Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Other Health Discussion => Topic started by: Katejo on June 12, 2015, 04:59:50 PM

Title: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 12, 2015, 04:59:50 PM
I have had UTI's quite a few times and they cause me stress because they always (without failure) start on a Friday when there is no chance of a GP appointment or just before i am due to go on holiday! This time it was both. It started last Friday though I didn't realise it was a UTI until Sunday. I saw the GP on Monday and she did a urine test and said that it was an infection and prescribed me Nitrofurantoin which was a new one to me. I don't get cystitis at all so no burning but I get stomach ache and aching lower down plus the feeling of internal discomfort and need lots of loo visits. It isn't actually painful to pee. I also feel unwell all over and have a temperature which comes and goes.
I didn't feel too bad on Monday and Tuesday so did go to work but have been off since. I expected improvement by day 3 of the AB but got none so suspected that it wasn't working. I went back to the health centre but they insisted that I continue with the same medication. They did take a 2nd urine test then.  Yesterday i started feeling a bit better but then last night it flared up again and i had a sleepless night. I got the result of the urine test today and the infection is still there but the GP couldn't see anything to say why I hadn't responded to the treatment  I have now been given a different AB (Cefalexin) and have just taken the 1st one.

I am going to rest all weekend and am drinking loads of water. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I am fed up with feeling off. Since just before Easter I have had a persistent flu bug, a vomiting bug and now this.

I am due to fly to Berlin on Tuesday to help a friend celebrate a big birthday so I am stressed because I don't want to let her down.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Limpy on June 12, 2015, 05:30:30 PM
Hi Katejo

I used to get lots of UTIs.

At one point (after a urine test it has to be said) Nitrofurantoin was given. It didn't really work for me, took a couple of weeks to get any relief only to get the infection back after a couple of months. The only thing which worked for me was Co-Amoxiclav. Tried it first in 1997 then didn't have UTIs till meno hit in 2012/13, did the Nitrofurantoin dance again. Still didn't work, after much begging I managed to get some Co-Amoxiclav again. Thankfully, haven't needed it since.
Mind you, what works for one person doesn't for another.

Good luck with the Cefalexin and enjoy Berlin.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: littleminnie on June 12, 2015, 06:36:48 PM
The AB will kick in by Sunday night so you should be fine. Enjoy your trip.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 12, 2015, 06:40:20 PM
A GP cannot tell if you have an infection! that can only be diagnosed if a sample is sent to a Lab..  This particular AB is the one commonly given but research is finding that it isn't wise as the body is getting used to it! It isn't wise to be given the 'wrong' AB either  >:( but GPs really don't get it  :bang:

Ask for treatment for Vaginal Atrophy when you get back as your symptoms are like mine were: the feeling of wanting to pee, the probability of an infection (which it wasn't), ABs which I was unable to tolerate due to nausea. Take plenty of pain relief whilst away.  Try and enjoy yourself!
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 12, 2015, 07:01:24 PM
Hi Katejo

I used to get lots of UTIs.

At one point (after a urine test it has to be said) Nitrofurantoin was given. It didn't really work for me, took a couple of weeks to get any relief only to get the infection back after a couple of months. The only thing which worked for me was Co-Amoxiclav. Tried it first in 1997 then didn't have UTIs till meno hit in 2012/13, did the Nitrofurantoin dance again. Still didn't work, after much begging I managed to get some Co-Amoxiclav again. Thankfully, haven't needed it since.
Mind you, what works for one person doesn't for another.

Good luck with the Cefalexin and enjoy Berlin.

I have never come across Co-Amoxiclav unless it also has another name. The GP told me that Nitrofurantoin was now being given instead of Trimethoprim which apparently has become less effective. I have had that one before and it worked for me. I am just keeping my fingers crossed. Hope i will make it to Berlin.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 12, 2015, 07:06:07 PM
A GP cannot tell if you have an infection! that can only be diagnosed if a sample is sent to a Lab..  This particular AB is the one commonly given but research is finding that it isn't wise as the body is getting used to it! It isn't wise to be given the 'wrong' AB either  >:( but GPs really don't get it  :bang:

Ask for treatment for Vaginal Atrophy when you get back as your symptoms are like mine were: the feeling of wanting to pee, the probability of an infection (which it wasn't), ABs which I was unable to tolerate due to nausea. Take plenty of pain relief whilst away.  Try and enjoy yourself!

My sample was sent to a lab on the 2nd occasion. I had the test on wednesday and got the result today. I will look VA up as I have only vaguely heard of it before now.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Limpy on June 12, 2015, 07:07:21 PM

A GP cannot tell if you have an infection! that can only be diagnosed if a sample is sent to a Lab.

