mine fails. I agreed  :)  because ultimately I need the anxiety controlled and if I can't do it organically I will acquiesce.

DaisyB x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: MicheleMaBelle on June 07, 2017, 07:16:19 AM
HI DaisyB- had never heard of this but have just asked Mr Google about it.
Do let us know if you think it works as I'm interested in giving it a try but you can be the guinea pig x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: CLKD on June 07, 2017, 02:54:11 PM
Not much point in taking it then  ;D .........
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 07, 2017, 04:23:38 PM
 ;D - disappointing CLKD I know!! But the health giving properties are intact. I'll keep you all posted.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Kathleen on June 07, 2017, 04:46:21 PM
Hello DaisyB.

This sounds like an interesting experiment and I hope you keep us updated. A bit of CBD oil can't be worse than gin which was known as " mother's ruin ".

Take care.

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 07, 2017, 11:45:49 PM
Early days Kathleen - some anxiety loitering tonight but it hasn't been let out of the cage - so to speak. I'll keep a close eye on it. Lady in health shop said lots of young lads (likely coming off drugs) are using it for anxiety withdrawal symptoms. I'll feedback often on ups/downs

DaisyB xx
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 11, 2017, 08:25:43 AM
Day 6 - ok so this is all anecdotal ;)  cbd taken twice a day 2 drops on tongue. Added B12 in on day 3 - anxiety has been turned down from a 9/10 to 1/2 😇 I can't be sure if it's cbd or the B12 or the combo?

Once I have a full week of reduced anxiety I will remove B12 - to try and gauge if it's influencing the result.

I also ordered ashwagandha tincture form my health store - enough to last me a year lol

I've no patience so I am adding this in today.

As I said 1 month - once a clear week free of crippling anxiety happens I will eliminate B12 to see what happens.

Ashwagandha is also for anxiety but approaching from a longer term angle - in that it's an adaptogen working to balance the endocrine system. So this is something I will likely stay on and not mess around with.

Work in progress 😇

DaisyB x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: babyjane on June 11, 2017, 08:41:14 AM
Good luck DaisyB  :great:. 

I cannot mess aroung with my endocrine system, my endo would hit the roof as he has a hard job with my thyroid levels as it is (the reason I didn't go down the HRT route).  So I will stick with the SSRI and BB which help on the whole  :)
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 11, 2017, 09:00:47 AM
Think I'm lucky BJ in that I was underactive but still had a choice to either control (at this stage with diet) or accept thyroxine. I am willing to try and find a way to balance and manage it all that doesn't rely on long term meds. That said i have the luxury of being able to try this as many women have no choice but to be on medication.

For me could I know I could manage a lot better if I didn't have the crippling anxiety every time I feel a pain, tremor, pins and needles, etc etc

I'll keep posting

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Kathleen on June 11, 2017, 09:11:49 AM
Hello again DaisyB.

Thank you for the update, I'll be following with interest.

Btw our local college held a mock election last week and it was won by the candidate who promised to legalise cannabis! There's a lot of it about lol.

Wishing you well.

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 11, 2017, 09:14:05 AM
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 09:29:23 AM
Great news Daisy. I'm interested in the oil as have a young family member suffering badly with anxiety so will see how much you improve then recommend it x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 11, 2017, 09:59:46 AM
Yes megamind - I will keep posting on any change for better or worse. I like the idea that it is working primarily for anxiety and pain but is non-addictive.
It is def not a cure all as far as I'm concerned. But if I can reduce the anxiety I can cope better with the symptoms I'm getting. A good example is my arm and leg are feeling weak and a bit clumsy this morning. This normally sends me into full blown panic mode but here  I am drinking coffee and thinking 'I don't like this but if I have to live with it I will!!'

That said I have seen so many peaks and troughs in this menopause journey that I wouldn't like to mislead or get too confident. So I am giving myself 1 month and adding or taking away other supplements to see if I can say for sure it's the cbd  ;)

DaisyB xx
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 12:32:45 PM
Fingers crossed x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: babyjane on June 11, 2017, 12:45:32 PM
Hi Daisy, I have no problem with meds.  I am not one to suffer in silence (or suffer at all if I can help it).  I have a very low threshold for pain and discomfort and if I can take something to improve matters I will.  I never saw Thyroxine as a drug anyway, but a hormone replacement in itself.  I had no choice as my condition is Hashimoto's which is autoimmune and by the time I was diagnosed my TSH was 52!

I also take vitamin D supplements, vitamins, Glucosamine as well as SSRI and Betablockers. I spent years and lots of money on alternatives and different therapists and in the end I just wanted to put an end to the striving for something I was not going to find.

