Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 03:03:37 PM

Title: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 03:03:37 PM
Hi ladies

I'm sure I've read on here a few times about an emergency anxiety pill that is prescribed by gps, is that right?

I'm interested.  Although my testosterone added in has helped take the edge off social anxiety , it's still there as I found out last night on my works do.  Alcohol helps but obviously I don't want to start downing Bacardi before I even get out to an event and I'm always mindful to not overdrink in the early part of the evening as being a lightweight I then peak too early

Am I a candidate for being prescribed something that I can take prior to going out but that I can have some drinks with later ?

This is 100% hormone related but after 4 years of suffering and continuous hrt I've had enough

Funny how different people perceive you, I got complimented last night how friendly and outgoing I am! I said are you joking me? I sit in the background not uttering a word until the Bacardi gives me some confidence, he said it's not how I come across

Anyway, may have mentioned it before but my dear mum took to alcohol during her menopause, drank quite a lot every evening at home (because of those memories it's something I will never do myself) and she never ever apart from one time for a throat infection, visited a GP.  I'm convinced now my sweet mum suffered menopausal anxiety.  The times growing up I'd take her home from a function because she'd got plastered early on it's the only part of my childhood I don't have lovely memories of

So, is there likely to be a magic pill for me ?

Thanks x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 03, 2016, 03:57:49 PM
Not if you intend to drink!  Alcohol is a depressive.  It also interacts badly with many types of medication, prescribed or otherwise.

Fortunately I never took to alcohol.  My friend did, resulting in his death 12 months ago by his own hand  :'(.

In the 1990s I was prescribed Valium as necessary in order to get through events.  I would take 5mg the night B4 and another at breakfast if required.  That was enough to sustain me for about 3 days, bliss.

I had a couple of bad reactions to it so my GP gave me another 'emergency' pill which knocks me out completely.  Can't remember the name though  ::)
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: dazned on December 03, 2016, 04:28:21 PM
I have diazepam 2mgs always with me just incase  ::)
Thankfully dont need to use it much now...... however one never knows.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: bramble on December 03, 2016, 05:01:17 PM
Perhaps something like Kalms or Bachs remedy would help. My surgery has stopped prescribing benzos like Diazepam etc now.

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 03, 2016, 05:22:44 PM
We're two peas in a pod, Annie! Had a spectacularly bad couple of days with anxiety - it's the biggest beast of this whole meno. business for me and I KNOW it's only appeared since this all started despite what I keep getting told about having suddenly developed an 'anxiety disorder'.

My Mum was crazy from it too - she was fine before she had her TAH/BSO. I remember her losing the plot with her oncologist and insisting 'I'M NOT CRAZY'!!! He tried to tell her exactly what I'm being told now nearly 30 years later, so we haven't moved on that much have we? >:(

I also have the 2mg diazepam to use up to 3 times per day as a 'rescue' but to be honest it's not wonderful.

Sending you biggest hugs Annie !
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 05:36:20 PM
Thankyou Tempest !
Wow I was going to say are we sisters by different mothers ? Maybe our mums were related ?!!

I hate this too !
I was prescribed Valium twice before: once for a flight (hadn't been on a plane for years) and another time for a particular dental visit .  Neither experiences with it seemed help me

I don't want to be zonked out by medication , I just need something to take away the fear factor when I'm out socialising , for this reason I'm not out very much.


Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: walking the dog on December 03, 2016, 05:51:22 PM
The problem with diazepam if you take it you shouldn't drive, plus its addictive.

What are the other as and when anti anxiety pills people take called ? My anxiety has gone of the scale since peri menopause started 😐
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 03, 2016, 06:06:03 PM
I think we may very well be, Annie! :)

I hate having to use the diazepam - it's not great and like WTD says it is addictive, so they keep tight tabs on it when prescribing it too.

I am practically a recluse these days - I do push myself when I can but like you it comes at a high price with greatly increased anxiety when in a social setting (if you can even call dragging a trolley around Tesco a 'social setting')! I also freak if anyone pops round to visit unannounced - i was never like this before!

