Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => New Members => Topic started by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 01:00:17 PM

Title: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 01:00:17 PM
While out walking my dog I stopped to chat a lady I know, she said she hadn't seen me out and about with the dog for a couple of days, So I told her about the problems I'd been having with my Hrt..she's 65 and she told me she 'sailed' through her menopause, no flushes, nothing..and was glad her 'monthlies' had stopped at 53.

does anyone else know someone like this??? 🤔
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: nearly50 on April 11, 2017, 01:03:10 PM
Yes, a colleague of mine didn't notice menopause at all, periods just stopped with absolutely no symptoms at all. She's horrified by my stories!
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 01:31:21 PM
I'ts bizarre and annoying isn't

I'd like to see some kind of study done on this, were Specialist Doctors ask for volunteers, those who suffer badly and those who don't suffer at all, just to see why this happens...

Would make a fascinating TV documentary
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: babyjane on April 11, 2017, 01:33:17 PM
yes and I hate her  >:(
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: nearly50 on April 11, 2017, 01:34:33 PM
It doesn't annoy me, it's the luck of the draw really and she's had other issues in her life which I haven't had to deal with. Plus my symptoms won't last forever.

I suppose hormonal imbalances are always going to affect different people different ways at different times. I've had a vast array of symptoms, but rarely have more than one or two at the same time.
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 01:50:37 PM
😂 babyjane 😂😂😂

I wonder if it's genetic nearly 50??

But what this lady did say was she suffered horrific pms, when she was having periods and PND after her 3 daughters, but didn't get it with her 2 sons.

I didn't have pms, was on the Pill, and went straight back on the pill straight after each of my 3 babies, till I was 40, then the injection till I was 45. wonder if there's a link to what we do when we're younger??
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: babyjane on April 11, 2017, 02:39:55 PM
I don't know but I didn't do well with the BCP and I didn't do well when I tried HRT.  My system dislikes synthetic oestrogen.  Come to think of it it didn't much like its own oestrogen either  ::)
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Henckenstein on April 11, 2017, 02:40:37 PM
I just spoke to my Mum, to ask her about her menopause. She said her periods had started becoming irregular at 49, and by 55 it was all over. No symptoms apart from hot flushes & once emptying an entire packet of loose-leaf tea into the tea-pot.
My menopause started when I was 42. I'm 49 now, post-menopausal, just started on HRT (Kliovance) & currently in hell.
Luck of the draw I guess  :-\
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Ju Ju on April 11, 2017, 02:43:58 PM
yes and I hate her  >:(

And I love you for making me laugh!

The shame is these lucky people don't appreciate how fortunate they are!
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: CLKD on April 11, 2017, 02:46:08 PM
Welcome Henckenstein!  Have a look round and drop into the Daisy web-site for 'early' menopause.  Make notes!

I had bad periods from the start.  Had PMT in my 30s.  Fortunately  :-X (don't hate me too much ;-) )
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: walking the dog on April 11, 2017, 02:46:25 PM
Definitely not genetic jimsmrs. I started peri menopause at 45 , suffered with pls from age 12 and recently had a hysterectomy age 51. In contrast my mm had no pmt, no perimenopause, she had a very heavy period one month when she was 54 and that was it, all over !
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Megamind on April 11, 2017, 02:52:17 PM
😂 babyjane 😂😂😂

I wonder if it's genetic nearly 50??

But what this lady did say was she suffered horrific pms, when she was having periods and PND after her 3 daughters, but didn't get it with her 2 sons.

I didn't have pms, was on the Pill, and went straight back on the pill straight after each of my 3 babies, till I was 40, then the injection till I was 45. wonder if there's a link to what we do when we're younger??

Odd she never suffered then as they say you will struggle more with menopause if you suffered from PMS or PND.
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: CLKD on April 11, 2017, 02:53:10 PM
I haven't  :-X maybe because I was already on ADs and anti-anxiety meds.?
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Lanzalover on April 11, 2017, 02:55:55 PM
Yes my best friend.

Her periods stopped in her early forties and that was that not a single symptom !!!!! If she wasn't my friend I probably would hate her but of course I don't she's one of the good guys.

It would be nice if she understood what I was talking about but that's life.

Must admit there are several people (not very nice/sympathetic people) all much younger than me who I hope have the menopause hell.

One is a young GP who nearly had a fit when I asked for Vagifem while already on systemic hrt her views were very anti hrt and she actually said vagifem would increase my risk of a stroke even more ! and she wouldn't want me having a stroke next week! Needless to say after a lengthy discussion I got my prescription but made a mental note never to see her again.

Since then my own lovely GP has also prescribed Ovestin cream so I now have the full hit  if she ever finds out I think she may be the one having a stroke.

Lanzalover x
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 03:02:26 PM
I don't think the genetic theory stacks up
I thought I'd have an early menopause as my mother had my younger sister aged 37, 52 years ago and never saw another period. But I was in my early 50's

As with everything to do with pregnancy, childbirth and now menopause nothing is text book!!!!😳🤔
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: babyjane on April 11, 2017, 03:23:49 PM
yes and I hate her  >:(

And I love you for making me laugh!

Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: nearly50 on April 11, 2017, 03:38:00 PM
😂 babyjane 😂😂😂

I wonder if it's genetic nearly 50??

But what this lady did say was she suffered horrific pms, when she was having periods and PND after her 3 daughters, but didn't get it with her 2 sons.

I didn't have pms, was on the Pill, and went straight back on the pill straight after each of my 3 babies, till I was 40, then the injection till I was 45. wonder if there's a link to what we do when we're younger??

Sounds like she had a worse deal than me all round then. I think it has all been such a shock because I always had regular, light periods which were only a minor inconvenience. Other women who have suffered quite badly throughout their lives would think what I'm going through is a walk in the park.
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 11, 2017, 06:06:25 PM
The lesser of the 2 evils nearly 50???

I thought that after talking to her
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: nearly50 on April 11, 2017, 06:11:29 PM
The lesser of the 2 evils nearly 50???

I thought that after talking to her

It is a shame that it is all hidden isn't it? Because I talk about this to everyone and anyone, I've found out about two colleagues who have had really heavy periods for decades. Just don't know how they cope.
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: CLKD on April 11, 2017, 06:12:24 PM
In hindsight, I don't know why I put up with heavy periods but I had to .........  :-\
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Annie0710 on April 11, 2017, 06:15:41 PM
I don't think people are always truthful about their sailing through it

I know someone who's hunched over and keeps fanning herself who sailed through it without needing 'that hrt crap' plus looks a good 10-15 years older than she is
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: MicheleMaBelle on April 11, 2017, 06:59:23 PM
yeah and some women ( up to a quarter ) sail through. Lucky them. They are very fortunate. PS is it just me or did you want to slap her? Like the smug parents who believe their superior parenting skills meant their babies slept all through the night as soon as they were born! !In fact, before they were born.They were just bloody lucky!!!!!!Gits
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Taz2 on April 11, 2017, 08:19:23 PM
My very best friend has had no real symptoms of menopause. Periods just stopped at the age of 52 - none of the longer or shorter cycles or differences in bleeding - she's had no hot flushes. Her energy is boundless at the age of 63 and sex drive is still really great. The only problem she has had in the last year is a slightly sensitive bladder and dryness so she used vagifem for a while but didn't bother to get her prescription renewed. I'm so pleased that one of us has had a good meno journey!!

Taz x
Title: Re: Baffles me
Post by: Jimsmrs on April 12, 2017, 10:29:36 AM
And then there's the other women who only need Hrt for a couple of years then come off, why does that happen?😳