Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Horseylass on April 16, 2015, 08:22:53 PM

Title: New to all of this
Post by: Horseylass on April 16, 2015, 08:22:53 PM
I've just joined this group.  I've come to the conclusion I am going through the menopause.  I'm almost 50, have had erratic periods for a couple of years and started with occasional night sweats last year but in fact we've slept with no heating and a summer weight duvet for the past 2 winters so perhaps it's longer?!  I have been to the GP recently with palpitations - last exerienced when I was pregnant but he's getting that checked out just to make sure it's benign.  I don't sleep very well with chucking duvets on and off and palpitations, etc. but I've just started getting hot flushes at on earth do you manage practically let alone from a drugs/herbal point of view?  And then... the sex.  My husband will start to shave the middle of his head soon.  I like the idea but can't quite...get there?  I'm so miserable about it all and none of my friends are going through it so can't even have girly chats and my male work colleagues probably think I fancy them the number of times I'm going red around them!  :-\
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: CLKD on April 16, 2015, 09:25:08 PM
 :welcomemm:  have a browse of the menus, top of screen in green.

Ask questions.  We have threads on herbal remedies as well as the various HRT options. 
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: honeybun on April 16, 2015, 09:45:37 PM


Browse around and join in, nice to have you with us.

Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: LizeeeH on April 17, 2015, 10:04:32 AM
Hi Horseylass


I find the aches n pains the worst, hips, knees ankles you name it!
I went on a ride  the other day, 18h shire, had a fab ride but couldnt get off ;D and sex????....whats that? my hubby thinks Ive got another fella because I have no interest what-so-ever in the jiggy jiggy department  ;) ;)

Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: CLKD on April 17, 2015, 12:52:00 PM
18hh  :o - maybe he should lay down like a camel would so that you can get on and off  ;)
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: babyjane on April 17, 2015, 07:20:29 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum  :)
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: jedigirl on April 17, 2015, 08:39:31 PM
Hi Horseylass
None of my friends are going through it either so come and chat with us!
JG xxx
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: LizeeeH on April 18, 2015, 08:57:56 AM

It was soooooooooooo funny, I managed to get my leg over the saddle and then just "hung" there kniowing the ground was somewhere beneath me ;D
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: Limpy on April 18, 2015, 10:02:29 AM
Hi Horseylass

Welcome to MM  :welcomemm:

The sex issue - hmm yes - the off button can seem to be on most of the time, even if the spirit is willing.  ::)

There's an advice for husbands sticky on here somewhere, might be useful to print it off and show it to your husband. It was useful for me when this hormone idiocy kicked in, mine then knew he was not alone and took it less personally.
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: GypsyRoseLee on April 18, 2015, 11:15:01 AM
With sex, I am okay once I get going (ahem) but the urge to get going seems to have largely got up and gone at the moment  :-\

I am hoping that HRT might bring it back again? Or can your consultant add some testosterone into the HRT cocktail maybe?
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: jedigirl on April 18, 2015, 11:41:55 AM
Sex? Nope, don't know what that is, not bothered either. Maybe it will come back one day ::)
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: CLKD on April 18, 2015, 02:54:37 PM
GRL - same here.  Don't often have the urge but respond to DH - he deserves a break occasionally and as long as we aren't in a hurry to go anywhere etc. I lay back and hey ho !  :sigh:
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: Horseylass on April 19, 2015, 08:02:38 PM
Well, we had a night away in the hope that an evening without other people and some "us" time might help.  My OH is always grumbling that our timing doesn't match  ;)  It's not that I don't want sex, just not at a time when it's convenient! ;)

Anyway, last time we had sex, he commented that I wasn't ready (dry) which kind of confirmed that the flushes probably were indeed what I suspected.  Went in to panic mode.  OMG he's going to leave me - when we do have a love life it's always been very enjoyable for both of us!  Anyway, I ordered some 'lube' just in case but then found that although the idea appealed, I started to panic and though the mechanics worked thanks to the 'help', I had no pleasure from it and ended up in floods of tears as I can't think how he will deal without the little bit of a sex life he has  :'( he puts up with so much rubbish from me already. I will go and see my GP but I have HBP and a family history of breast and other cancers so suspect that HRT may not be an option.  I feel like a dried up old woman, just at the time when we may have more 'us' time in front of us...
Title: Re: New to all of this
Post by: LizeeeH on April 20, 2015, 01:37:07 PM
I call myself a dried up old prune....and that's how I feel :-\ I  don't have a hubby that really understands so that makes me worse but Ive told him if Brad Pitt was at my door with nothing on but a thong and holding a bottle of moet.....I'd take the moet and shut the door in his face! ;D ;D