Menopause Matters Forum

General Discussion => This 'n' That => Topic started by: Stellajane on March 18, 2016, 09:22:55 AM

Title: US Elections
Post by: Stellajane on March 18, 2016, 09:22:55 AM
Anyone been following this?

It will be really interesting to see how things play out. Apparently 'American Spring' is being planned - some kind of civil disobedience event.

Strange times we're living in.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: blossom60 on March 18, 2016, 09:51:42 AM
As if there isn't enough conflict in the world >:(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dulciana on March 18, 2016, 11:22:21 AM
I don't think the words "civil" and "disobedience" go together.    As you say, blossom60, there's enough conflict in the world.  Humph.   :(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: limpy on March 18, 2016, 11:35:31 AM
I've just been astounded that Donald Trump has acquired the support that he seemingly has.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dulciana on March 18, 2016, 12:01:32 PM
Shudder.   :-\
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dorothy on March 18, 2016, 12:08:41 PM
I find Donald Trump terrifying.  Far too much similarity between him & Hitler's early days.  This guy has actually praised North Korea's government!!!  If I were American, I would be making plans to leave my country now!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Scampi on March 18, 2016, 01:06:20 PM
If Trump wins, our only hope is Richard Branson's space flights  :-\
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: blossom60 on March 18, 2016, 01:16:34 PM
Book me a ticket ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Joyce on March 18, 2016, 01:20:29 PM
We live near one of Trump's Scottish golf courses. He has caused much ill-feeling that's for sure!

I hate to think what might happen if he makes it to the White House!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: blossom60 on March 18, 2016, 01:25:57 PM
I don't think he will make it to the White House.

I'm sure that the security/civil service in the US will dig some dirt on him, that will stick, before it gets to that stage.

Well I hope so anyway!!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on March 18, 2016, 01:44:22 PM
I think he'll get there  :-\ - however, if Americans head our way will you take them in?  Would they be economic migrants  :-\

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on March 18, 2016, 02:20:32 PM
We can only hope so, blossom. Trump is playing on people's fears and predjustices. Hate begets hate, which is why this situation exists. If Trump is allowed to become president, then what.......? He scares me. History shows what happens when people like Trump gain power. I did read an article that suggests he would be assasinated...... My sons in laws are worried.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: littleminnie on March 18, 2016, 04:02:41 PM
Let's hope he doesn't get in or the world will be an even scarier place than it is now.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: getting_old on March 18, 2016, 06:46:12 PM
It's worrying that people are supporting him. From stuff I've seen it's almost like he's a toddler testing the boundaries and seeing how far he can push before he gets a reaction. I can't see him actually doing the job if he got elected - I think he's in it for the ride, not the end result.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on March 18, 2016, 07:12:45 PM
I hope you're right.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on March 18, 2016, 07:15:33 PM
So do I!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on May 21, 2016, 10:22:10 AM
Spontaneous combustion.

That hair must be 90% hair spray.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on June 08, 2016, 12:42:13 PM
Looks like Hilary Clinton has been confirmed as the Democratic candidate.

Love her or hate her this is an historic milestone for women.

Thoughts anyone???
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Joyce on June 08, 2016, 02:06:32 PM
From watching US television & listening to locals whilst we were in NY, he wasn't exactly flavour of the month there either.  I like Bernie!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on June 08, 2016, 02:23:21 PM
I like Bernie to but think he is a bit too long in the tooth.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Joyce on June 08, 2016, 02:25:03 PM
I agree, but he's the most sensible of them.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dorothy on June 08, 2016, 04:08:48 PM
If I were American, I would be trying to emigrate by now  :'(  The only thing I will say for Hilary Clinton is that she might be better than Donald Trump.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on September 22, 2016, 10:00:41 PM
The internet's not full or we wouldn't be communicating with each other  ;).  From the BBC web-site she had pneumonia which can be difficult to diagnose.  I was surprised then to see her back in action so quickly!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Annika on September 22, 2016, 11:21:24 PM
Well guess I'm the odd one out because I hope that Trump wins and I shudder to think Hillary Clinton and her wandering husband back in the White House. I think many in the UK are not getting the full story as the press are incredibly biased in the reporting and so many are not aware of what really life is like over here.  The Clintons who were not the richest folk when they left office, not even owning they're own home are now millionaires many times over thanks to the book tours, the $250,000 a plate dinners,wealthly donors from overseas and widespread corruption through the "Clinton Foundation". Nothing would get done if she wins this election just another wasted 4/8 years of a scandal plagued administration as it was under her husband. So for my family and friends who are voting for Trump  we would welcome a non politician to have a go at things especially someone who has built an empire at a very young age, created many jobs and maybe just maybe bring back some jobs and companies back to the US not to mention securing borders. Well anyway I guess it'll all sort itself out soon with the Election coming up and we'll know one way or the other. By the way I don't think any Americans are trying to emigrate Dorothy or feel awful to be American StellaJane but just people that love they're country.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on September 23, 2016, 07:31:00 AM
Mmm? Really? I have many friends and some relatives in the USA, some staunch republicans who are horrified by the racist and prejudiced statements Trump is making.

The USA is a huge country, very varied in beautiful terrain and culture. The majority of Americans do not have passports and do not travel abroad. News tends to be insular and not international, so many Americans are unaware of what is going on beyond their shores and how they are perceived, how American foreign policy through the years (as has British foreign policy) has contributed to why there is terrorism. Obama has inspired respect.

As someone who believes that the value and worth of every person is a given, (people not their actions) not just white, heterosexual people. I am absolutely horrified by Trumps speeches and comments. Even more horrified that he has such huge support. His support is being compared to the rise of Hitler for good reason.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on September 23, 2016, 07:01:40 PM
I was travelling in NZ in 2005 and met some Americans too. They said they were telling people they were Canadian. They too hated Bush. My son lives in Maine, hunting, shooting country and strongly republican. He does not discuss politics other than with his in laws. He says that Hilary Clinton is hated. With such a huge country and population, you would think there would be more candidates with leadership qualities, vision both nationally and internationally and of course, charisma.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on October 12, 2016, 06:37:23 AM
Let's hope Trump has really shot himself in the foot this time. I honestly don't understand how any woman could support this piece of worthless crap. Hillary Clinton may have her problems and failings, but she's looking pretty good against his misogyny, racism, hatred and thuggery.

Robert De Niro has said it the best.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on October 12, 2016, 08:42:50 AM
More frightening than the man himself, is the fact that he has had so much support.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: ellie on October 12, 2016, 04:03:19 PM
Anyone seen the .....,Trump and Clinton  ..singing on U Tube ?......
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on October 13, 2016, 04:46:36 AM
I like the one of Trump skulking around behind Clinton during the last debate - to the music of "Jaws"
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on October 15, 2016, 12:04:01 PM
Has anyone listened to Michelle Obama's speech condemning Trump's attitude to women? If Hillary Clinton is elected as president then some of the credit will be hers.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on October 15, 2016, 11:05:10 PM
I'd love to see Michelle O do a Hillary and run for office. That woman is awesome.

The good news now seems to be most pundits are giving Trump a zero chance of winning. Trump is even accusing the media of conspiracies that are affecting his chances, so maybe even he thinks he doesn't have much of a chance.

Of course that means Hillary Clinton will be POTUS, which may come with its own issues, but Trump as POTUS would be disastrous.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on October 16, 2016, 08:57:48 PM
Against whom?  Does she have a list A-Z?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on October 17, 2016, 10:40:37 AM
Who has said that? Her opponents?