The damn jittering after anything like this has even been known to take a couple of days to subside - it's crazy! And what's weird is that I was actually doing MORE this time last year off HRT than I am now with less anxiety so just MAYBE it has now morphed for me into a full blown disorder too (but the origins are still very much 100% hormonal - I'm sticking to my guns on that one)! >:(

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: walking the dog on December 03, 2016, 06:21:27 PM
I agree tempest it is hormones I'm really bad I couldn't leave the house last Thursday and sometimes I cant leave the bedroom. I have always been anxious but I worked did two degrees had a social life but peri menopause has robbed me of it.
I'm also told by medical professionals its a mental health issue. I tell them yes my mental health is suffering because of my hormones, I dont think anyone apart from my GP believes me
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: crazydaisy on December 03, 2016, 06:24:49 PM
Hi, My GP lets me have 14, 1mg of Lorazepam ( Ativan), this is a tranquiliser that really knocks my anxiety on the head without knocking me out, it really relaxes me.

 I cant drink or drive whilst I have one though. I am only allowed a prescription every 6 months or so. They are very addictive but give me a sense of security knowing they are there.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 06:26:55 PM
Yes Tempest !
At my worst I'd:

Freak if my kids popped in.  I remember a couple of Mother's Day ago, all 3 came over at once, I was beside myself, nausea, heart racing, near out of body experiences, and just wishing they'd go (I hate myself for admitting that)

Shopping : huge no-no, thought I was going to pass out so many times at our Tesco, I blamed the lighting, OH taking too long down each aisle, people we know keep standing chatting to us, queues too long at checkout

Socialising: we stopped, I said I felt faint too often, and palpitations

Visiting my kids/grandchildren: I limited it to when I had to 😢 because a roomful of people panicked me

Work: kept my head down but also am now on my 3rd job since meno started.  I always used to average 5-7 years at jobs !

Things are definitely improved (even before T)
Shopping:after a long time of Internet shopping we now go to other towns where no one will stop us to chat.  We scan and shop to avoid the queues, my kids can visit 😁, I've kept my job so far for 2 years

But I HATE these social events ! I was such a party animal pre meno, someone only had to suggest a night out and I was in the shower getting ready lol

And the worst part is .. why do I think people are staring at me ? Why do I think they'll think I'm boring (I might be actually) why do I think they'll think I've let myself go ? (Well actually as my body/skin changed I did look it to be fair) but lately I've looked different and certainly getting compliments again (from both sexes and all ages) , so why does all this bother me ? I read anxiety is when you care too much, well they weren't wrong there !!!!!!

The scary part is not knowing whether this will go one day or not

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 06:28:46 PM
Hi, My GP lets me have 14, 1mg of Lorazepam ( Ativan), this is a tranquiliser that really knocks my anxiety on the head without knocking me out, it really relaxes me.

 I cant drink or drive whilst I have one though. I am only allowed a prescription every 6 months or so. They are very addictive but give me a sense of security knowing they are there.

Aw bless you, I'm glad your GP is helping you xxx
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 03, 2016, 07:10:34 PM
If Valium doesn't 'work' then ask the GP for something else?  I have used Rescue Remedy mouth spray with some success too.  It does depend on what dose you've been prescribed, 5mg is very low and if usually prescribed to be taken 3 times a day.

I can't remember which drug I have on hand - is your Ativan a blue pill, it was used as a pre-med for many years.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 03, 2016, 09:32:01 PM
WTD, I'm with you and sending you so much love and hugs. I can totally relate!

Annie, ALL OF THOSE THINGS!!!!! Blimey, I really hope it does get better and I'm encouraged that it has for you a wee bit at least. It also gives me hope! Damn, I KNEW I shouldn't have stayed away from this special place so much recently as there are so many wonderful ladies here who reassure me that I'm not alone and bonkers, besides what the GP  is having me believe right now!

I've fell down a dark hole, to be sure. Part of this I think is that I've let my thoroughly rotten GP force this whole idea of me being crazy on me. I took my MIL with me the other day to the surgery for support as I get in such a state when I go (God love her - she's a godsend)! But having to take her with me made me feel like a needy child!  I tried to address some real physical issues with the GP (not least the pelvic pain I am experiencing recently - i'm sure it's more adhesions. After over 20 pelvic surgeries over the last 28 years, it's a mess in there). I did manage to get her to examine me (and I've phoned my old Gynae. to request a clinic appointment), but it took less than 2 minutes before she fished up 'my mental health issues'. I'm SICK of it, and I'm pretty sure this is why I'm now down that blessed dark hole and an anxiety wracked wreck!