Good luck with your treatments.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 11, 2017, 12:54:53 PM
Can I please ask a silly question. I had a bit of a Google and the CBD comes in two types I think.
Is the one you are using something you rub on.....yep said it was a silly question but I did see there were oral drops.
I'm really keen to try something natural for my anxiety but I have a bit of a sensitive stomach so anything I have to swallow makes me wary.

Thank you for charting your progress with this and I hope it continues to help.

Mrs Brown
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: CLKD on June 11, 2017, 02:36:37 PM
Nowt is silly on here! 
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 11, 2017, 02:54:56 PM
Oh it can be CLKD.

 ;D ;D  ::)

Mrs Brown

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 03:22:56 PM
Can I please ask a silly question. I had a bit of a Google and the CBD comes in two types I think.
Is the one you are using something you rub on.....yep said it was a silly question but I did see there were oral drops.
I'm really keen to try something natural for my anxiety but I have a bit of a sensitive stomach so anything I have to swallow makes me wary.

Thank you for charting your progress with this and I hope it continues to help.

Mrs Brown

Earlier in the thread Daisy says she puts 2 drops on her tongue.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: CLKD on June 11, 2017, 03:36:30 PM
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 11, 2017, 04:23:16 PM
Missed that bit ....thank you.

Guess it won't be for me then.

Mrs Brown
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 05:16:23 PM
Would two drops still have an effect on your stomach? It doesn't seem like much.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 11, 2017, 05:28:59 PM
With my stomach who knows.
It's the bane of my life

Mrs Brown
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 11, 2017, 06:11:27 PM
I've ordered some (thanks for your help Daisy)

Even if it gets me calm to go to work and not so nervy being sociable I'll feel like I've won the lottery

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 11, 2017, 06:32:57 PM
Hi girls - update  ;)  firstly no question is too silly xx I put 2 drops under tongue. Hasn't impacted in stomach at all - I have extremely sensitive IBS so that's a bonus.
Today I had the jitters really bad - internal shaking - adrenaline rushes - whatever you like to call them. As well as that my left arm and leg felt like they belonged to someone else - split second behind and feeling weak.

Add to this my dad is still on recovery - so mum needed drive to church and back. Mum took ill in church - had to be given tea etc etc. Had to get her home and sort them both out. In the middle of my own episode.

I took 2 drops AM and another 2 late afternoon - adrenaline was lifting my leg of the bed as I dozed. And I did not turn a hair in  my head to worry about it!!!!!! Another little result.

That said this is def not a magic bullet regarding the meno symptoms. But what I described to OH today was it feels like a heavy veil is liftjng and I am thinking clearly again. For a long long time I have felt disconnected as my head was so full of fear.

My OH is a smoker ( I was a light smoker in/off) I haven't craved a sneaky menthol since starting on it. OH says after 2 days his desire to smoke has dramatically reduced. He has also noticed reduction in pain ( joints etc)

Downside to this is my CBD is going twice as fast since he started it ;D  I might swap his for swamp water and hope he gets the placebo effect  ::)

I'm still cautious girls - I am giving it to Friday then I'll start to withdraw supplements first to chart any difference in anxiety levels

DaisyB xx
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 07:31:16 PM
It sounds good so far Daisy.

Annie, did you get it online? I want to tell my family member where to get it.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: robotwars on June 11, 2017, 07:48:21 PM
I'm watching this with interest. As because HRT upsets my IBS I was told my next option was anti-depressants which I really didn't want to take..... I was also told angus cactus might be worth a try but I have seen mixed reviews on this....watching this with interest...
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 11, 2017, 08:14:49 PM
It sounds good so far Daisy.

Annie, did you get it online? I want to tell my family member where to get it.

Yes I asked Daisy where she ordered hers from and as there's quite a few out there I'd rather order from word of mouth

Like you ladies I've suffered this quite a few years because of menopause and really hesitant to get medication for it in case it upsets other aspects.  I'm happy overall apart from this social anxiety that's presented itself
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 12, 2017, 08:29:36 AM
Relevant update - pretty bad night re arm and leg - weak feeling as well as pins and needles and a cold sensation on arm and leg. Woke about 4am and instantly scanning for symptoms- this kind of night would have had anxiety off Richter scale - I felt the dread but it didn't escalate into panic and I went peacefully back to sleep even though I was worried. Still worried this morning. But I am not floored with the usual crippling anxiety.

Thought this was interesting enough to update you all on it this morning.