Hillary Clinton comes with baggage, (her husband and his affairs), her lack of charisma or whatever it is that draws you to some people and the fact she is a woman in a world where sexism is still an issue. Funny how she was more popular when she was Secretary of State. To get to where she has, you have to be very strong and determined. You have to understand that the appalling things that are thrown at you are not personal. It's sadly politics or in the case of Trump, very much about his state of mind.

What is more concerning is how Trump was endorsed in the first place. Maybe if Clinton is elected, as Trump is losing his endorsements, she will not be blocked by the democrats from improving the lot of poorer members of American society, as Obama has been.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on October 17, 2016, 05:57:48 PM
Not the same as declaring war! More airing possible solutions to a terrible situation.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on October 18, 2016, 11:36:37 AM
Paxman nor Vine would encourage me to watch/listen to a programme  :-\

The Canadian Prime Minster said months ago that this is how Hitler crept into power ………
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Annika on October 25, 2016, 05:52:59 PM
I'm not sure what you maybe hearing in the UK but as Wikileaks continues to drip drip drip the level of corruption from the Clinton camp is overwhelming as many of us suspected all along and its very disappointing for this country. From paying mentally ill and homeless to disrupt Trump campaigns to destroying thousands of emails,corruption in the FBI and other branches of the Government. I agree Trump is rough around the edges but I would take that any day compared to this. Obamacare which was so touted by some folks on this website will increase upwards of 100% beginning next year some will pay $1,100 monthly for this delightful healthcare system and should they want to drop out they will be fined for doing so. (Clinton has said she will expand it) These politicians will say anything at all to get elected and deceive people into voting for them especially the minorities who Democrats promise everything and deliver nothing but still expect they're vote every 4 years. It is truly disgusting to see the conditions how some of these folks live down here in the South not to mention the big cities. So with that said you bet I would vote any day for a non politician who already has a track record of creating jobs and building an empire, just maybe he might be able to get things moving again.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on October 25, 2016, 09:31:32 PM
Or he could start World War 3.

No thanks.  If you vote him in the whole world has to suffer the consequences.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on October 25, 2016, 11:31:33 PM
I agree Breeze.

Trump is a whole lot scarier than just being "rough around the edges". I will never understand how any woman or anyone from a minority group could vote for him.

Any minor good he might do will be totally undermined by all the hatred and negativity he will incite. You will be far worse off. Thank goodness he looks very unlikely to win at this point.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on October 26, 2016, 10:00:25 PM
We actually hear a lot in Australia, and I would never vote for him.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Hurdity on October 27, 2016, 07:41:51 PM

Hurdity x :)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 07, 2016, 09:21:43 PM
The money appears to be on Hillary - thank goodness. However, the aftermath of the pro-Trumps could be a bit worrying with all their (and his) talk about the election being "rigged".
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 07, 2016, 11:13:29 PM
not keen on either but I think Trump will win.

Hate, hate, hate those hideous bright trouser suits Clinton wears. They are frightful and do nothing for her.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 08, 2016, 07:45:07 AM
Well I hate hate hate that hideous fake tan (with white eye surrounds) and comb over that Trump has, to say nothing of his bombastic bullying and inciting of violence and racism.

Hillary Clinton's appearance has nothing to do with her ability. She has never been a slave to fashion, and good for her for wearing things that are probably comfortable.

I doubt Trump will win, but my concerns are what kind of hate and violence he will incite when he loses, with all his nonsense about it being rigged and not accepting the result.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 08, 2016, 08:22:33 AM
Well I hate hate hate that hideous fake tan (with white eye surrounds) and comb over that Trump has, to say nothing of his bombastic bullying and inciting of violence and racism.

Hillary Clinton's appearance has nothing to do with her ability. She has never been a slave to fashion, and good for her for wearing things that are probably comfortable.

My comment was an aside to my other comments where I said I wasn't keen on either of them.  Did anybody see the two US comedians a "Trump" and a "Clinton" lookalikes on tv yesterday they were hilarious.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 08, 2016, 08:24:28 AM
Trump has praised Putin.  That in it's self is very scary.  Anyone who is a champion of a Russian state that is responsible for war crimes in Syria, must have a screw loose.

Trump has no integrity, no intelligence and no concept of diplomacy.

I don't care what Hilary wears there are far more important issues to worry about.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: littleminnie on November 08, 2016, 08:36:11 AM
I really hope that Trump loses, not overly fond of Clinton but I think she will do a better job than Trump. Shares here will take a bashing if he gets in.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 08, 2016, 06:43:28 PM
Ooh ... it's all hotting up!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: bramble on November 09, 2016, 12:53:47 AM
Absolutely fascinating! Glued to sky news. First time any politics have interested me.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 09, 2016, 05:47:06 AM
Oh no. It's not looking good for Hillary.  :o
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 09, 2016, 07:50:54 AM
After Brexit I didn't believe I could be as shocked by politics again, and yet here we are! Just another chip gouged out of my general positivity. Ok, if dissatisfied with the political elite, find someone capable of leading a new way forward. Our news has been on here since 4.45, for the sake of my sanity I think I'll turn it off now. Once again, my disappointment and shock is immense. :(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 09, 2016, 07:56:44 AM
I feel sick. For America and the rest of the world.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 09, 2016, 08:00:14 AM
You've got it in one Ju Ju. I'm sick to my stomach.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on November 09, 2016, 08:01:23 AM
My daughter is booking a rocket to the moon. Any passengers?  ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 09, 2016, 08:06:00 AM
Unbelievable. I'm in shock. God help us all.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 09, 2016, 08:07:57 AM
I thought of you cubagirl, surrounded by Trump golf courses. Whilst his business interests will have to transferred to his family, can you imagine the pressure that will be exerted on those working to prevent his local dominance in Scotland?

I will indeed book one of those spaces on your daughter's rocket, as will my son who texted me at 5.15 and daughter at 6.35. My husband left early for a 2 day trip. He was so stunned I sincerely hope he will keep the car on the road.

I think I need to do something really nice today, I need to climb into a different head space.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: ellie on November 09, 2016, 08:11:50 AM
Words fail me  :-[ :sigh: :neutral:
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 08:29:09 AM
Well ..... what a huge country and they have well and truly spoken.  I had a feeling it would go this way.

Before anybody has a go at me, i didn't like either candidate and whoever won there would have been some disappointed people. 

Absolutely extraordinary news.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on November 09, 2016, 08:31:06 AM
We are only a few miles from one of his establishments. Hubby said last night "if he loses we'll probably see more of him here, licking his wounds." What a difference a few short hours make!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on November 09, 2016, 08:32:36 AM
PF I didn't like either of them either, so you're not alone.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 09, 2016, 08:39:12 AM
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 09:04:56 AM
This has really proved to me you get a far more accurate picture from alternative media sources than from the mainstream.

For weeks the feeling had been expressed that the corruption and lies surrounding Clinton would finish her, whereas in contrast the mainstream in recent days had been talking as though a Clinton victory was a done deal.

What a year in politics!

Very true.  It also reveals that polls are usually wrong! He was definitely the underdog according to them.

Another thing it proves is that the people are fed up of not really being listened to and want change.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 09, 2016, 09:32:09 AM
Yes, jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 09, 2016, 09:46:18 AM
Once again I agree with you 100% Ju Ju, it'll be the poor working class that'll have to bear the brunt of the cost of living going up and I'm far from convinced the man is a modern day Robin Hood.

I have to mentally tuck this away now but on a tongue in cheek note, can you imagine what he'll do to the furnishings in the White House? I wonder how many gold plated taps he'll have shipped in and at what cost to the tax payer, one of whom he's not!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 09:48:54 AM
Yes, jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

But they won't  be thinking about it like you are JuJu ... they will be hoping and praying for a better and more positive future and, having considered everything, that's the way they voted.

They have voted against Hillary Clinton and her views, promises and policies.