Yes, I had hormonal anxiety before but now it's like 'here comes the 'crazy' every time I walk through the consulting room door. I swear I could walk in there with my flamin' head hanging off and they would say 'oh, we'll need to write to your psychiatrist about that'! It's the stock response to everything nowadays. I just see the psychiatrist and he's not exactly bombing me with diagnosis or force feeding me medication or threatening me with a section. He's a pretty reasonable guy actually who totally GETS that a lot of my problems are hormonal (and trauma from what's happened in the last 19 months).

Anyway, I ramble! Yes, Annie - I too fear more than anything that I might be stuck like this forever. I find  myself searching for stories (mainly over at Hystersisters) of women who are doing ok years later. There are a few, but then again I try to put this in perspective and hope, HOPE that in fact there are a whole lot doing ok who because they are, don't bother hanging out on those forums anymore.'t=416637

The above ladie's story above any I've found gives me hope...I thought I would share it here (I hope this is ok with forum rules).
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 09:47:49 PM
You're right Tempest... it MUST get better. Generally members of any medical-like forum will stay whilst they are recovering, I guess it's very usual once they've recovered they fly and enjoy their renewed life, I can't blame them but if I ever get the magic formula to this hell I would stay but try not to dictate 'it worked for me, it can work for you ' but tell my story

Let me say Tempest.  Back in 2012 when this started for me I'd have moments where I thought my mum was still alive and go to phone her.  They were really scary days and only this week I admitted that to my OH.  I thought I was going crazy

When I joined here in 2015 I couldn't believe members were having a laugh, for me, my hormone hell was giving me NOTHING to laugh about.  I vaguely remember one of the first times here I found things funny, it really lifted me that my humour was coming back.   

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 03, 2016, 10:24:20 PM
Oh my goodness, Annie - I remember when I was well into peri menopause (which wasn't acknowledged by my GP 2 years prior to my surgery) that I had some really frightening episodes of strangeness - one was to do with my brother who passed a good few years ago. I REALLY thought I was crazy then as my GP as I said was absolutely adamant that I wasn't in the menopause despite me having had my hysterectomy at 36. It is WELL known that women's ovaries fail earlier after hysterectomy as we very well know ourselves! I think you and I have been through so many similar things, and it's a wonder we have a shred of sanity left really! :(

I remember your posts from when you were getting scanned and they found that your ovaries were pretty much dessicated and how you had to fight to get even a sniff of Testosterone therapy. We are very delicate and undergoing HUGE physiological and mental changes during this transition period in our lives and we need care, compassion and to be BELIEVED. This is what scars us, and causes more damage to our mental health than anything I think.

We are all remarkable - yes, I have met a few women who have (annoyingly - just because I'm envious) sailed through their menopause but I have also seen so many rummaging through the aisles with a haunted look in Holland and Barrett looking for a magic cure too. I can imagine there are  many, many more who are actually stuck at home in total fear of what the hell is going on with them, having been told by healthcare professionals that it's 'all in their heads '. I DO hope they find us here. This place is a total godsend!

And yes, I enjoy the laughs too - reading these posts has really lifted my spirits when I needed it the most even if I haven't quite felt jolly enough to join in just lately. It makes you feel as if you 'belong'. It's not a tribe we wish to be in necessarily, but what a great tribe we are!
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 03, 2016, 10:38:14 PM
You will get there Tempest, I wish our adrenals could be looked at too as apart from our hrt our adrenals must be knackered

Yes the sonographer searched for ages for my ovaries, even took the probe near my kidneys lol !!!

Alas they'd gone, disappeared and left me to fight this alone !