Still doesn't change the fact it's not a great day - but I am def seeing results with severe anxiety reduction !!
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 12, 2017, 10:59:17 PM
Megamind - chiropractor did scan said neck showed major problem with C3 area. And that it was worse than when he had started treatment! At least he was honest. He did a good treatment and suggested ice tonight - strangely feels a little better - but it could be my imagination! Anyway CBD update -  tonight was mum's turn! The 'turn' she took in church on Sunday- was actually a heart attack! I stayed pretty calm and back home after a long evening still feeling like anxiety has been turned down a few notches. I am still sceptical even though I haven't hit that crisis point again since starting it.

Will keep you posted

DaisyB x

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Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 13, 2017, 07:23:01 AM
So I promised I would be honest in my trial of CBD. Last night was horrendous - I woke middle of night arm hand and leg seemed like they belonged to someone else. Panic started to rise - I noticed the waves of anxiety did not hit me -but it did accelerate nevertheless and I had to wake OH for help. I'm not giving up on it - it seemed to keep me in an overall calmer and clearer place. But I'm guessing at the point I was at last night not even a horse tranquilliser would have helped.

DaisyB x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Megamind on June 13, 2017, 08:25:58 AM
My friend had physio for her neck and it actually made her worse!

I would think your anxiety would increase learning about your Mum but it sounds like the chiro treatment exacerbated your problems with your arm and leg. I would go back to your GP about your C3 issue and go through the correct channels eg. Not a chiro! x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 13, 2017, 11:21:15 AM
Yes megamind I'm waiting on her call x think your right.
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2017, 12:22:16 PM
I have replied in your other thread.  It really confusing to have 2 running on similar issues though  :-\
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 13, 2017, 03:21:41 PM
I know CKLD - apologies head all over the place !!! Thank you kindly xx
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on June 13, 2017, 06:35:28 PM
I started cbd oil 4 weeks ago just one dropper twice a day it hasn't helped my ability to go to sleep although I do feel less anxious which was a bonus..but one thing I have noticed is my rls has virtually gone..I had no hopes fir cbd working for my sleep as the dose needed for insomnia is MASSIVE and would be more money than I could afford.  My bottle was £25 it lasted 4 weeks but like I said minimum dose I have ordered the slightly stronger next one to try from this weekend but at £55 this is the most I can afford so this is my limit. But the fact my rls is much better is fantastic so it's worth it for that..I can't say if it's helped in any other areas as sadly i took it whilst i had missed my second period so I was all over and hormones were a mess...I'll be sticking with it for now anyway
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 20, 2017, 09:35:14 AM
Hi PB - I'm still on it - I started in the medium strength also so hopefully will see improvement. At the moment low level anxiety is virtually non existent- but I'm still not sold as last week I had a dreadful surge of panic. I am now recording daily as I have a feeling the panic surges are tied somehow to hormone peaks - time will tell I suppose :)
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 21, 2017, 06:52:07 PM
Feeling totally chilled - took action today to get pins and needles etc properly investigated and no panic! My boss is doing home visit this week (employers policy) and I feel no anxiety - my dad bought us both a new brand - health shop guy recommended not sure if it's that or just building up in system? Still cynical and waiting for the panic surge - nothing yet ::)  my dad back in hospital couldn't bring CBD in with him ::)  said today it's a miracle! Since stopping yesterday AN he couldn't walk across the floor as all his pain returned. So for both of us it seems to be working - me for anxiety/ dad for pain. I've also started today using it on very stubborn toe nail fungus - will keep you posted on any progress or not. Xx
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 21, 2017, 07:58:26 PM
Daisy, can you remind me how many drops and when ? I.e. Morning or evening also is there anything weird that happens at the start ?
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 22, 2017, 06:29:11 AM
Oh my days.... just managed 1/2 dropper under tongue, am sure I've pulled every tummy muscle possible retching, how I've not been sick is a miracle.   It's like swallowing vegetable oil 😷
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Mbrown001 on June 22, 2017, 07:47:21 AM
Oh that's really not nice.

That's why I asked if it was rub it on or swallow it. I'm not keen on taking anything orally if I can avoid it.

Will you try again or not.
I hope you feel better really soon.