I don't think we can argue with that.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Once again I agree with you 100% Ju Ju, it'll be the poor working class that'll have to bear the brunt of the cost of living going up and I'm far from convinced the man is a modern day Robin Hood.

I have to mentally tuck this away now but on a tongue in cheek note, can you imagine what he'll do to the furnishings in the White House? I wonder how many gold plated taps he'll have shipped in and at what cost to the tax payer, one of whom he's not!

Well, most of  those brightly coloured jackets that Hillary wore cost $13,000 each and they were very tacky looking and I don't imagine she paid for them herself.

Just repeating that I didn't like either candidate particularly.  :)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 09, 2016, 10:19:22 AM
Unfortunately, many voted for Trump because he voiced people's fear, prejudice, racism, sexism and hate, which already existed. There will certainly be change.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 09, 2016, 10:39:07 AM
Hitler and Mussolini were both elected by people who thought themselves disenfranchised.

That worked out well.

Put your tin hats on :(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 09, 2016, 01:08:19 PM
The Canadian PM stated several months ago (May I think) that Hitler got in in similar fashion.
I don't like either Candidate.  I don't think either put themselves across particularly well.  Also, most Americans are unaware of  what happens in the rest of the World, it is a very insular country.  The number of times I have had Americans asking whether I 'know the Queen' when I say to visitors that I am English  ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 09, 2016, 01:42:06 PM
I've been asked if England was in London..... ???  I've been told only 2% of the USA population have a passport. But then it's a huge country, so many may feel no call to travel further, which is understandable, but easy to forget the rest of the world.

My son and DIL have been in contact. They are very upset. They live in 'redneck' country, where it is unwise to discuss politics. As he said, he's considered acceptable as he's not black, gay, illegal. British people are accepted. He has always hated the politics there.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Kathleen on November 09, 2016, 01:47:38 PM
Hello ladies.

Another poster in shock here! My nerves are far too fragile for this kind of thing. I realise that Hillary was an unpopular candidate but I honestly thought she'd win.

As we know Trump has promised to do some incredible things, including cancelling health care for 20 million Americans who qualified for the first time ever thanks to Obama. Scary times.

CLKD -  Could it be your regal manner that the tourists are sensing lol.

Take care all.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 09, 2016, 02:16:53 PM
Kathleen, there are a great many people worldwide in shock today. We have a lot of family in California and friends in New York and they are all reeling. I think the thing that disturbs them the most is that with him elected the Republicans have retained their majorities in the House and Senate which in theory will allow him to implement so much more than Obama was able to do. Hopefully there are emergency reins that can be tugged if the man starts making shocking decisions. He didn't have the backing of a great many Republican heavy weights so we must hope that if needs be they can step in.

I so clearly remember the jubilance of Obama's election, I was glued to the TV, couldn't miss a minute. Sadly he was hobbled the whole way. I've not been able to listen to Trump today: I've read transcripts of his speeches but I simply couldn't bear to watch him.

However, this old world will keep on turning: we managed Bush junior no doubt we'll weather more upsets.

Ju Ju , we've been verbally attacked by far right Republicans before who were wanting to educate us about what is wrong with the UK and our politics. In fact it happened twice, once at a remembrance service for a dear cousin and once at a wedding. It was quite an education!

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 09, 2016, 02:55:05 PM
Polishes Crown  ;D

Canadian Immigration web-site crashed - now was the folks wanting to get into the US or ………..  :-X

I'm angry now - BBC programmes are all to cock ………… 'cos they are chewing over what happened State-side.  I WANT MY programmes!!!  :bang: :bang: :bang:
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 03:49:24 PM
Hello ladies.

Another poster in shock here! My nerves are far too fragile for this kind of thing. I realise that Hillary was an unpopular candidate but I honestly thought she'd win.

As we know Trump has promised to do some incredible things, including cancelling health care for 20 million Americans who qualified for the first time ever thanks to Obama. Scary times.

CLKD -  Could it be your regal manner that the tourists are sensing lol.

Take care all.


I don't know much at all about the US health issue but there was a female journalist on TV the other day and she said quite the opposite ... that Obama had left it all in a terrible mess and people were having to pay massive amounts for their medical care. 

 I thought the whole Obama family were lovely by the way but I'm not sure what he's done for the American people. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Scampi on November 09, 2016, 04:03:47 PM
I have a friend on Facebook who has US Facebook contacts - one of them posted this morning how happy he was that Trump had been elected and that Obamacare would be cancelled.  He said (and I quote) that those who couldn't pay for medical insurance themselves for whatever reason could 'dig themselves a hole to crawl into and die' as long as he didn't have to pay for them  - when challenged by a disabled poster who has very legitimate reasons for being unable to work and therefore pay for medical insurance, he repeated himself this time directing his comments directly at his challenger :-\  I really don't want to share the world with people with that attitude - believe me, I'm no left-wing socialist, but I have compassion for those genuinely in need.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Hurdity on November 09, 2016, 04:51:53 PM
Heaven help us all :(

Hurdity x
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 09, 2016, 05:16:38 PM
Ex-friend then?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 09, 2016, 09:36:05 PM
The Canadian PM stated several months ago (May I think) that Hitler got in in similar fashion.
I don't like either Candidate.  I don't think either put themselves across particularly well.  Also, most Americans are unaware of  what happens in the rest of the World, it is a very insular country.  The number of times I have had Americans asking whether I 'know the Queen' when I say to visitors that I am English  ::)

At least they know where the UK is. Americans commonly think Australia is in Europe (they think we are Austrian), or that we all live in the "outback" with kangaroos as pets, and they're often surprised that we "speak English so well"......

Most Americans aren't very worldly, yet they like to see themselves as the "leaders of the free world". How can they be when the general population knows very little about the actual "free world"?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 09, 2016, 09:42:39 PM
We know have Trump, Putin and Kim Jong-un. We might as well migrate to Mars now.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Katejo on November 09, 2016, 10:13:30 PM
I have a friend on Facebook who has US Facebook contacts - one of them posted this morning how happy he was that Trump had been elected and that Obamacare would be cancelled.  He said (and I quote) that those who couldn't pay for medical insurance themselves for whatever reason could 'dig themselves a hole to crawl into and die' as long as he didn't have to pay for them  - when challenged by a disabled poster who has very legitimate reasons for being unable to work and therefore pay for medical insurance, he repeated himself this time directing his comments directly at his challenger :-\  I really don't want to share the world with people with that attitude - believe me, I'm no left-wing socialist, but I have compassion for those genuinely in need.

Sounds as though this FB friend deserves a period of serious ill health and loss of job to teach them a lesson!  I remember reading the example of a young US woman who, when still covered by her parents insurance, developed Crohns disease. Then she became too old for that cover and had to pay for her own policy but all the insurers refused to cover her because she already had the disease. What was she supposed to do?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 09, 2016, 10:44:13 PM
Tired and just pondering something ..... how come TV stations are showing stats for how blacks/whites/hispanics voted (their labels) for either Clinton or Trump.  Aren't we all supposed to be equal and not refer to colour.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Annika on November 09, 2016, 10:53:24 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  TRUMP TRAIN CHOO CHOO!!! :ola: :ola: :ola:
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 09, 2016, 10:57:09 PM
It's very simple really.  Trump has expressed very racist views so the effect of his election on ethnic minorities will be huge.

There is a lot of fear as to what it will mean for their communities and indeed their safety.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 09, 2016, 11:08:59 PM
Tired and just pondering something ..... how come TV stations are showing stats for how blacks/whites/hispanics voted (their labels) for either Clinton or Trump.  Aren't we all supposed to be equal and not refer to colour.

