Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Other Health Discussion => Topic started by: rebecca on March 03, 2015, 05:09:53 PM

Title: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: rebecca on March 03, 2015, 05:09:53 PM
I have a sore and clicky jaw - saw a TMJ specialist recently who recommended physio.
He also recommended I take Nortriptylin for a better night's  sleep as I may be stressed and grinding my teeth. 

I looked online and it states that this drug is used for depression and it is not advised to just stop taking it suddenly.
The side effects listed from this drug have really worried me, the list is huge. I don't want to take it now.

I have been feeling a bit down/more emotional recently but I did say that I thought that may be part and parcel of menopausal symptoms.   
Has anyone else had experience taking Nortriptylin?

Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Hattie on March 03, 2015, 05:53:44 PM
Hi Rebecca

I was taking Nortriptyline for pain relief - it just masked the pain no more. I was given Nortriptyline after 2 years on Amitriptyline - the Nortripyline has less side effects especially the dry mouth and drowsiness in the morning. It will make you constipated the higher you go on a dose. It is a drug used for depression but this is at higher doses than 10mg - i think you can go up to 75mg for pain relief thereafter for depression.

Has the TMJ specialist actually prescribed Nortriptyline for you as usually the first drug a GP will try is Amitriptyline as it is cheaper. My GP only changed me from Amitriptyline when a pain consultant told her to after i had seen him.

I used to take it at about 7pm in the evening to avoid feeling too drowsy in the morning which isn't too bad on nortriptyline compared to amitrip.

If you take it for some while then you do have to titrate down off it slowly when you come off it. I cut pills in half to 5mg and then spread the days out taking it until i diminished it.

Hope this helps.

Hattie X
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Limpy on March 03, 2015, 06:51:09 PM

I looked online and it states that this drug is used for depression and it is not advised to just stop taking it suddenly.
The side effects listed from this drug have really worried me, the list is huge. I don't want to take it now.


The drug is also used for pain relief, it doesn't mean your Drs think you are depressed.

Hattie has said, all that needs to be said, oh so well.

Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: rebecca on March 03, 2015, 09:17:25 PM

Yes, the specialist gave me the prescription for Nortriptylin.
Thanks for your input - very helpful.

Thanks very much also...

Rebecca  :)
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: honeybun on March 03, 2015, 09:22:07 PM
I know it's probably not strong enough but I often waken with a sore jaw as I clench my teeth when I sleep. I have lower jaw pain and I rub on ibuprofen cream. It really helps me.
I can't take the pill version as I have a dicky tum but this rubbed on two to three times a day really helps.

Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: rebecca on March 04, 2015, 11:28:02 AM
Thanks Honeybun, I will try that also.

The Maxfax Consultant also said that I probably had synovitis and googling that this morning helped me understand this better.
I am getting pins and needles radiating from the back of my ear to the top of my head, also across my top lip. Sometimes I feel giddy, with a fullness feeling in my ear and under my eye, coupled with Tinnitus I feel dreadful. I will need an MRI in the end if all suggestions fail. This will then show what is going on. Just have to convince my doc to authorise this.

At first when this happened my doctor sent me to A & E (I had a wait of 9 hours 2 weeks ago which added to my stress). They wanted to rule out stroke, my bloods and ECG checked out OK so I was grateful for that. But it is the constant pain and clicking that gets me down.. Going to Physio on Friday he recommended 6 sessions.   

Thanks for your help.... it really is appreciated. I would just love one pain free day... 
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: pj44 on March 07, 2015, 07:15:01 AM
My daughter was given that med for pain relief as she has osteoporosis. She has not taken it for years as she was trying to keep if pain relief until she is older she. Is only 31. But she said she is in so much pain and not getting no sleep that she has appointment with her doctors end of March and she is really hopeing they will let her have the med. Have you been to the dentist for teeth grinding? I have been given a mouth guard to wear at night as I too grind my teeth really badly at night it has really helped my jaw does not hurt.
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: rebecca on March 07, 2015, 10:10:44 PM
Hi pj44

Yes, the dental specialist I saw suggested a mouth guard so I went to Boots and spent my £25.00 on the Dentek device.
Followed the instructions and made the guard to wear at night but in the morning the pain in my jaw was worse. I looked at the instructions again and it had a warning on the instructions saying that if you have TMJ not to use it! I spoke to the MaxFax Specialist about it and he said not to use it as it can make things worse  :-\

So, am slighty confused now the physio told me last week that several factors can cause TMJ/Synovitis. I have a 2nd appointment next week with the Physio. 
Glad you got some relief from wearing the mouth guard.
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Mrs January on March 08, 2015, 11:13:10 PM
Hi there

I now have a gum shield ( cost 100) from the dentist and it helps no end with my teeth grinding and I feel some much better xx
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: CJ-sleepless on March 13, 2015, 12:03:39 PM
I've now been given this for my coccyx pain - it does help me drop off to sleep but can't say I've noticed any improvement pain-wise - been told I can increase to 20mg but haven't as yet as I don't like the dry mouth yuk
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Limpy on March 13, 2015, 07:27:40 PM
CJ-sleepless it may take a while to take full effect.
Can understand why you don't want to up the dose.
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Smokey on March 13, 2015, 10:50:52 PM
I've been taking this drug for nearly four years and the only side effect to start with was the dry mouth, but once I'd been on it a while it disappeared.

I take mine at night before bed ive not noticed it making me tired and no grogginess in the morning either the only other side effect I had was when withdrawing from it I had tinnitus for a bit.

Don't be put off trying it as everyone is different and you will probably be fine .

Ann x
Title: Re: Nortriptylin 10mg - any advice?
Post by: Hattie on March 14, 2015, 09:55:13 AM
I've now been given this for my coccyx pain - it does help me drop off to sleep but can't say I've noticed any improvement pain-wise - been told I can increase to 20mg but haven't as yet as I don't like the dry mouth yuk

Does constipation affect your coccyx pain at all ? - i found that anything above 30mg of Nortriptyline made me constipated which is one reason why i stopped taking it. The Nortriptyline only masked the pain and made it feel 'different' for me.

I've been told not to expect to be pain free just to manage it but you may be lucky and the Nortriptyline will help.