Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Alternative Therapies => Topic started by: Janice68 on July 08, 2016, 11:59:18 AM

Title: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 08, 2016, 11:59:18 AM
Hi,. I've just started Pilates due to meno and pelvic floor issues.  Would be interested if anybody is doing this because I find this very beneficial even thou just started. I would love to hear your stories? Jan x
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Joyce on July 08, 2016, 12:28:36 PM
Good for you. I had to give up, as lying on floor even on a thick mat was horrendously painful on my back.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on July 08, 2016, 12:47:06 PM
We have several exercise threads on here, maybe if you do a 'search'  ;)

Sounds too much like hard work to me  ::)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 08, 2016, 01:00:06 PM
Thanks cubagirl! Sorry to hear about your back!! My back plays up because of meno  pelvic issues but been lucky so far it hasn't stopped me thank heavens.

Oh clkd, what are we going to do with you ;D 
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on July 08, 2016, 01:51:50 PM
Not a lot  :lol: ………..
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Hurdity on July 08, 2016, 03:51:14 PM
Hi Janice68

I've been doing Pilates for a couple of years maybe 3 actually now I come to think of it. I don't regard it as an alternative treatment to HRT though and not sure about the pelvic floor thing - I mean it does strengthen core muscles but I would have thought specific pelvic floor exercises would be better?  It is very good exercise though for keeping muscles and joints supple as we age. For me, Pilates, along with Zumba, a very good diet and keeping my body weight within low limits, and HRT - is helping to keep me as healthy as I can, and I am sure contributes to well-being :)

So keep it up! Are you enjoying it so far?

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on July 08, 2016, 03:58:28 PM
When my anxiety allows me I try and go on a Friday evening I find it very relaxing as I have to concentrate so hard on the breathing etc its a lovely thing to get into xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 08, 2016, 04:31:04 PM
Thanks girls!

Yes Hurdity, I am enjoying it!! It also runs with my pelvic floor excerises I do. I'm seeing a pelvic floor specialist physio too! so they work hand in hand with each other I think its brill good old core exercises to strengthen muscles.

Yes walking the dog it is relaxing to do and if you can you should go. It will help with anxiety too  I suffer from it too.  Try and go wtf it is a lovely thing to get into!! xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Henrietta on July 18, 2016, 09:54:34 AM
To cut a long story short I have a lump in my leg making me hobble and very painful going upstairs. Had physio and been told I am very flexible due to years o fyoga. He gave me some simple -VERY simple pilates exercises to do and I am consciously placing my pelvis in the right place at the top and bottom of stairs and (touch wood) pain has been much less since engaging the pelvic floor muscles. I think they have all gone splat inside of me since my hystrectomy. He has referred me for 3 sessions at the hospital next month. 
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: laquesabe on July 18, 2016, 03:07:25 PM
Hi, I just wanted to say well done you for starting pilates classes. I am a pilates teacher and love the fact that pretty much anyone can start doing these exercises. Core control includes working the pelvic floor muscles. Posture, balance, strength and flexibility are all key elements of pilates. I hope more women our age start and find it useful.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 18, 2016, 03:30:20 PM
Thanks laquesabe for the info I like it because of every thing you have said basically.

I'm glad it's helping you Henrietta!!!
I'm trying to avoid an hysterectomy at the moment . I need to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles and everything else.
Take care xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on July 18, 2016, 05:01:51 PM
I made it to Pilates on Friday , I go when anxiety allows, I enjoyed it it's very relaxing
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 19, 2016, 11:43:44 AM
Glad you went Wtd. It gets me doing something and gets me out of the house too plus the walking there and back. My doctor suggested it. It turned out to be a good idea and the right thing for me with my pelvic floor issues. Just brill!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: dulciana on July 22, 2016, 12:42:48 PM
I tried a pilates class a year ago, but I was put off by the general assumption that everyone could do every move
(I couldn't find an affordable beginners' class that fitted my diary) and the loud, fast, punchy music that we were forced to have on as a "background".   I only went once, never to return.   (See "What have you done today?" for my latest post about exercise!  ;D)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: laquesabe on July 24, 2016, 11:37:55 AM
Hi Sparkle and anyone else interested in pilates.
Re. movements to avoid for hiatus hernia and reflux, I would advise not aggravating your synptoms by lying supine (on your back) or prone (on tummy). There are plenty of movements sitting or on all fours or standing.
Dont be put off by feeling limited in your movements as there really plenty of excercises and beautiful stretches you can do xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 24, 2016, 11:44:36 AM
Laquesabe are you in the Hampshire area at all? I might have to look for a new class.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 24, 2016, 02:00:19 PM
Are you thinking of giving it a go sparkle? You seem interested in doing it? Jan x
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 25, 2016, 03:10:38 PM
Oh bless you sparkle!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: laquesabe on July 25, 2016, 03:31:51 PM
Its great to hear some of you ladies are interested in taking up pilates. I live in Cornwall and if any of you come on holiday here get in touch, please. I would love to help out and do some exercises with you. I know that there are many really good teachers out there and many our age who have lots of knowledge about how our bodies change as we get older.
Pilates is a really good way to strengthen our muscle groups and is not weight bearing as such so we can all have a go. Its so important that we keep fit and well during this transition, isnt it? Its something we hear often and tbh I feel sometimes that it can be like a mantra and the opposite can happen. But I belive its ok to feel fed up and sit on the sofa with a pack of choccy bicis watching crap TV every now and again Sometimes we should give ourselves permission to feel that ;) ;) its ok.
But, when the energy is there, make the most of it and try to get into a routine of exercise, with a friend too. It really does make us feel better. ;)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 25, 2016, 03:57:12 PM
Oh thank you for your lovely post Laquesabe.
I wish you were my teacher the understanding you have about our body going through this change and the knowledge with it too.
Definitely will get in touch if we go to Cornwall too!!