Because they thought women and minority groups would get Clinton over the line, considering the racist and sexist views Trump expressed. They also assumed they would be the "silent majority". There was a "silent majority", but they were all voting for Trump, which is why the polls and pundits got it so wrong. Few people wanted to admit they were going to vote for Trump for fear of being labeled sexist and racist. So they kept quiet until they were in the privacy of the voting booth.

Anyway, now that the shock has worn off a bit, I've decided to have a more optimistic view about it all because I just hate all the negativity. The Republicans have full control now, so on the upside that may mean that things can be achieved instead of there being so much infighting. There are also a lot of checks and balances in the system, so Trump will never be allowed to just run riot like a lot of people think he will. He will have to toe the party line just like everyone else.

It may also mean that a few other governments around the world will take a long hard look at themselves and realise that they have to start listening to what people actually want, instead of just covering their ears and going "la la la la la la".

And if all else fails ...... Kanye 2020.....  ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Annika on November 09, 2016, 11:16:14 PM
Absolutely not he went to the black community asked to meet with many leaders and humbly asked for they're vote so he could fix the inner cities...decades of blight that has stood for decades under the Democrats. He also received the highest black vote than any other Republican in this election as well as more women voting for him than Clinton. This is a movement  that includes everyone black,white,gay everyone and the term "rascist" which the left so wanted to paint Trump supporters with was exactly why they lost the election. By the way using the term "redneck" not very nice over here to describe groups of southerners as mentioned in another post here.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 10, 2016, 04:21:47 AM
Well don't take offence. Be aware that that there are subtle, but considerable cultural differences between our 2 nations, which both my son and DIL have had to negotiate and our 2 families. This includes different meanings to words.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 10, 2016, 08:38:05 AM
No need to apologise JuJu. Trump is the 'King of Insults'.

Here is a breakdown of who voted for Trump, from the BBC website.  Only 8% of Black Americans voted for him, so I don't know where Annika got her numbers from.

Also the way he behaved over the construction of his golf course in Aberdeenshire is worrying.  Trying to bully the locals into selling up so he can make a profit is not what I call respectable behaviour.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 10, 2016, 09:22:57 AM
Oh how l wish! But she has never given any indication that she would be prepared to take on such a role. One of the reasons given is that she does not have a political background. Hasn't stopped Trump. However, if she was prepared to seek election, it would not be for herself; not self seeking or the lure of power and greed.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: linz57 on November 10, 2016, 11:57:07 AM
Polishes Crown  ;D

Canadian Immigration web-site crashed - now was the folks wanting to get into the US or ………..  :-X

I'm angry now - BBC programmes are all to cock ………… 'cos they are chewing over what happened State-side.  I WANT MY programmes!!!  :bang: :bang: :bang:

They took off Escape to the Country! I was not happy  ;D

OK, it's big news worldwide but did we really have to have so much tv  coverage? Jeremy vine and his fancy CG images and him telling us at what time various states declared....... :beat:
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 10, 2016, 01:55:07 PM
Jeremy Vine must be  rolling in in!!  he was on tv all night and back on his radio prog by 12 noon.  I used to quite like him but he's on too much now.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: linz57 on November 10, 2016, 05:19:35 PM
He does seem to be everywhere at the moment. God knows how he kept up the level of enthusiasm throughout the night and day, I'd have been zzzzzzz after an hour ! Still, I suppose a hefty salary helps......
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: linz57 on November 10, 2016, 08:11:02 PM
Ha yes, good one! I've often wondered why those who purport to be the most  tolerant and accepting of others are often the least tolerant of folk in reality. Democracy entails respecting and accepting the majority vote , yet with both Brexit and  the US elections we are seeing whingeing and whining on the streets  because the vote didn't go the way certain people wanted. As my American friend would say " suck it up sunshine!"
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 10, 2016, 08:27:46 PM
Tired and just pondering something ..... how come TV stations are showing stats for how blacks/whites/hispanics voted (their labels) for either Clinton or Trump.  Aren't we all supposed to be equal and not refer to colour.

Because they thought women and minority groups would get Clinton over the line, considering the racist and sexist views Trump expressed. They also assumed they would be the "silent majority". There was a "silent majority", but they were all voting for Trump, which is why the polls and pundits got it so wrong. Few people wanted to admit they were going to vote for Trump for fear of being labeled sexist and racist. So they kept quiet until they were in the privacy of the voting booth.

Anyway, now that the shock has worn off a bit, I've decided to have a more optimistic view about it all because I just hate all the negativity. The Republicans have full control now, so on the upside that may mean that things can be achieved instead of there being so much infighting. There are also a lot of checks and balances in the system, so Trump will never be allowed to just run riot like a lot of people think he will. He will have to toe the party line just like everyone else.

It may also mean that a few other governments around the world will take a long hard look at themselves and realise that they have to start listening to what people actually want, instead of just covering their ears and going "la la la la la la".

And if all else fails ...... Kanye 2020.....  ::)

A positive post and I think when things quieten down, a lot more people in America will share your views.

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 10, 2016, 08:28:35 PM
Ha yes, good one! I've often wondered why those who purport to be the most  tolerant and accepting of others are often the least tolerant of folk in reality. Democracy entails respecting and accepting the majority vote , yet with both Brexit and  the US elections we are seeing whingeing and whining on the streets  because the vote didn't go the way certain people wanted. As my American friend would say " suck it up sunshine!"

HA ha ... democrats against democracy.  ;D
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 10, 2016, 09:48:33 PM
Oh how l wish! But she has never given any indication that she would be prepared to take on such a role. One of the reasons given is that she does not have a political background. Hasn't stopped Trump. However, if she was prepared to seek election, it would not be for herself; not self seeking or the lure of power and greed.

I would love to see Michelle as POTUS, but Barrack has already addressed the issue. I'll paraphrase, but he essentially said "There are three certainties in life. Death, taxes and Michelle Obama won't run for office".

It was always said she was a reluctant First Lady, and feels she can do more good away from politics. So I'm excited about what we'll see both of them doing in years to come.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 10, 2016, 09:55:23 PM
Ha yes, good one! I've often wondered why those who purport to be the most  tolerant and accepting of others are often the least tolerant of folk in reality. Democracy entails respecting and accepting the majority vote , yet with both Brexit and  the US elections we are seeing whingeing and whining on the streets  because the vote didn't go the way certain people wanted. As my American friend would say " suck it up sunshine!"

HA ha ... democrats against democracy.  ;D

Probably a lot of those people are professional protesters who would have been out protesting regardless of who won. They probably don't work and possibly didn't even vote.

I think the majority of "normal" people are just getting on with their lives because they do accept democracy.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 11, 2016, 03:22:02 AM

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)

Probably no one here is expert enough on US politics to answer, but there are a number of sites on google that answer this very question. :)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 11, 2016, 07:48:41 AM
Tired and just pondering something ..... how come TV stations are showing stats for how blacks/whites/hispanics voted (their labels) for either Clinton or Trump.  Aren't we all supposed to be equal and not refer to colour.

Because they thought women and minority groups would get Clinton over the line, considering the racist and sexist views Trump expressed. They also assumed they would be the "silent majority". There was a "silent majority", but they were all voting for Trump, which is why the polls and pundits got it so wrong. Few people wanted to admit they were going to vote for Trump for fear of being labeled sexist and racist. So they kept quiet until they were in the privacy of the voting booth.

Anyway, now that the shock has worn off a bit, I've decided to have a more optimistic view about it all because I just hate all the negativity. The Republicans have full control now, so on the upside that may mean that things can be achieved instead of there being so much infighting. There are also a lot of checks and balances in the system, so Trump will never be allowed to just run riot like a lot of people think he will. He will have to toe the party line just like everyone else.