It's a difficult one CLKD. With the dipstick tests they can say if it "may" be an infection, but not identify it.
If UTIs keep coming back it's only then they think about VA.

When I was in the UTI cycle, the urine sample was tested and it did show an infection. Nitofurantoin was deemed to be the cure all - it did precisely NOTHING. Hopefully Katejo will get some relief from the Cefalexin, if the UTI returns then she'll be in a good position to go back and demand treatment for VA.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Limpy on June 12, 2015, 07:11:43 PM
Hi Katejo

I used to get lots of UTIs.

At one point (after a urine test it has to be said) Nitrofurantoin was given. It didn't really work for me, took a couple of weeks to get any relief only to get the infection back after a couple of months. The only thing which worked for me was Co-Amoxiclav. Tried it first in 1997 then didn't have UTIs till meno hit in 2012/13, did the Nitrofurantoin dance again. Still didn't work, after much begging I managed to get some Co-Amoxiclav again. Thankfully, haven't needed it since.
Mind you, what works for one person doesn't for another.

Good luck with the Cefalexin and enjoy Berlin.

I have never come across Co-Amoxiclav unless it also has another name. The GP told me that Nitrofurantoin was now being given instead of Trimethoprim which apparently has become less effective. I have had that one before and it worked for me. I am just keeping my fingers crossed. Hope i will make it to Berlin.

The name on the tablets was AUGMENTIN.

Trimethoprim didn't do much for me. It was was about as  useless as Nitrofurantoin........  ::)
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 12, 2015, 07:16:00 PM

We have several threads on Vaginal Atrophy here  ::) ……. I think I called mine 'my bladder etc.' …… asking your GP for vaginal oestrogen to plump up the tissues may be the way to go, thin skin down there can cause irritation which mimics 'infections'  ;)

Are you packed to fly yet ?
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 12, 2015, 08:14:36 PM
I have just done a quick google on VA but I don't think it is what I have. No I haven't packed yet. Have only assembled a few things in my room. I have to feel a bit better first.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Taz2 on June 12, 2015, 08:37:17 PM
It seems as if different parts of the country are using different antibiotics. Where I am Cefalexin is no longer routinely given for UTI's due to many infections becoming resistant to it. We are also prescribed nitrofuantoin and if that doesn't work then Co-Amoxiclav or Ciprofloxacillin.

It sounds as if you have an upper tract infection katejo if you are not having symptoms on urinating. These make you feel horrible so I hope the Cefalexin works quickly for you. If you begin to feel worse please don't hesitate to go back to the doc as soon as possible. Drink loads. Rest as much as possible too.

Taz x
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 02:33:57 AM
Yes I am resting all weekend and I am drinking lots too. If the Cefalexin fails I don't want another antibiotic. I am willing it to work.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Limpy on June 13, 2015, 08:54:26 AM
I have just done a quick google on VA but I don't think it is what I have.

Hopefully the latest antibiotics will work for you.

I didn't realise I had VA till a GP examined me properly.
I think some of the ladies on here, thought they were having UTIs but were found to have VA. Dryness down there often manifests itself as urinary problems. As CLKD suggests, it might be worth looking at her "my bladder' thread.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Taz2 on June 13, 2015, 08:57:11 AM
I remember that my vaginal dryness was diagnosed because of a lot of occasions when it felt as if I had an infection but there was only microscopic blood and white cells present but no infection each time a sample was sent for testing.

Katejo - what dose of Nitro were you on? I found that the lower dose didn't work.

Taz x
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 11:37:15 AM
The Nitrofurantoin dose was 100 mg tablets twice a day for 5 days. Is that the lower dose which you refer to?  Now taking 250 mg Cefelaxin tablets 4 times a day for 5 days. Am feeling quite lousy (sort of aching/fuzzy sensation all over)  at the moment but hoping that it is mainly side effects. Little appetite but making myself eat small amounts so the tablets don't irritate more. Still discomfort down below but not going to the loo too often.
I will look at your 'my bladder' threads but still think that I have an infection.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Taz2 on June 13, 2015, 11:43:38 AM
The high dose is usually 500mg four times a day katejo but it's usual to be put onto 250mg first. Lack of appetite is a symptom of an upper UTI. I ended up on 500mg four times a day for twenty one days which finally shifted it. Have you got any fever?

Taz x
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Annie0710 on June 13, 2015, 11:50:36 AM
I had continual UTIs which did respond to ABs but each time I had finished in would come another UTI ! (Usually starting on a Monday) this forum educated me about VA and since starting vagifem I've never had another UTI !

It's worth looking into

Annie xx
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 12:07:30 PM
The high dose is usually 500mg four times a day katejo but it's usual to be put onto 250mg first. Lack of appetite is a symptom of an upper UTI. I ended up on 500mg four times a day for twenty one days which finally shifted it. Have you got any fever?