Mrs Brown
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 22, 2017, 08:50:31 AM
I put the last half dropper in drink but looked gross as the oil separated.  Gulped it down but tomorrow I'll put the dropper in a drink then have chewing gum at the ready for the after taste x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 22, 2017, 09:07:42 AM
Annie ;D  nothing weird that I have noticed? I only put 2 small drops on my tongue and then a glass of water if I have one handy x 3 time a day I'm up to now. My dad is spreading the word in his hospital ward -  ;D

Why don't you keep wee glass of juice beside you and drink immediately? My taste and smell left partially last year - maybe that's why it's not as bad to me??? ::)
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 22, 2017, 10:34:56 AM
My one says to use whole dropper ?
I don't have the strongest of stomachs , maybe I could try dropping it directly down my throat then downing the drink lol x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on June 22, 2017, 10:43:44 AM
I bought medium strength this time and guy in health shop told my dad couple drops few times a day. Now if you have a severe condition he recommended to increase that dosage. But I've been getting results with my dosage. Literally 2 tiny drops on my tongue. What about mixing with  milk ? I did that with olive oil and the fat in milk mixes well with it. You end up tasting only milk? Although it does sound disgusting  ;D
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 22, 2017, 11:29:15 AM
Hmmm could try milk, as I don't like the thought of doing it the way I did each morning! It actually reminded me of the ear drops I'd been using recently then I had to double check I'd picked up the right bottle !

Hope you continue to do well Daisy x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on June 23, 2017, 01:42:25 PM
I take a full dropper at night it's disgusting I used to gag but you have to let it soak under your tongue for 2 minutes before you eat or drink anything. I suck an aniseed ball afyer 2 minutes it's the only thing I've found takes nasty taste is everyone finding's not helped with my insomnia at all sadly but it's helped my rls and trigeminal neuralgia so I'll persist for now. I've been on it about 8 weeks now..has anyone had any bad side effects
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 23, 2017, 02:01:13 PM
IM only day 2.  Put it in my drink again then had chewing gum after.  I think it's the only way I'll stomach it

Re:imsomnia - I was quite bad on Tibolone for not sleeping so a few times a week I took a phenergan, since changing to oestrogel and Tostran I'm really tired about 11pm with no phenergan, this is unheard of for me
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on June 23, 2017, 03:19:35 PM
Annie thanks...I'm starting femoston in a few months I have to have ovarian cysts checked first and other lumps but I'm hoping it'll help with insomnia it certainly can't make it any worse..I can't take otc tablets like sleep aid or pherergan as it makes my rls ten times worse.that's why I started cbd oil for my teeth pain aches and sleep but it only helps sleep at very very high doses and I can't afford a bottle a week at 50 quid a bottle. 
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on June 23, 2017, 03:28:34 PM
I really feel for you.  It's awful that things that potentially help cost so much x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on June 23, 2017, 04:19:32 PM
I know there's a limit to what I'll spend and that's too much..typical though isn't it...just desperately hoped it would have helped me get to sleep but like the other 100 things I've tried it's a no go..hrt is my only hope..
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on July 26, 2017, 12:25:58 PM
Thought I'd check back in on this one ;)  I've stoppped cbd as anxiety has gone since increasing estrogen  ::)
Anyone still trialling it?
Peroxide did I mention the Dow Dow? I bought it for problems getting into a sleep earlier this year. I've ME which flared up at same time as hormones - sleeping too much but problems getting into a deep sleep or waking at 1am wide awake at the time. It's designed by insomniacs for insomniacs and it did work. Helps you control and slow down breathing. If your in UK I'm happy to post and let you give it a go?  ::)

Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Annie0710 on July 26, 2017, 02:14:11 PM
I think it helped but I used my bottle by first week and can't pay those prices 4 times a month, Shame
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on July 26, 2017, 02:17:29 PM
Hi daisyb you didn't mention dow dow what is it and I'll try anything I'm out of options now..only hrt left which I can't take yet with the ongoing health tests..thanks
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on July 26, 2017, 05:17:14 PM
Hi peroxide it's a tiny battery device - projects purple light onto ceiling and you breath in time to it. Takes 8 minutes of breathing to have your breathing at same rate as if you're in a deep sleep. It worked especially well at 3am - I'm just didn't need it as much when anxiety calmed down. I'm happy for you to send me PM with email. I'll post and let you give it a go. No point in spending money incase it doesn't work! If it fails you can pass it on to someone else? X
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on July 26, 2017, 05:18:20 PM
I know Annie - downside was the cost! A shame. Rhodiola was good for low level I wrote about it before. But not for the health anxiety and panic  :'(
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: Peroxideblader on July 26, 2017, 05:55:13 PM
Thanks daisyb that's a lovely thing to do I'll certainly give it a try I'll pm you my address..thanks again so kind x
Title: Re: CBD oil for anxiety
Post by: DaisyB on July 26, 2017, 10:19:04 PM
No problem - just pass it on if it doesn't work :)  I know I've tried any amount of gadgets and things over the years! All adds up  :-X  sincerely hope it works for you x