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 03, 2016, 10:45:26 PM
The swines!!!!!!! :o

And YES on the adrenals! I actually had a young doctor suggest to me in A & E when I had my spectacular hormone crash that he thought I should be tested for Addison's! Yep, you guessed it......he was shot down in flames by his senior colleagues but top marks to that young fella for even considering an adrenal connection. I hope he goes far - we can do with more like him!
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Keepgoing on December 04, 2016, 01:47:12 AM
Hi Annie and tempest I have generalised anxiety disorder diagnosed at 19 and because of the anxiety I ended up with severe clinical depression. Since age 23 I have been on anti depressants after suicide attempt. At 26 my mum died and it was awful tabs were changed to Seroxat and doc got me counselling and it was this councillor who pointed out to me I was always at my worst in his sessions when I was hormonal...but I digress the reason for this post is that without the Seroxat I would not go out. This anti depressant is for social anxiety and depression and has really helped me...maybe this is why I am doing so good on hrt and the T because I have an AD which helps with the anxiety. There are a lot of ADs that are more for anxiety than depression. What I'm trying to say is ADs could help they're not all bad...I must admit it took a good few months before the side effects wore off but worth it in the end. My doctor and I have agreed I will be on them for life as my anxiety is extreme...I still get slightly anxious sometimes but that's life. I do not mind being on them for life because they gave me back control of my life...hope this makes sense and maybe helps xx
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 07:53:09 AM
Thank you Keepgoing for your input
So happy to hear these work for you

I think I've been put off because at the beginning of peri I had awful IBS, nothing was working so they gave me ADs (fluoxetine)I thought they were just palming me off but took them justvin case it worked.  It did NOTHING for the IBS and it stripped me of my emotions, I just couldn't cry! I'm naturally a person with strong emotions, when I'm happy I beam, when my heartstrings are pulled I tear up, when devastated I cry.... i became none of them, just emotionless.  I got off them after a few months but apart from that I knew this was all down to hormones

I think I'll have a chat with my nice GP (I've purposely kept away since I stumbled across her as I'm desperate for her to take me seriously and continue to work with me) I'll be open and upfront with her.  I think if I can sort this social anxiety out I'll be pretty much where I want to be, I realise I'll never be my pre meno self again but I'm ok with who I am minus the SA!

Tempest -
it makes sense we may have adrenal fatigue
No one likes stress but I was renowned for being calm in a crisis, I took stress on the chin and worked with it, now the mere sniff of stress heading my way and I'm running !

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: GypsyRoseLee on December 04, 2016, 01:45:18 PM
For me, it's the anxiety and depression which are the hardest to bear. The only other time I have experienced anything like this before was after my first child was born, and I was diagnosed with PND. So I KNOW it's my hormones, but that doesn't really help.

I have been doing much better these last few months, with just a return of anxiety/depression after I ovulate. But it's only lasted for about 5/6 days, then I feel fine again. I attribute this to a high dose of oestrogen + taking 100mg of Sertraline.

But this month is much worse. Since day 12 of my cycle the anxiety/depression has been getting worse and worse. It lifted briefly for a day and a half, and I was so relieved, and thought I was following the same pattern of these last few month. But then it came back, and I was devastated. This morning I sobbed and sobbed and just felt hysterical with it. My poor husband is so supportive, but I hate worrying him like this.

I feel as though the oestrogen and Sertraline have just stopped working. At times I have felt suicidal, because the thought of feeling like this is just toouch to stand. I hate admitting that, as I love my husband and children so much and couldn't bear to leave them. But I can't bear this feeling either, it is just misery. It's a mixture of anxiety + dread + despair. And it's exactly how I felt after my first baby was born.

I also have some 2mg of diazepam, but it doesn't do a lot. I haven't needed any for months, but had to take one last night as I felt so awful.

Logically I know the HRT and AD can't just have stopped working. So I'm really scared that I am actually generating much of this anxiety myself. I had my usual mid cycle dip nearly 2 weeks ago, but because it seemed to lift then come back (and so didn't follow the pattern) I then started to panic 'It's not going. It's not going!'.

And it's now taking over my life again, it's all I'm thinking about. I am convincing myself that I am slipping back to how dreadful I was back in the early summer, when.I was signed off work and hated leaving the house. And I just can't bear to go back there.

