Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: karenja on November 07, 2014, 07:17:00 PM

Title: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 07, 2014, 07:17:00 PM
Hi I thought I would list symptoms Ive had over the last six months or so to compare with other ladies to see whats normal if normal is the word :?

Palpatations, night sweats, flushes, chest pain, anxiety resulting in panic attacks and tight chest, pain in leg sometimes, numbness in arms or leg on times, headaches, feeling faint, tiredness even after a proper nights sleep, forgetfulness, memory blanks bruises, foot cramp, crying, spaced out feelings... Im sure I will think of more  :sigh:oh yes increase in boob size (not so bad) putting on weight around stomach, bottom and thighs, lack of exercise as afraid to due to anxiety, health anxiety due to anxiety! very often thinking something bad will happen to me, oh dear the list is far longer than I thought xx
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Shazzie on November 07, 2014, 07:30:15 PM
Hiya Karen

I had all the symptoms you describe especially the palpitations, night sweats, insomnia and increase in weight around middle.  It did settle down once I started Evorel Conti patches but 7 months in the palps have started again so I have increased the dose.

Isn't the menopause lovely??  Not!!!

Shazzie x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 08, 2014, 10:50:36 AM
I came off HRT in September and realised I'd forgotten about all the symptoms which came back worse than ever >:( Been having hot flushes, crippling headaches and unexplained anxiety. Also I'd been having trouble with my shoulder before I started taking HRT. That went away but now has returned.  Can't sleep and having problems with my skin and added to all of it have had vaginal dryness - a new symptom! No periods though so that's about the only plus! I never realised how bad I felt before. After 2 months I went back to my GP yesterday and now back on HRT so hopefully things will settle. I'm lucky to have a really understanding and helpful GP. Fingers crossed things will improve.
Lizzy x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: toffeecushion on November 08, 2014, 10:59:30 AM
I am having so many symptoms that I wonder if they can all be related to the menopause.  My main worry ones are palpitations, headaches and the dreaded anxiety.  Some days can be so overwhelming and I find it difficult to cope with even the simplest of things.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 08, 2014, 11:11:21 AM
Yip most of the list!
Palpitations (worst symptom )
Chest tightness
Feeling suffocated
Anxiety (health)
Fuzzy eyes
Leg pain
Tingly left arm
Stomach acid thing (no heartburn)
Sleepiness nights
Extreme tiredness
No appetite
Loss of concentration
One headache ( 10 day rotter )
RLS worse
And more lol
Feeling good now although this heart thing scares me a lot all ok last year on tests though.
Things I wish for are weight gain at bum and boobs I'm just a stick  ;D

Millykin x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 08, 2014, 11:17:31 AM
Hi Shazzie, I did find the everol helped my night sweats, flushes and anxiety to a certain extent, but I then found I could no longer stick the progesterone patches so am not on femseven as a different type of progesterone and am really hoping it will be better, still on estrogen at the moment and feeling really weird today though,hope the increase in dose for you will help, assume your ok on the conti patches?
Lizzie, hope hrt helps you feel a bit better, wish I had more understanding gp's its half the battle, this site helps me so much more
Toffeecushion I know exactly how you feel, it wears you out, its completely changes my life, must be nice to find the right hrt or whatever to help, are you on hrt or anything? xxx
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 08, 2014, 11:21:33 AM
Hello Millykin

Good (if good is the word) to see we have similar symptoms, its reassuing to know it is just hormones or hrt side effects and nothing serious, im very concerned about my heart to, somedays, well a lot of the time I actually think Im going to keel over and die, it sounds very melodramatic by its true, it is very scary just horrible  :hug:
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 08, 2014, 11:31:08 AM
Ye if it wasn't for this site I would be at GP most days hounding them, one minute I feel ok then the next my heart or pain around near it sets me off, still need to get on with it, as I was told your heart wouldn't be able to take it (pain, thumps etc) everyday most of the day for over a year if it was serious, ok them saying that but at the time for us this is serious lol. I tend to try and ignore it now get up and do something toilet, drink water anything if I'm going to keel over it will happen sitting dwelling won't help ;D
As you can guess I'm having good day so far,  ;D
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: toffeecushion on November 08, 2014, 12:01:40 PM
Karenja - I'm not on anything, GP doesn't think it is menopause related even though I'm 48.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on November 08, 2014, 12:33:43 PM
Millykin, I could have written your post. I was so relieved you mentioned nausea as I have it badly (and really weird burping too  :o) and have always worried it's linked to something more than more hormones. I sympathise with the palpitations situation - it's really disabling; I got to the point I was scared to be out in case I had a heart attack (sounds pathetic, I know!). I also get severe pains in my left arm and shoulder which didn't help quell my fears, though they are apparently nerve related (hence the tingling/crawling I also sometimes get, especially across my shoulder blades).