Thanks xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on July 25, 2016, 05:31:39 PM
I'm determined to go on Friday , dont worry about what you cant do no one minds I just lie down in the bits I cant do
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 25, 2016, 05:43:57 PM
That's right walking the dog do what you can do!! We always get there in the end!! Patience! ( My favourite song from take that)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 27, 2016, 06:52:27 AM
hi Laquesabe and welcome to MM!

Can I pick your brain please?  I have a hiatus hernia and reflux which has been quite hard to control through perimenopause. 

Would some of the movements in Pilates be a no-no for me?  I can't afford to aggravate my symptoms!!

Thank you!

S x

Hi sparkle, hope you don't mind me asking what is a hiatus hernia?. I've read your other posts regarding this and how very uncomfortable this is and how peri  is making it worse!!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on July 27, 2016, 09:07:35 AM
I have a hiatus hernia sparkle but since I came of ADs I dont suffer so much from the acid reflux only occasionally. Pilates never sets it off so hopefully you may find the same😊
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on July 27, 2016, 09:18:14 AM
Yes a small one in stomach low down only found out may time ish but it seems ok at moment I also have diverculousus (sp) kinks in bowel which can be painful at times but Pilates us fine. I just feel chilled out afterwards
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 27, 2016, 11:33:13 AM
Sparkle it sounds very uncomfortable does meds help? Do you have to watch certain foods and fluids?
Pilates might help!!

I went off to class today I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely kept me focused and  I forgot everything for the hour and just concentrated on my exercises and awareness of my body and breathing.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on July 28, 2016, 07:21:35 AM
It doesn't surprise me that stress will aggravate it either!!! Glad to hear meds help it. It sounds so painful and. Uncomfortable!!

Hope you find a class and give it a go and just see what  happens.

Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 05, 2016, 04:43:50 PM
Off to Pilates not been for three weeks  :(
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 05, 2016, 06:09:11 PM
Oh good Wtd, let us know how you get on?
I really do like pilates I actually feel like I'm doing some good to my poor body. I've never been much into excerise but since the peri my mind set is slowly changing that. I enjoy walking including dog walking now as for Pilates it so right for me I've actually found something for me at long last and of course lots of learning too!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 05, 2016, 06:11:15 PM
I enjoy walking best of all.  Anything else is too 'structured' for me  ::)

How did you get on WtDog?
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 05, 2016, 06:38:30 PM
Nearly killed me after a few missed weeks ! Need to get into a regular routine as I really noticed my body toning when I managed twice a,week I must go next week !
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 05, 2016, 07:31:25 PM
Do you have 'homework'?  :D
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 05, 2016, 07:50:59 PM
Good point CLKD, do you practice at home WTD? My teacher is going to give me sheets so I practice at home. I do practice at home  but my memory is shot to pieces cause of meno. I remember some of it though!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 05, 2016, 08:11:18 PM
No as I lack motivation I even have a dvd still in its shrink wrap had it about three years  ??? Oh dear ! There's lots o classes in ran by the council here during the week its just the motivation I lack and if my anxiety is bad 👎 xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 05, 2016, 08:37:03 PM
I know what you mean Wtd!! my anxiety played apart in the beginning for me but I do it for me and on docs orders which turned out to be good for me.
As for motivation well!! I certainly have to fight my moods with that one. Up down up down!! Blinking hormones!!  xxx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 06, 2016, 08:55:58 AM
Do I remember you buying said DVD  ;D
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 06, 2016, 05:56:27 PM
You probably did clkd I have had it awhile  :)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 06, 2016, 06:03:19 PM
Probably the next bit of exercise would be to take off the outer wrapper ?  ;)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 06, 2016, 09:07:57 PM
Did you find a class sparkle?
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 07, 2016, 08:20:19 AM
Good luck finding a,class sparkle I can really feel my abs today nit having been for three weeks so shows it does work :)
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 07, 2016, 08:36:57 AM
Good time to start September time for classes new ones starting up then!!