Taz x

You are now referring to Nitrofurantoin or Cephelaxin?  My Cephelaxin is 250mg 4 times a day. I haven't got fever at the moment due to painkillers but have had it on and off for the past week. My appetite was normal on thursday afternoon/evening but went downhill yesterday. Also I was feeling pretty decent on thursday afternoon and enjoying the summer sunshine (standing with a cup of tea in front of my house and people watching). I thought i was going to improve further by Friday but it got worse again/
 Today it is dull and a bit miserable outside and I am getting more pessimistic about the chances of this working. I have had these exact symptoms before. Usually one course of AB's has cleared it but not every time. I have never had a dose as high as you have or over as long a period
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 12:10:14 PM
I had continual UTIs which did respond to ABs but each time I had finished in would come another UTI ! (Usually starting on a Monday) this forum educated me about VA and since starting vagifem I've never had another UTI !

It's worth looking into

Annie xx

I will look it up. I assume that it is prescription only?  I don't get them continuously like that. It occurs about once every year to 18 months.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Annie0710 on June 13, 2015, 12:12:18 PM
Yes prescription only, GP said I could only do 2 x weekly (after 2 weeks of loading doses) but gynae said I could double up , which I do

Annie xx
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Taz2 on June 13, 2015, 01:23:58 PM
It was 500mg four times a day for nitrofuantoin and then the same dosage for ciprofloxacillin and finally the same dosage for co-amoxiclav which finally cleared it. I was really ill though from the infection before I knew what it was. I'd felt off for a couple of weeks with what felt like cystitis starting and then it went away but I felt tired and just a bit "off". I then developed a slight fever (controlled by paracetamol) and two days later I had an attack of rigors which is what made me go to the GP. I was put onto nitrofuantoin (250mg four times a day) as a precaution and a sample was sent off. The doc phoned me the next day as a reading which should have been under 300 had registered 1000. They upped the dose to the 500mg and I had to send off another sample a week later which showed the infection was still really entrenched so they swapped to the cipro etc etc.  It took, in all, from September to December to finally clear the infection totally. Not something I want to go through again which is why I probably drive my GP's surgery mad by phoning to speak to a doc every time I get similar "almost cystitis but not quite" symptoms.

An upper UTI is totally different to a lower one. Different symptoms and harder to shift.

Taz x
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 01:25:30 PM
re. vagifem: Do you take it orally or as a cream? I have just looked at NHS info sheet about this. I don't think i could take it orally because it can interact with carbemazepine which i have been taking for a long time. I had epilepsy as a teenager. I have been seizure free for over 30 years after surgery  but still take the drug.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 01:30:20 PM
It was 500mg four times a day for nitrofuantoin and then the same dosage for ciprofloxacillin and finally the same dosage for co-amoxiclav which finally cleared it. I was really ill though from the infection before I knew what it was. I'd felt off for a couple of weeks with what felt like cystitis starting and then it went away but I felt tired and just a bit "off". I then developed a slight fever (controlled by paracetamol) and two days later I had an attack of rigors which is what made me go to the GP. I was put onto nitrofuantoin (250mg four times a day) as a precaution and a sample was sent off. The doc phoned me the next day as a reading which should have been under 300 had registered 1000. They upped the dose to the 500mg and I had to send off another sample a week later which showed the infection was still really entrenched so they swapped to the cipro etc etc.  It took, in all, from September to December to finally clear the infection totally. Not something I want to go through again which is why I probably drive my GP's surgery mad by phoning to speak to a doc every time I get similar "almost cystitis but not quite" symptoms.

An upper UTI is totally different to a lower one. Different symptoms and harder to shift.

Taz x

Sounds awful. I am a bit paranoid about it as well simply because i tend to get it at such inconvenient times. I had a previous holiday spoilt by it several years ago. I did once have cystitis but all the other occasions have been similar to this time.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Taz2 on June 13, 2015, 01:31:39 PM
It comes in preloaded applicators katejo - you put it in your vagina and then dispose of the applicator. It's quick and simple and no mess.

Taz x
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 01:43:10 PM
Thanks Taz

I will ask the GP about it when I get back from Berlin (if i get there !).  I need to make an appointment for something else.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2015, 02:29:31 PM
An infection will show on testing so hopefully this AB will work.  Sometimes it takes 48 hours …….

Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 03:09:40 PM
An infection will show on testing so hopefully this AB will work.  Sometimes it takes 48 hours …….