I started Evorel 50 a week today and my intermittent , "squeezing" arm and calf pain and dizziness has reappeared during the week (not had it for several months). Now don't know if it's the effects of my normal cycle and therefore a coincidence (due on in a week) or else if the estrogen is for some reason making my symptoms worse? Does anyone know how long the patches take to kick in?  B x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 08, 2014, 12:42:23 PM
Don't know about patched I'm on Femoston 1/10 and been 7 months, things easing gradually over these months, the nausea was horrible couldn't eat at all but now I'll eat everything and could do with it. Hopefully someone will tell you about patches. Think I've had every serious illness you can think of  ;D and some made up! Helps when you know others are going through. Imagine if we were all put in one room!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 08, 2014, 01:08:17 PM
id actually love it if we could be put in one room so we can moan away and get feedback but this site is the next best thing :) x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: toffeecushion on November 08, 2014, 01:08:37 PM
I pity our poor partners
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 08, 2014, 01:12:45 PM
I haven't got one, but if I did I would pity him too, I just moan on here :) x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 08, 2014, 01:15:35 PM
Mines calls this "menopause Facebook "
My girls asked what I'm always doing on phone or PC he told them I'm on Facebook and girls said why dont you add us? He said your too young (in their 20s) try in 20-30 years, they just gave him weird look lol
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 08, 2014, 01:31:17 PM
:) x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Smokey on November 09, 2014, 08:21:03 PM
Hi girls

Just wanted to let you know I'm on patches and they took about four days for me to notice a difference first hot flushes start to go, I gues like any drug everyone's different but I would say you should notice a difference I two-three weeks, but most hrts should be tried for three months, then if they don't work for you you could change.

Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 10, 2014, 07:13:45 PM
It's great to be able to have a moan about it all with people who understand! Started feeling
a better yesterday and today.....NO HEADACHE for the first time in weeks!!! Still getting the flushes though >:( good job it's been colder!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 11, 2014, 06:48:25 AM
Another sleepless night :( :( :(. Anyone got any tips?
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 11, 2014, 12:47:36 PM
Lizzy v
I just hate headaches that lurk about and won't budge. I've been sleeping like a baby lately but a few months ago I was struggling just put up with refused to move from bed until alarm went off!

Karenja how have you been lately ? Well I hope
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Kathleen on November 11, 2014, 04:15:43 PM
Hello ladies.

I've just looked in my trusty menopause book and noted that the symptoms I currently have are all brain function ones, ie anxiety and low self esteem, irritability, forgetfulness etc, you know the drill. However there are some that I've had in the past that now seem to have disappeared and others I have never had (hope I'm not jinxing things by saying that). So I thought I'd list them here to give ladies hope that some problems do resolve and others may pass you by altogether. By the way I am 58, four years without a period and using a low/medium dose patch with Utrogestan vaginally. Incidentally I have no idea why I have some symptoms and not others.

Headaches which occurred all day every day for 6 months then stopped.
Insomnia which was an early problem but doesn't bother me now.
Itchy skin, night sweats, palpitations and heavy periods which remained regular right up to the menopause.

Never had.
Dry hair, eyes, mouth and skin. Lowering of voice and thin hair.
Back pain, breast soreness and chest pain.
Aches and pains, muscle soreness, pins and needles, swollen or stiff joints.
Bloated abdomen, constipation, dry vagina ( though sex is a no no, sorry if tmi ).
Itchy vulva, loss of bladder control and urgent or frequent urination.