It may also mean that a few other governments around the world will take a long hard look at themselves and realise that they have to start listening to what people actually want, instead of just covering their ears and going "la la la la la la".

And if all else fails ...... Kanye 2020.....  ::)

A positive post and I think when things quieten down, a lot more people in America will share your views.

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)

Happy reading!  ;)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 11, 2016, 08:21:32 AM

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)

Probably no one here is expert enough on US politics to answer, but there are a number of sites on google that answer this very question. :)

That made me smile because it seems everybody in the world is an expert on Trump and Clinton but is unable to answer a very simple question on Obama.  If he's done anything wonderful then it should be at the forefront of people's minds and shouldn't need answering by "experts".

Afraid I haven't got time to read through all those links as I'm off to organise my mothers POA but thanks to ElizabethRose for posting.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 11, 2016, 08:29:30 AM
Before voting started Trump said 'The election is rigged and the result should be challenged'

Shouldn't we hold him to this?? ;D
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 11, 2016, 03:45:24 PM
I think that it is disgusting that the UK Press went with the US results and the coverage of the awful tram crash was, at least in the Telegraph yesterday, buried deeply in the paper ………  :'(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: linz57 on November 11, 2016, 05:06:46 PM
Yes, the awful tram crash should have been the lead news item! Also, how much of our licence fee have the BBC spent on sending so many correspondents over to the States?

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 11, 2016, 05:49:12 PM
Apparently - as an aside - the BBC have decided not to send UK Correspondents to areas that are covered by Journalists  :-\ - yeah, right …….. that will begin when then?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 11, 2016, 05:53:12 PM
Both my son and his wife are devastated about what is going on around them and scared in the USA . It's not about who won the election. It's that disaffected, angry people feel they have been given permission to abuse whoever they resent or hate.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 11, 2016, 07:13:53 PM
Both my son and his wife are devastated about what is going on around them and scared in the USA . It's not about who won the election. It's that disaffected, angry people feel they have been given permission to abuse whoever they resent or hate.

It's disgusting Ju Ju and I understand their fear.  It is inevitable that people will at some times in their lives be disappointed about something. Whether it's a new housing development, schools closing down, buses being axed or their party or candidate not being elected.  In a democracy we should just accept the result and move on and see how things develop. Instead of doing this people get on social media and post offensive and hateful comments and photos about people.  Look, for example, at what Boris Johnson had to put up with ... being called a clown, a Buffoon, having stupid photos of him posted and people saying "OMG look who's going to be running this country" when there was no truth in it and then when he stood down people called him a coward.

I believe they called these aggressive, violent troublemakers  "professional aggressors" on the news tonight. Any excuse to stir things up and they're there!  :'(

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 11, 2016, 07:25:18 PM
The right to peaceful protest is part of the democratic process.  Unfortunately these days there always seems to be an anarchist group, of some kind that infiltrates, just to cause trouble.

Sign of the times I'm afraid.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 11, 2016, 07:43:00 PM
They are having to work with people they have liked and respected, who are now coming out with such awful statements. Politics was not an issue before.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 11, 2016, 07:54:09 PM
Bit like after Brexit - and other apparently peaceful neighbourhoods …….. people keep their thoughts closed until the arena changes [think Rowanda, Serbia/Croatia].

It will settle.  People across the World feel disfranchised and want more say and because there is more media opportunity they can get angry in front of more people …… we had the Jarrow Marches here ……..

Apparently there is a 'softer' side to Trump ………  ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 11, 2016, 08:05:03 PM
Oh heavens, that sound disgusting.

Which side is it.  I'll try not to look.

Sorry feeling slightly insane tonight ::)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 11, 2016, 08:14:30 PM
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 11, 2016, 09:18:29 PM
I've been reading that a lot of people think Trump will be impeached within his first year. We can only hope.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 11, 2016, 09:48:52 PM

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)

Probably no one here is expert enough on US politics to answer, but there are a number of sites on google that answer this very question. :)

That made me smile because it seems everybody in the world is an expert on Trump and Clinton but is unable to answer a very simple question on Obama.  If he's done anything wonderful then it should be at the forefront of people's minds and shouldn't need answering by "experts".

Afraid I haven't got time to read through all those links as I'm off to organise my mothers POA but thanks to ElizabethRose for posting.

Well I'm not an expert. Can't really speak for anyone else.

Anyway maybe you should make the time because it's interesting reading.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 11, 2016, 10:05:53 PM
As a general comment, the peaceful protests are part of democracy. The violence of course is not. People are going through a process of grief and shock at the moment. Things will settle down given time, provided Trump doesn't antagonise them.

However, let's not kid ourselves that these same protests wouldn't be going on if Clinton had won. Maybe they would have been worse because the KKK would have been involved.

Now is the time for Trump to show exactly what kind of president he intends to be. If he continues to send out tweets like the first one we'll have our answer. The second one was better, so hopefully someone has given him a kick in the bum and told him to act more like a president. Regardless of whether you like or dislike Obama, his diplomatic shoes are going to be big ones for Trump to fill. Hopefully someone takes him in hand pretty quickly.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 12, 2016, 08:15:03 AM
A President of any country should not have to been taken in hand! Open to advice and guidance, yes. And if he is taken in hand, who really is in charge?  ::)

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 12, 2016, 08:37:21 AM
No they shouldn't have to be, but Trump isn't a "normal" president. If he continues to act like he did prior to the election then America is in for a lot of civil unrest. It's up to him how things pan out.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 12, 2016, 09:00:26 AM
Yes, interesting times.

I see Trump as a symptom. People hate and are angry, because they are afraid. They are afraid because they do not feel that they have worth and value in this world. Because their life experience has not given them the experience of being valued.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 12, 2016, 09:49:58 AM

I'm still waiting for someone to answer my earlier question about what Obama did for America.  ;)

Probably no one here is expert enough on US politics to answer, but there are a number of sites on google that answer this very question. :)

That made me smile because it seems everybody in the world is an expert on Trump and Clinton but is unable to answer a very simple question on Obama.  If he's done anything wonderful then it should be at the forefront of people's minds and shouldn't need answering by "experts".

Afraid I haven't got time to read through all those links as I'm off to organise my mothers POA but thanks to ElizabethRose for posting.

Well I'm not an expert. Can't really speak for anyone else.

Anyway maybe you should make the time because it's interesting reading.

I will do and thanks but My Mum is taking up so much of my time just now.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 12, 2016, 09:53:18 AM
Yes, interesting times.

I see Trump as a symptom. People hate and are angry, because they are afraid. They are afraid because they do not feel that they have worth and value in this world. Because their life experience has not given them the experience of being valued.

But they should at least give him a chance to try and change things for the better.  I'm not a fan of his or Clintons but whoever was elected  deserves a chance.  His haters and the violent aggressors are just waiting for the tiniest thing to scream and protest about and the cycle will continue.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: bramble on November 12, 2016, 10:17:20 AM
I think president Obama was a safe pair of hands. His was a presidency which was not stained by any scandals or outrages. He tried to do a lot but in many cases his hands were tied by the senate. I really liked the open sharing of love between him and his wife on official occasions. There stood a woman who believed wholeheartedly in not just the president but in the man. I wish them all the best for the future whatever that may be.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 12, 2016, 11:11:39 AM
Yes, a man did his best for others, rather than fuel his own ambition. A man who gives and receives love and values other people, even if he doesn't respect their choice of behaviour. I have a lot of respect for Obama.

When people run for any election, they may make promises of things they want to do and achieve. However, once in power they become privy to information they or we do not have or are blocked by other forces. It's easy to be judgemental when they don't achieve these things.

But I am judgemental on Trumps choice of behaviour. Politics can get very dirty, but never more so than what we have just witnessed. You do not behave as Trump has done if you are coming from a healthy balanced place.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 12, 2016, 02:51:06 PM
Looks like the back tracking has started already.  I wonder what his supporters will make of that!?