My period is due in the next 3-5 days, and I am just praying that this horrible anxiety/depression will start to lift as my own oestrogen starts to rise. If it doesn't, then I don't know what I'm going to do.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Springer on December 04, 2016, 02:10:24 PM
Hi Annie, so sorry you feel like this. I find the anxiety/ low mood the most difficult aspect to cope with. socialising is OK but in work setting, I'm just not functioning as I would normally. It's frightening. Worried about how I'm seen in work and realising that I tend to over share. Hoping HRT will help as only just started it.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 02:31:22 PM
For me, it's the anxiety and depression which are the hardest to bear. The only other time I have experienced anything like this before was after my first child was born, and I was diagnosed with PND. So I KNOW it's my hormones, but that doesn't really help.

I have been doing much better these last few months, with just a return of anxiety/depression after I ovulate. But it's only lasted for about 5/6 days, then I feel fine again. I attribute this to a high dose of oestrogen + taking 100mg of Sertraline.

But this month is much worse. Since day 12 of my cycle the anxiety/depression has been getting worse and worse. It lifted briefly for a day and a half, and I was so relieved, and thought I was following the same pattern of these last few month. But then it came back, and I was devastated. This morning I sobbed and sobbed and just felt hysterical with it. My poor husband is so supportive, but I hate worrying him like this.

I feel as though the oestrogen and Sertraline have just stopped working. At times I have felt suicidal, because the thought of feeling like this is just toouch to stand. I hate admitting that, as I love my husband and children so much and couldn't bear to leave them. But I can't bear this feeling either, it is just misery. It's a mixture of anxiety + dread + despair. And it's exactly how I felt after my first baby was born.

I also have some 2mg of diazepam, but it doesn't do a lot. I haven't needed any for months, but had to take one last night as I felt so awful.

Logically I know the HRT and AD can't just have stopped working. So I'm really scared that I am actually generating much of this anxiety myself. I had my usual mid cycle dip nearly 2 weeks ago, but because it seemed to lift then come back (and so didn't follow the pattern) I then started to panic 'It's not going. It's not going!'.

And it's now taking over my life again, it's all I'm thinking about. I am convincing myself that I am slipping back to how dreadful I was back in the early summer, when.I was signed off work and hated leaving the house. And I just can't bear to go back there.

My period is due in the next 3-5 days, and I am just praying that this horrible anxiety/depression will start to lift as my own oestrogen starts to rise. If it doesn't, then I don't know what I'm going to do.

Wow GRL, I feel I shouldn't be complaining after reading your sad story :-(

Are you sure your high dose oestrogen is helping ? Whilst my ovaries weren't working at full capacity for years I was on max dose oral oestrogen and not a shred of anxiety/depression, the minute my ovaries failed and peri hit was the start of everything so eventually I swapped to patch but I can't tolerate a high dose (I'm on 75mcg but suffering it because I've added testosterone to the mix) high oestrogen makes me feel a jittery wreck.  Ideally I'd be better I think on 50mcg

I presume you've tried reducing ? I've never experienced any feelings during my cycles back in the day, I only knew when I was due because of the calendar telling me.  I had undiagnosed PND back in 1991 for about a year, I put this down to a succession of failed pregnancies and was on a high after my sons birth, but it turned into PND, I rode it out as I'd heard horror stories of mums losing their children because of PND and I had a useless husband !

I do hope you get the help you need/want to get you on an even keel again.  This really is a cruel time.  We've done the child rearing and now we've reached an age where we have freedom we've been imprisoned by lack of or messed up hormones. 

I wish I could advise you I really do but I have absolutely no experience in all this.  It took me a while to even work out my own SA, I couldn't see the pattern forming at first

I wish you good luck for finding your balance
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 02:34:37 PM
Hi Annie, so sorry you feel like this. I find the anxiety/ low mood the most difficult aspect to cope with. socialising is OK but in work setting, I'm just not functioning as I would normally. It's frightening. Worried about how I'm seen in work and realising that I tend to over share. Hoping HRT will help as only just started it.