I think that just about covers it and hopefully this post will be of interest to some of you.

Wishing everyone well.


Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: starfish on November 11, 2014, 06:19:31 PM
Interesting thread, also to read that as old symptoms receded new ones sometimes raise their heads... :-\

Mine have been
palpitations (the worst by far - very frightening, although declared harmless by cardio) - worst before periods.
insomnia - ok for now, thank goodness
occasional migraine with aura before period (whenever it turns up)
Hot flushes and night sweats, thankfully abated -  for now. I think red clover, exercise and occasional medication has helped but of course may just be a calm time before it all starts again.

More than anything I feel 'anti social', not necessarily in a negative way, but I just want to withdraw and be in with my husband and lovely cats, to read, write, think, bathe, have a glass of wine, watch some good TV (if any on) etc. I don't mind my own company so I don't see this as a symptom as such, just a change of outlook. (I do still go out sometimes of course!). I wonder whether others can relate?

Starfish x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 11, 2014, 07:19:33 PM
I know what you mean Starfish. I feel like I can't be bothered to go out and feel anti social in the same way and yet when I do go out I really enjoy myself, apart from the fact that I can have a drink really because it aggravates the flushes!! But then you don't need alcohol to have a good time!! I think a lot of the time it's just that I can't be bothered to make the effort and the dark nights don't help.
Millykin - someone at work suggested taking a couple of paracetamol at bed time, she said that helped her so I'm going to try that! And I like the idea of menopause Facebook   ;D
Lizzy x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 11, 2014, 07:34:41 PM
Hi Everybody

Havent been great Millykin no, just not feeling right, Im currently on estrogen only part of Femseven sequi due to change to progesterone Thurs new type for me so should be interesting, hard to explain just really tired, strange feelings, pain in my head sometimes, not feeling with it, chest pain, I rang the gp today and asked what if I decide to come off hrt, Ive been on it for three and a half months, he said not to just come off, to do it gradually which is what I thought, to cut the patches in half etc, I don't know what to do, If I come off will the night sweats and flushes return and will my anxiety be worst, that's another thing that's back with avengence. I agree with not wanting to socialise Im happy being in the house, gone very anti social :( x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on November 11, 2014, 07:43:12 PM
Me too. I seem to have suddenly started to see anything social as a burden. I also hate booking things in advance in case I don't feel right nearer the time. That's such a negative attitude, I know! I guess the awful weather and dark nights don't help - it's log burner and PJs for me tonight (I just love elasticated waists these days!!).
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 11, 2014, 08:23:57 PM
Oh Karenja I thought maybe you would have had a good day or 2, HRT isn't for everyone though. I do hope you get some light at end of tunnel, keep posting letting me know how you are, you know we are all here to help  :bighug:
I think all of us at some point withdraw and like to stay home, I never go to far so I know I can easily get back, my family know that and don't pish me so that's good.
Lizzy try paracetamol my neighbour swears by it every night to help her sleep,
 :hug: for everyone
Millykin x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 11, 2014, 10:23:56 PM
It's difficult to know what to do Karenja. I came off HRT to see how I felt and I've felt really unwell. The flushes are worse than ever and I've had some awful headaches so much so that I'm now back on HRT. But everyone's different and also I just stopped the HRT thinking that because I was on a low dose it wouldn't be too bad!! Definitely recommend cutting down gradually.
I know what you mean about the elasticated waists Briony! I've got a onesy but mostly can only wear half of it because of being so hot all the time  ;D (undone with the arms tied round my waist!)
Paracetamol tonight....I'll let you know.... ::)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karin on November 12, 2014, 12:03:27 AM
Hi karenja you know that I stopped  hrt after 3 months because of side effects. Its been more than a month off now and im taking starflower every day.

Before hrt i had sweats, flushes, insommnia, itchy skin occasionally, forgetfulness

Whilst on hrt the sweats flushes and itching stopped but were replaced by insommnia when on progesterone, hair thinning even poorer memory  when on the progesterone and anxiety- which was completely new to me.