Watched the news coverage, the other day, of his tour around the White House.  All his team, who I assume are professional politicos, looked happy and relaxed.  Trump, on the other hand, looked like a rabbit, caught in a cars headlights.  I'm beginning to wonder whether he expected, or wanted, to become President.

I'll give him a year to 18 months before he either stuffs up and is kicked out or some other misfortune occurs.

This is interesting
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 12, 2016, 07:01:29 PM
Not really.  I can well imagine him developing some illness/condition, which would necessitate him having to give up.  Whether it's a real illness or not, who would know.

He is a business man, who is used to baling out of deals which no longer work.  Let see how he manages this one.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: littleminnie on November 13, 2016, 09:11:46 AM
I'm interested to see his wife performing her First Lady duties.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 13, 2016, 10:06:56 AM
I'm interested to see his wife performing her First Lady duties.

So am I.  Apparently she is quite a smart lady and speaks six languages fluently.  She is also hard working and a mother and an immigrant and has said she will do all she can for cyber bullying especially of children.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: ellie on November 13, 2016, 11:28:15 AM
Trouble is, what they say and what they do  is where we shall have to wait and see!!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 13, 2016, 05:50:13 PM
Apparently, Trump doesn't want to live full time at the White House. Wants to carry on living in his tower. Part time job?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 13, 2016, 06:21:38 PM
Just seen Trump on the news and he says he IS going to build a wall and he IS going to deport at least 2 million illegals who are criminals ... could even be three million.  Can't see anything wrong in getting rid of illegal criminals from your country. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dorothy on November 13, 2016, 06:26:19 PM
Just seen Trump on the news and he says he IS going to build a wall and he IS going to deport at least 2 million illegals who are criminals ... could even be three million.  Can't see anything wrong in getting rid of illegal criminals from your country. 

As long as they ARE illegal criminals...bearing in mind this is the guy who believes all Mexicans are rapists, I'm not sure how much I'd trust his definition of 'illegal' or 'criminal'. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Katejo on November 13, 2016, 06:47:42 PM
Apparently, Trump doesn't want to live full time at the White House. Wants to carry on living in his tower. Part time job?

It's really looking as if he didn't expect to be elected.
Bit like Brexit really ..........
If he really didn't want to, why was he hurling abuse/accusations at Hilary Clinton?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on November 13, 2016, 07:48:42 PM
His recent pronouncements have sent a shiver down my spine.
Just look back into the history of WWII and Hitlers accusations that the Jews were criminals and responsible for Germany's ills.  He also advocated deportation, eventually deciding that that was not enough.
As for the wall, that reminds me of the Berlin wall and the cold war.  Not surprising really as he is a fan of Putins.
I know liberal values and tolerance are despised by some, but they are the bedrock of a civilised society.
It's not enough to 'just see how things go'.  If we do not shout out when he proposes something hideous we will be inadvertently giving him permission to continue.
This is our democratic right and duty and fortunately it looks like many in the USA feel the same.
Lets just hope they are listened to.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on November 13, 2016, 09:46:56 PM
Likewise, Breeze. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Meg on November 14, 2016, 01:26:23 AM
Dear Breeze

Well said.  What could be more poignant when we are remembering the terrible tragedy of two world wars.  I for one do not want to see a return of an ugly type of nationalism and schism opening up in Europe with possible rise of far right parties and all that might ensue again! We need to think and think again about the future and we need thoughtful moderation.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 14, 2016, 03:59:55 AM
His first interview is being televised on TV tonight here in Australia. I'm keen to hear what his plans are, and whether he is going to be as antagonistic as he was during the campaigning, or if we see a more moderate Trump.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Hurdity on November 14, 2016, 09:12:26 AM
Hear hear - last few posts...breeze, dulciana, Meg

Hopefully not Dana (antagonistic).

Hurdity  x
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 15, 2016, 05:40:38 AM
It certainly was a more moderate Trump in the interview, and it is interesting to see him back peddle on some things. Perhaps he's starting to realise it's not that easy to run a country, and he may not be able to do any better than previous presidents. It's a shame that he had to level so much vitriol (without justification or evidence) at both Clinton and Obama, during the campaign. It's childish behaviour and in no way befitting a leader of any country. Anyway, I'm still adopting a "wait and see" attitude.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Elizabethrose on November 15, 2016, 05:47:50 AM
Just noticed you're up Dana: thought you might enjoy this.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on November 15, 2016, 08:26:44 AM
It certainly was a more moderate Trump in the interview, and it is interesting to see him back peddle on some things. Perhaps he's starting to realise it's not that easy to run a country, and he may not be able to do any better than previous presidents. It's a shame that he had to level so much vitriol (without justification or evidence) at both Clinton and Obama, during the campaign. It's childish behaviour and in no way befitting a leader of any country. Anyway, I'm still adopting a "wait and see" attitude.

As am I Dana. Late last night there was a political discussion on TV and I think that point was made on there too. Wishing him to fail and hoping that things go wrong just to prove a point is no good for the USA or indeed any country and is a very negative way of looking at things.  Another prog I watched the other day said that Reagan's two terms made him one of the most popular Presidents ever yet when he was elected many people were not happy and questioned how a not very successful movie star could be a successful President.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: littleminnie on November 15, 2016, 08:34:57 AM
I agree. He's been voted in now, whilst protesting might make people feel better it won't change anything.
It's like Brexit, we have voted to leave so we should leave asap and get on with it.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on November 16, 2016, 12:03:30 AM
Just noticed you're up Dana: thought you might enjoy this.

Yes I love to see the funnier side of this issue. At least Alec Baldwin has guaranteed employment for the next four years. :)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Meg on November 16, 2016, 12:26:41 AM
America must be a pretty divided country at present.  It seems that Hilary Clinton got more individual votes at the end of the day but failed to get the Senate and Congress.  Hoping that Trump has to takes account of this!

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 19, 2017, 02:30:28 PM
Yep.  No one can alter the course of History and we might get a surprise as the months go by  ;)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 19, 2017, 07:26:06 PM
Don't quite follow you CLKD.

You can't change the past (history), but the future IS on our hands.

Unfortunately it's in Trumps hands too. :diablo:
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 19, 2017, 09:08:33 PM
It's done, the Vote went his way.  Now we wait and watch ........
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 19, 2017, 09:17:29 PM
And pray....
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 21, 2017, 01:21:48 PM
Inauguration speech was quite a refreshing change I thought - I mean even I could understand it!

I thought it was very good and was impressed he didn't need script. He never fluffed a word either.  I thought Melania looked wonderful.  I also thought the Obamas were very gracious.  Just a pity the protestors tried to spoil the day.  Cowards with their faces covered.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Hurdity on January 21, 2017, 01:34:11 PM
I thought it was dreadful - and what I heard of the speech a load of rhetoric.  Can't bear the man and his nationalistic proclamations. I mean of course we are all human beings and "bleed the same blood" but that does not square with Trump's overt condemnation of Muslims, Mexicans, mocking disabled people,  belittling women etc. I hope the deletion of pages from the White House website (given much publicity) about Gay Rights and Climate Change, is only a temporary glitch....

Hurdity x

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 21, 2017, 03:24:08 PM
Hitler was very popular in the 1930s, and could give a rousing speech.

I say no more.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 21, 2017, 03:50:33 PM
Well he does not rouse me, but judging by the behaviour of his supporters, I think they get pretty roused.

He can promise what he wants, producing the goods is something else. 

He is a bad man, which ever way you look at it.