Aw thankyou, give your hrt time, many say 3 months but don't be afraid to try changing dosage after that if you still feel things aren't right

I've had my dodgy moments at work but fortunately this job is quite solo so I can just get my head down and do it

Testosterone I think has given me more concentration and perhaps some quicker thinking which has definitely helped too
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 04, 2016, 04:41:43 PM
I hadn't cried for years although tears were always there - the one thing that will bring me to tears is the end of The Incredible Journey ……. and 12 months ago when my friend ended his Life but I didn't shed as many as I felt I needed to.

But: ADs have enabled me.  Along with BBs and an emergency pill I have a Life again.  I have in the last 9 months added 5mg of my AD and anxiety is really really background ……….  :o. 

There are so many ADs out there that it really is worth persevering.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 04:53:08 PM
I was reading up on some of them earlier, I don't want any that reduce libido !

Trouble is with what gets to me is that it's not a daily SA, just when I'm socialising but I will speak to GP when I next have a free day

Thank you x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 04, 2016, 05:07:26 PM
SA  :-\ ……… the thing is that you can't drink with any of these types of medication.  However, thinking logically - if you are coping with the aid of an emergency pill [mine is Lorazepam 1mg as necessary] then you wont' need the alcohol anyway!

What is better: to be able to cope or feel sexy, there are many ways of arousal but not many that eases anxiety  :-\
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: bramble on December 04, 2016, 05:14:27 PM
Beta blockers as and when you need them may be the way forward. No fear of dependance on them. Can't remember if you said you had tried them or not. Actors use them on an ad hoc basis to get through stage fright so if are only anxious in social situations they may do the trick. And you can drink with them - or at least I have with no problems. (I take them for HBP).

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 05:22:31 PM
A GP went to prescribe them a couple of years ago for palpitations then realised I can't have them because I'm asthmatic, I wonder whether I could for the odd occasion ?
Thankyou for that, it may be my answer. X
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: bramble on December 04, 2016, 07:40:58 PM
I stopped taking them when i started to take an inhaler every day but my doc said they would be ok to take on occasion to deal with palpitations - so could be a goer for you?

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 08:00:09 PM
I stopped taking them when i started to take an inhaler every day but my doc said they would be ok to take on occasion to deal with palpitations - so could be a goer for you?


I read up on it Bramble, thankyou !

There is a possibility I could get these prescribed as it'd be occasional use.  Plus they could help when I go out for a meal, my heart races when I'm sitting eating (something to do with blood rushing to stomach to digest and robbing upper body of blood) , whatever it is it's a nasty thing

I really appreciate your help xx
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 04, 2016, 08:20:00 PM
Maybe have a biscuit about half an hour B4 you go out for a meal?  I find if I get too hungry I can't eat at all once we
arrive  :-\
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 04, 2016, 08:34:03 PM
No it's definitely not that CKLD

I was told I had arrhythmia and when I asked initially about why I feel faint during and after eating large meals (worse when I'm out as I have to sit upright whereas st home I can lay down after) dr said it's because the artery gets squashed reducing blood flow to brain, then later I've been told it's because blood rushes to stomach to digest leaving brain/heart with reduced flow.  Whichever theory the results are the same that's why now I don't finish each course or I just have a starter as a main

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 04, 2016, 08:35:23 PM
Oh I've done that for years ……. with the idea of eating a pudding but the 'starters' are so large and tasty that I never get to the sweet trolley  ;D
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: bramble on December 05, 2016, 10:11:09 AM
Annie. Let us know how you get on at the docs. The most common bb for palpitations is propranolol but I think most bbs act the same way. (I was on bisoprolol). As I said before, docs are very much less likely to prescribe benzos these days even for occasional use.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 11:04:18 AM
Thanks Bramble.  I would rather try the mildest thing first so BBs seem to be a good 1st choice, will just have to beg to let me try some with asthma

I'm off work today because I've had a sickness bug this weekend.  So Friday will be my next available day for docs x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 05, 2016, 12:26:31 PM
I've taken BBs since 2002 and never been aware that my heart palpates [unless Himself is close by  :-* ]  ;)

I take 20mg night and morning of Propranolol.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: bramble on December 05, 2016, 12:55:14 PM
Perhaps I should have said anxiety/palpitations?

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 01:00:16 PM
Oh I just lost my reply !