The test definitely did show an infection. I am feeling  better than I did this morning. I still have Nurofen in me so can't be sure yet but my appetite is starting to come back which is a good sign. Am now eating toast and starting to pack my case   :)  I am very cautiously optimistic. 
I know that all antibiotic courses need to be completed even if you feel better half way through but I don't get why you can't switch to an alternative one if you have no improvement by day 3. I spoke to a GP and more than 1 pharmacist but they insisted that i must complete the original course.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2015, 03:12:41 PM
 :-\ ………. are you taking 2 kinds of AB then?  It's because ABs are given incorrectly that people are not gaining benefit  ::).  Keep taking the Nurofen ……..

How many on the celebration?
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 03:27:28 PM
No not two together. I was prescribed Nitrofurantoin last Monday. By wednesday it had achieved nothing so I went back to the doctor who gave me the 2nd prescription (due to me having the holiday trip so soon)  and took a urine sample to send away  but said that I must still complete the first course. On Friday I felt worse and rang the NHS 111 line. I spoke to a GP there who said that I should go back to the surgery and ask for the test result to avoid taking the wrong AB. I did that and was told that it showed the same result as their first test on Monday.

I don't like taking many painkillers as it just shields the symptoms. I always want to know if improvement is genuine! I am also not supposed to take many anti inflammatory ones. I will probably take some more Paracetamol today

There are only 2 of us at the celebration. Eva is a Swedish friend whom i met in Italy on an Italian language holiday in 2011. Quite a big age gap between us. it is her 70th on Wednesday.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2015, 05:41:42 PM
Pain relief medication is designed to ease symptoms  ::) - that's why chemists spend hours in the Lab. designing drugs for pain relief.  If the correct medication is taken it relieves symptoms, if those return once the dosage has worn off, one takes more ……….. if symptoms persist for more than 5 days then a chat with a GP is wise.  If you are hungry, do you not eat  ;)
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 06:16:44 PM
Yes of course I eat if i am hungry but I lost my appetite completely yesterday. It is slowly coming back which is hopefully a good sign.  I know the purpose of painkillers but prefer not to take them continuously. I have taken  another dose this afternoon though and also will  again overnight to try and get a better night's sleep than last night.   ;)
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2015, 06:50:58 PM
That's a good idea.  I use anti-histamines when I need a good night's sleep  ::)

Let us know how you are!  How long are you away for?
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 13, 2015, 07:30:06 PM
That's a good idea.  I use anti-histamines when I need a good night's sleep  ::)

Let us know how you are!  How long are you away for?

I am only away until Saturday 20th. Just a short trip. Friend's birthday is on Wednesday. How do anti histamines help with sleep? I do have some here but have never used them for that. I will let you know what happens re. trip. Going to bed now with a mug of tea to watch Casualty and then have an early night.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 13, 2015, 07:31:43 PM
Night night!
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 15, 2015, 03:26:47 PM
The AB will kick in by Sunday night so you should be fine. Enjoy your trip.

You were right!  Still felt bad yesterday morning but it suddenly improved later in the day.  Off to Heathrow hotel when I finish work today.  :)
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Limpy on June 15, 2015, 03:33:53 PM
Have a smashing time Katejo.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 15, 2015, 08:44:08 PM
Anti-histamine can cause drowsiness, don't know why …… as can travel sickness tablets.

Looking forwards to hearing all about it  :drunk:
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: Katejo on June 16, 2015, 02:19:29 AM
Oh I see. Yes I know that for travel sickness tablets though I haven't had to take any for a long time. I am still not sure if my uit has completely cleared as I am still getting irritation and not feeling 100% again. Don't finish the ab until Wednesday but might have to to go back to doctor on my return.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: MrsMopp on June 16, 2015, 09:59:36 AM
Have a good trip!

I've been getting one bout of cystitis after another. Was given the dreaded Nitrofurantion twice, it worked but not so well the second time.  It also made me feel absolute rubbish - nauseous, headachey.  I've now got an emergency prescription from the GP as I am away at the end of the month.  I told her about my probs with Nitrofurantoin and she said it wasn't the first port of call for cystitis.  But apparently because I am allergic to Septrin I can't have Trimeth*** - sorry, can't recall spelling.  I have heard of Augmentin though, wonder why I wasnt given that.  Anyway, she's given me amoxcillin.  However, since I started using Waterfall D-Mannose I've been infection free.  Worth a try when you return Katejo.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 16, 2015, 02:10:38 PM
ask for treatment for vaginal atrophy  :-\ ?
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: MrsMopp on June 16, 2015, 02:31:20 PM
I'm already being treated for that CKLD but she did say if my continual cycle of BV, Cystitis and Thrush continue we may need to look at doing something with my current HRT regime.  She also mentioned a referral for the cystitis issue although at present the Waterfall D-Mannose is keeping that at bay.
Title: Re: UTI didn't respond to AB (Nitrofurantoin) plus pre holiday stress
Post by: CLKD on June 16, 2015, 08:53:15 PM
It is so tiring trying to find a regime isn't it!