Lets hope his is impeached or forced to resign before he does too much damage.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 21, 2017, 04:28:57 PM
He was the American people's choice!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 21, 2017, 04:30:31 PM
That is good because???
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 21, 2017, 04:30:46 PM
He's already been horrible to a number of people living in the north of Scotland.  That's the person he is, regardless of what he said in his inauguration speech, or how it came across.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 21, 2017, 04:32:04 PM
Yep.  Many of those protesting outside of the States are miffed because they didn't get a Vote  ::), well move back to the States maybe?

It is what it is >yawn< ....... his statements may well be 'aimed' in order to draw attention to his over-all plans which still have to be agreed B4 they become law.  ALL the papers have the same front page photo this morning, someone got paid well then  ;)

As for Scotland, where were the Planning Committee when he appeared and opened the Golf Course ........ they had the choice of saying 'no'!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 21, 2017, 04:32:21 PM
Well he does not rouse me, but judging by the behaviour of his supporters, I think they get pretty roused.

He can promise what he wants, producing the goods is something else. 

He is a bad man, which ever way you look at it.

Lets hope his is impeached or forced to resign before he does too much damage.

Seconded, Breeze.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 21, 2017, 04:34:05 PM
Yep.  Many of those protesting outside of the States are miffed because they didn't get a Vote  ::), well move back to the States maybe?

It is what it is >yawn< ....... his statements may well be 'aimed' in order to draw attention to his over-all plans which still have to be agreed B4 they become law.  ALL the papers have the same front page photo this morning, someone got paid well then  ;)

As for Scotland, where were the Planning Committee when he appeared and opened the Golf Course ........ they had the choice of saying 'no'!

I'm thinking more of the horrible, shabby way he treated individuals here in Scotland, CLKD; people who just wanted to stay in their own homes.  We've heard from them in the local TV news.  That is the nature of the man who in now in charge of one of the world's great superpowers.   It's not a case of "as for Scotland" (thank you very much....)  - it's more a case of, how does he treat his fellow human beings????? :(
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on January 21, 2017, 04:45:28 PM
Turns out Trump has apparently plagiarised a speech from Batman during his inauguration.  Excuse me whilst I  ;D ;D ;D

He has treated the poor folk up here dreadfully building his hotel.  One poor soul instead of having open ground opposite her house now had a huge grass mound, which blocks out sunlight.  Shame on the man!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 21, 2017, 04:48:57 PM
I've seen those news reports too but not anyone from Scotland who approves of Trump  ::).  Sadly displacement happens across the UK, think HS2  >:( ....... Centuries of History being bulldozed  :-X

Sadly we don't have a 'right to light' down here, maybe the Law in Scotland is different, but again, where is the support of the Planning Committee, you know, the ones who signed off any Plans?  I know a lady who had to move from her home because a new build went up directly against her garden boundary; it was promised that there wouldn't be any windows over-looking her patio, hey ho when the original Plans had been signed off, the new owners had an en-suite built complete with window over-looking her patio: Planners said nowt could be done because it is frosted glazing but the window is open nearly all the while  :sigh:.  Of course, Planners rarely live near to sites of conflict  :cuss: : sorry.

Back to topic .........
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on January 21, 2017, 04:54:52 PM
I'm not going to get into a argument over this, but he is what he is!
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 21, 2017, 04:55:25 PM
Yep and I was a-wandering ......... (there's a song in there somewhere)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 21, 2017, 05:17:08 PM
I'm not going to get into a argument over this, but he is what he is!

Horrible to people.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 21, 2017, 05:21:23 PM
That is good because???

I didn't say it was good.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on January 21, 2017, 06:09:00 PM
Well according to his tweets, the people in Scotland love him! Either delusional or if you lie, lie and lie again, some people will believe you even in the face of evidence. It must work. He's now president.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on January 21, 2017, 06:16:11 PM
In his dreams maybe. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on January 21, 2017, 06:35:39 PM
He's not a good auritor (sp) that's for sure.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: nearly50 on January 21, 2017, 07:06:20 PM
Well according to his tweets, the people in Scotland love him! Either delusional or if you lie, lie and lie again, some people will believe you even in the face of evidence. It must work. He's now president.

Wonder where on earth he gets that from. I always think of this when I think of Trump in Scotland
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: nearly50 on January 21, 2017, 07:14:04 PM
'Dreams from my father' is an excellent book and 'Of thee I sing' is lovely. I look forward to reading more, and don't agree about not being able to understand what he was making speeches ab out.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 21, 2017, 07:46:12 PM
All Trumps books are about making money (what a surprise), and generally panned by the critics.  Obama's, on the other hand, have been critically acclaimed and some have been best sellers.

Always found Obama's speeches inspirational.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: dulciana on January 21, 2017, 09:15:57 PM
One thing I did notice.
President Trump does seem to repeat himself quite a bit - he says many things twice.
Perhaps it makes giving speeches easier - memorise one phrase then repeat as required.
Noticed it during the election too - he hasn't improved.

It's what he does, rather than what he says, that will be the proof of the pudding.....
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on January 21, 2017, 10:25:25 PM
I'm afraid that I long ago stopped listening to any speech that a Politician might give as it's so full of fillers that mean nowt!  Why not get to the knub of the matter and gut out the gobbledegook between important points!?!  I probably shut off around the time of John Major and when it got to President Blair .......  :-X I stopped altogether.

Short and to the point ?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on January 21, 2017, 11:29:19 PM
He was the American people's choice!

Not necessarily, if you go by popular vote. He won the electoral vote not the people's choice vote.

I didn't bother watching any of the inauguration because I can't stand anything to do with Trump. However I doubt very much that he didn't have a script. All those people have teleprompters and they are usually placed in such a way that they can't be seen so it makes the speaker look like they are giving an impromptu speech. Even Obama uses them and he is a far better speaker than trump will ever be.

I personally think that trump is an absolutely disgusting person. He is a bold face liar, he treats anyone who isn't an anglo saxon male abhorrently and the things he boasts about planning to do are frightening.

However,  regardless of what any of us think, or how many people protest, it is what it is. What everyone needs to do now is actually give it time to see what happens. People forget that trump is one person and he is not solely responsible for running the country or the world for that matter. Like most democratic countries, in the US there are a lot of checks and balances in place and I am hopefully that there are bigger people behind the scenes actually running the country who simply won't allow him to run riot like he thinks he can.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on January 21, 2017, 11:50:31 PM
One thing I did notice.
President Trump does seem to repeat himself quite a bit - he says many things twice.
Perhaps it makes giving speeches easier - memorise one phrase then repeat as required.
Noticed it during the election too - he hasn't improved.

It's what he does, rather than what he says, that will be the proof of the pudding.....

Unfortunately, what he says is having a detrimental effect. Many people share his prejudices and he gives them permission to act on them.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: cubagirl on January 22, 2017, 09:35:03 AM

Not necessarily, if you go by popular vote. He won the electoral vote not the people's choice vote.

However,  regardless of what any of us think, or how many people protest, it is what it is. Like most democratic countries, in the US there are a lot of checks and balances in place and I am hopefully that there are bigger people behind the scenes actually running the country who simply won't allow him to run riot like he thinks he can.

I agree, the proof will be in how he actually runs the country.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on January 22, 2017, 12:51:00 PM
My son's wife and all her family were out marching in their local city yesterday with many, many others. Not my son though, as he was at work. What a strange situation the USA is in.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Menomale on January 22, 2017, 01:05:03 PM
Something similar (well, similar but opposite really) happened here in Brazil when a former mettalurgy worker and ultra-left winged was elected president, Lula. Almost half of the population loved him, almost half hated him. We, the ones just perplexed with the whole situation, have survived. Just to see his mate and successor Rousseff being impeached by the ultra-righ winged Temer who is being asked to resign by 70% of the population....