My palps appear anytime/anywhere
Sitting on my couch playing on my phone one evening this year my rate hit an all time high and we recorded it at 199bpm

Fortunately it went to a more manageable rate reasonably quick

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Michelle46 on December 05, 2016, 01:18:28 PM
Hi ladies
I take propomolol for anxiety. I take 20 mg in the morning. My heart constantly is racing,I never feel rested. I feel on the edge and jittery. I would love to feel calm again x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 01:42:49 PM
Hi Michelle

Are you still in peri ? My palpitations were horrendous in peri but since being post they have calmed down x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Michelle46 on December 05, 2016, 02:35:04 PM
Yes Annie I am (well I think so).
I went on HRT in April. Before I went on it my period only lasted a couple of days and was between 22 and 30 days. I've had the most horrific year. I've had head pressure,burning mouth syndrome,sleeping a couple of hours a night at most. Osteoarthritis which has come in my fingers and foot. Nausea,acid reflux,tmj problems and the first part of the year I went through depression,panic attacks constantly,not wanting to go anywhere at all etc. Tight chest,palpitations,you name it. The anxiety was/is frughtening but I keep telling myself it will end. I don't know where I am now in my journey of this because I'm on hrt  :'(
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 02:43:18 PM
Aw bless you I had many of your symptoms inc burning mouth (had never heard of it before)

I haven't had periods since I was 32 due to hysterectomy so have had to rely on hormone tests to tell me where I'm at

I'm better than I was in peri but unfortunately no one can say all symptoms will go.  Although it now seems my ovaries have disintegrated so that might be some of the reason I'm still getting symptoms.  So hard to call when it comes to meno

You don't have to settle on your first hrt if you haven't had any relief from symptoms.  It's not a cure but there might be something more suitable for you to try

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Michelle46 on December 05, 2016, 03:09:58 PM
Thankyou Annie. I notice you're on testim gel. Is it any good? X
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 03:20:38 PM
It's still early days for me

I'm probably in the last week mastering the correct dose, it's hard to judge looking at a tube to make it last 10 days and a pea size makes the tube last ages

Benefits so far: hair more manageable

Eyelashes have grown

Dry eye better in evenings

Tad more stamina

Skin feels/looks better

Improved wellbeing (not back to normal but happy with an improvement)

I sleep better

No effects/side effects:
No increase in libido/response yet

Acrylic nails aren't staying on !

Hair gets greasy quick

That's off the top of my head


Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Michelle46 on December 05, 2016, 04:45:37 PM
Ohhh I'd love some sleep ::)
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 05:08:47 PM
I still don't sleep a lot of hours, probably average 5-6 a night but I'm dropping off easier x
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: CLKD on December 05, 2016, 05:12:05 PM
Apparently we need less sleep as we age - well I obviously haven't aged as expected then  ::) as I LOVE my sleep …...
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Pam Madra on December 05, 2016, 06:30:30 PM
I find it hard to sleep after 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Is there is any way to prolong the sleep pattern please share.
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 06:38:54 PM
Progesterone is a sedative !

I don't know, I've never been an early-to-bed gal so midnight ish is my norm, then my alarm goes off at 6, I'm 'usually' nodding off by 1am

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 05, 2016, 09:08:35 PM
I usually go up to bed around 12.15, but fact around in the loo and such so it's around 12.45 before I hit the sack. It takes me anything from 20 - 40 minutes to drop off and then I'm awake around 6.30 - 7.00. I always feel like I've had no sleep at all! :o :o :o
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 05, 2016, 09:19:47 PM
Loving the reindeer Tempest 😍

Yes I forgot the loo bit. That can take forever taking lenses out, teeth (cleaning them not taking them out lol) making sure I've emptied my bladder and it's not going to play tricks walking back to bedroom !

Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Tempest on December 05, 2016, 11:54:22 PM
Oh gawd! Do you do the loo foxtrot too? Blinkin' bladder! It's caught me out so many times, usually when I've just been and got comfy in bed and then I'm like 'yeah....I need to go'....... >:( >:(
Title: Re: Emergency anxiety pill
Post by: Annie0710 on December 06, 2016, 12:05:25 AM
Not just that though.  I do the shake and rock on the loo to make sure I'm done, stand up and lo and behold there's a trickle running down my leg ! X