Certainly helps muscle strengthening brill!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 07, 2016, 11:19:58 AM
I'm getting washboard abs ha ha in my dreams
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 07, 2016, 12:28:54 PM

I was well jealous yesterday saw a lady who was well toned obviously excerises and she looked good!! There's me bloated and flabby!! It's not fair!!
I will be interested to see if I can turn it around though!! Im making baby steps getting better on the exercises!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 11, 2016, 01:05:03 PM
Anyone used a long roller yet? had to lay down on my back on it yesterday while doing my excerises I kept rolling of it  :D
What fun!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 11, 2016, 03:22:38 PM
No ! Sounds amusing if somewhat medieval! Used resistance bands and footballs in past but new teacher doesn't use anything
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 11, 2016, 04:42:40 PM
A long roller is for painting ceilings, when did one become part of an exercise class  ;D
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 11, 2016, 06:13:56 PM
  ;D very funny clkd!!
It's a foam roller you use for excerises , strengthen, posture, core muscles and for balance. I was rocking everywhere! So need  to work on my balance then!!  ;D it did irrate  my back  a bit apparently good for massage too.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: CLKD on August 11, 2016, 08:48:17 PM
Is it an on the floor thingy or like a roller ball  :-\
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: walking the dog on August 12, 2016, 07:01:37 AM
Going this evening janice68 I'm nearly in a routine I'm hoping to add a Tuesday during day come September as its 7:45 on a Tuesday evening and I'm shattered by then plus the day time one is same teacher as a Friday evening so makes more sense as different teachers have different routines. I will be toned eventually!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on August 12, 2016, 11:45:15 AM
Yer I wouldn't mind doing 2 classes a week too. My teacher gave me some excerise sheets because  of holidays. The next class starts in September now.
I do a class Wednesday morning which suits me at the moment holding back on evenings shattered by then too.
Like you I wld love to be toned!!

No clkd not a roller ball it's a foam longish roller it's just a type of equipment for various excerises to help out with balance and everything else it's just a tool.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on September 08, 2016, 01:38:53 PM
Have you found a class Sparkle?
Pilates class started up again yesterday thank heavens I missed it. I never thought I would join an excerise class  it's funny how the meno changes your mindset to things. I do have to admit I've got a lot to do to help my body but baby steps and patience( which I don't have).
Anyway love it and the challenges it brings too!!! Xx
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on September 08, 2016, 04:41:34 PM
Yep, plenty of walking is good too!! And if you got a dog too even better cause they have to go for their walkies! We to have a dog and I enjoy taking him out to. Sorry to hear about your reflux not nice I know.
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on September 08, 2016, 06:12:42 PM
I do get reflux occasionally and it's been painfull. I have to say I haven't for a little while. I'm battling with terrible bloating at Mo my body can't make up its mind whether to have a period or not!!
Anyway yours sounds very painful I remember you saying hiatus hernia.
Hope it settles a bit for you,!!
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on September 08, 2016, 07:31:57 PM
My last period was last month before that they were every couple of months. The last one did surprise me very unexpected were the others I would spot blood first. I am spotting now with bloating so who knows what will happen and also some of my symptoms are worse eg hot flushes which have increased so something is going on or it might just pass at some point in over a weeks time. I hope anyway!! To be honest I wld prefer a period a good flush of the system and also getting some night sweats that's a big giveaway for me in the past they represent to me that time of a period coming. I guess we are all different eh?
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: Janice68 on September 09, 2016, 11:59:39 AM
It is very frustrating the whole meno thing it really is!!!
Jan x
Title: Re: Pilates
Post by: blogfrog on December 05, 2016, 12:13:08 PM
Oh Jan, I was afraid someone might ask me that.  I meant to look and never did.  Im hopeless really.  I think I'm going to stick with walking the dog regularly for now.  At least I don't have to bend for that, my reflux isn't good at the moment!   :)

S x
walking with the dog is a good idea. But you can find short (10-15 mins) pilates video on youtube. The most important issue is to start an exercise routine and stick to it. Just to take small, but more regular steps