"Nobody told me there'd be days like these... strange days indeed" John Lennon.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 22, 2017, 02:43:31 PM
I am getting fed up with all the hatred towards Trump on social media. It's just awful and I can't see the point in it.  We all know he's said some very stupid and offensive things but then so have other celebs and they don't get anywhere near the flack he does.  It is getting boring too .... all this stuff about his orange makeup, his hair, the white around his eyes it is just yawn making and I shouldn't think he's bothered in the slightest about what people say or he would have changed his looks by now.

Some of the remarks I've seen by people I know on Facebook are awful and they are churchgoers, yoga teachers, playgroup leaders etc and it's not as though we even live in America!

Imagine if we had all directed such remarks at Obama or his wife and ridiculed their looks, their clothes etc. Imagine if we spoke about Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, the Queen or any other high profile person like people do of Trump.

I am not a Trump fan and him being President will not affect me at all but this hatred is not a positive way for people to be behaving. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 22, 2017, 02:57:48 PM
He is not a mere 'celeb' he is the president of the most powerful nation on the planet, and his actions can affect us all.

I think the world is in a very dangerous situation, and his man really does not deserve any respect.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on January 22, 2017, 03:55:23 PM
Trump has directed a lot of abuse at Obama including suggesting he was not American born. He and his family fielded all the abuse with grace. I think Michelle Obama's suggestion of when others go low, go high is the way to go.

I do think there is a silver lining here as the treatment of all those groups who suffer from prejudice is really being highlighted in a way it has never been before. It is an opportunity to examine what prejudice really is, how it comes about both collectively and on on a personal level. There may be some some retrograde steps short term, but maybe long term there could be positive outcomes further down the line.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 22, 2017, 04:24:56 PM
Well that's not as bad as when he mocked a disabled man.

Truly shocking.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 22, 2017, 05:32:07 PM
Well that's not as bad as when he mocked a disabled man.

Truly shocking.

I think you'll find that story has already been debunked Breeze.

I believe it was Bradley Wiggins who turned up at a charity event for disabled children and made some very derogatory comments but that was all hushed up. Look at some of the stuff Lily Allen comes out with too! 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 22, 2017, 06:10:00 PM
Have read his excuses and they won't wash.

Don't really care what Wiggins says.  Cyclists are unlikely to affect our lives.

Only if he is elected PM.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: nearly50 on January 22, 2017, 06:25:33 PM
Have read his excuses and they won't wash.

Don't really care what Wiggins says.  Cyclists are unlikely to affect our lives.

Only if he is elected PM.

Totally agree and we're in for a very scary 4 (or even 8!) years. Screaming 'fake news' when people don't believe his lies is going to lead to some seriously frightening diplomatic situations.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Pennyfarthing on January 22, 2017, 07:36:58 PM
Have read his excuses and they won't wash.

Don't really care what Wiggins says.  Cyclists are unlikely to affect our lives.

Only if he is elected PM.

So its OK for any old body to make offensive comments except Trump?  I think ANYBODY should be ashamed and be reprimanded for making such comments.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: breeze on January 22, 2017, 07:51:33 PM
Come on.  There a huge difference between the mutterings of B and C list celebs and the 'so called' leader of the free world.

Of course it's not right for anybody to be offensive.  However, for the President of the USA it's more than offensive.  It's very worrying.

If he can't set an example he should go back to his 'doggy deals'.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: nearly50 on January 22, 2017, 08:21:14 PM
Bradley Wiggins doesn't have access to the nuclear codes. It isn't his offensive comments themselves which are worrying, but the fact that Trump is impetuous and reckless.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dorothy on January 22, 2017, 08:28:05 PM
I've not seen many comments about Trump's appearance, but I have seen a number about his views, and I can understand people, especially those living in America, being frightened.  You have someone who makes the horrific comments he has made who is then elected president - which shows that those who voted for him either agree with those views (e.g. it's ok to sexually assault women) or don't see them as wrong enough to disqualify him as their nation's leader.

As for not affecting those of us outside the US, bearing in mind he is regular referred to as now being the 'most powerful man in the world', I think it affects EVERYONE.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Dana on January 22, 2017, 09:36:09 PM
He is not a mere 'celeb' he is the president of the most powerful nation on the planet, and his actions can affect us all.

I agree. Celebs come and go and they aren't running countries. Their comments and opinions really don't matter, including stupid Madonna's comment about blowing up the Whitehouse.

Trump needs to be above all that, but he just continues to incite the anger with the nonsense he goes on with, especially on twitter.

As for making fun of him, too bad not sad. All politicians get made fun of including Obama (big ears anyone?). The difference is Obama makes fun of himself and when you do that you take away all the power from those who poke fun. Trump needs a lesson in how to do that, because everytime he reacts like a cranky child he will just get more. If he wants to run the "free world" then he needs to put his big boy pants on and harden up.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 03, 2020, 08:12:45 PM
Anyone sitting up ............. I don't expect either candidates to notice whether I do or whether I find something more interesting to watch on TV  :D

Has this Presidency affected the UK much ?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: sheila99 on November 03, 2020, 09:02:27 PM
Millions of people live in the USA so why can't they find someone better than these two? I wouldn't want to vote for either of them.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Sparrow on November 04, 2020, 07:49:51 AM
The most important concern is for climate change.

Trump has already pulled the US out of the Paris agreement. If he stays in expect more of the same.

For me climate change is a far greater threat than Covid-19.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 04, 2020, 09:08:20 AM
I don't sit up for UK elections.  Once I put my tick down on the paper I can't alter the outcome.

Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 04, 2020, 12:24:46 PM
Oh >yawn< ..........
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: C.C. on November 04, 2020, 07:43:00 PM
I have little interest in what's happening, it's a poop show as far as I'm concerned. 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 05, 2020, 05:31:09 PM
Apparently it could take weeks++ to get a proper result  :o Trump is already suing for X, Y, Z - who pays for that?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: sheila99 on November 05, 2020, 06:24:30 PM
Except for China. He's the only one who's taken them on, everyone else is sitting back watching the monster grow.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 06, 2020, 09:20:06 AM
I agree about China.  C-19 spread apparently from there and the UK continues to trade - talk about putting all 1s eggs in 1 basket  :-\.  But hey, the UK wanted cheap rather than paying for our own technology - reaps what one sows  :-\
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Sparrow on November 07, 2020, 05:06:27 PM

Congratulations 🎊 to Joe Biden.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Sparrow on November 07, 2020, 05:16:11 PM

Some states still to finish counting but he has 273, so Trump cannot now win.  :)
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 07, 2020, 06:43:14 PM
Trump won't give up easily, will it take the National Guard to move him from the White House  :-\
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Ju Ju on November 07, 2020, 10:21:32 PM
Phew! It’s a huge relief. However, Trump can still try for a further 4 years in the future.
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 08, 2020, 09:44:04 AM
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Harmony on November 08, 2020, 11:05:02 AM
So, so relieved, that's the first thing to happen to celebrate this year! I think he'll have to be forcibly removed from the White House, though. 🙄 I can't see him getting in at a later stage..He obviously has something seriously wrong mentally, (besides rampant narcissism) possibly dementia, so in four years time he might be in a home. If so, I'd hate to be one of the residents/staff! 😬
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 08, 2020, 11:14:26 AM
 ;D. ......... where will he go to live once they fork-lift him from the Whitehouse?  Not headed towards Scotland?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: C.C. on November 08, 2020, 12:26:55 PM
Off to the nearest penitentiary?
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: CLKD on November 08, 2020, 01:52:08 PM
U wish ..............  ::) . 
Title: Re: US Elections
Post by: Hurdity on November 09, 2020, 12:20:25 PM

Hurdity x