I stopped hrt cold straight after my period and had 1 week of bad anxiety but since then i feel great
Its not the same as when i was 40 but i feel calm, sleep well and havent had a sweat yet......

When i stopped starflower for 6 days i got anxiety back but as soon as i restarted i feel good again so im going to carry on and will post ongoing progress on starflower
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 12, 2014, 06:26:36 AM
Hi karin glad to hear you seem to be doing ok on just starflower is that just starflower oil capsules? I'm wondering whether to start trying that now while I decide what to do about hrt, the thought of my anxiety getting worst if I come off is daunting as its pretty bad now I'm convinced it's not doing my heart any good and I keep expecting the worst things to happen, I so don't know what to do it's getting me down, how is your hair now? X
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lizzy V on November 12, 2014, 06:32:50 AM
Well!!! A much better night with the paracetamol  ;D but I suppose the HRT could be kicking in. Anyway it worked so will continue with it.
I'm glad your having good results with the starflower Karin. It seemed to work for me at first but then it was the headaches I couldn't cope with :beat: anything is worth a try Karenja! Have a good day everyone x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karin on November 12, 2014, 08:29:02 AM
Yes its just the oil capsules - i cut them and have with a glass of water, i think some ladies take it as well as hrt so maybe double check that and try both. Thing is, i was scared to stop HRT same as you, but i finally said that obviously hrt wasnt doing what i hoped and so it was worth a gamble as i had more patches ready to restart if necessary!
You have to do what feels right, especially if you have a history of anxiety, only you can make that decision for what you do next, perhaps continue through the progesterone part of the new patches to see if any better and supplement ( after checking its ok to do so) alongside?
My hair much thinner but loss has possibly stopoed or slowing down, got it coloured and upped the extensions in the hope of disguise!! Xx
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 12, 2014, 08:41:46 AM
Good one lizzy V ! Anything is worths try so if it works for you....
Karin I tried menopace just upset my stomach! Glad starflower is working for you, HRT working for me so I'll continue with that but always good to know alternatives and how others get on, you'll soon have a right good head of hair.
Karenja have you discussed this with your GP? Had any checks for your heart? Is does sound as though it is all health anxiety, and yes it is horrible. How many of us on her think our hearts are going to pack in! That's my top fear, then the feeling of being unable to breath it just overtakes and you can't think straight! I can't remember what types you have tried and how long for ? How long have these feelings been going on for?
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 12, 2014, 06:56:25 PM
Hi Millykin, Ive been to the doctors so many times, its been going on for months, as ive had to call the ambulance twice and the first time they took me in to test me for everything, Ive had ecg's so the doctors just say you have had them so must be just anxiety, just anxiety! I never seen the same gp usually though I did request to see one a few times who was quite helpful, so its v frustrating, its is very scary not knowing how much the body can take :( still deciding whether to come off hrt or just see how it goes with new progesterone, decisions decisions x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on November 12, 2014, 07:10:11 PM
It's bery frustrating karenja. I was sent to hospital 3 times because of it, first 2 times all checked 3rd time they just looked me over at A&E felt so stupid that's when I was put in beta blocker and found it helped, have you tried that? So hard for you x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on November 12, 2014, 07:34:43 PM
Hi Millykin yes I felt stupid too, I cant take betablockers unfortunately because of my asthma x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Mary1962 on November 25, 2014, 07:10:55 AM
My symptoms have been sore large boobs, forgetfulness, feelings like I can't cope, breathlessness/palpitations, aching joints and muscles, utter exhaustion when I used to be someone who could never sit still, mild depression, random tearfulness, lightheaded and dizzy and overall a feeling that I just don't know this person I am now :( and I want the old me back.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Salad on December 31, 2014, 01:03:28 AM
Such a relief knowing others are finding menopause a challenge too  :)

I've had a variety of symptoms over the last year - sleep disturbances, bleeding gums, dull hair, sweats, headache, extreme tiredness in day, menopausal arthritis, flu-like unwell feeling, the latest being raised temperature, palpitations and dizziness.
A couple of my more unusual symptoms, which I'm wondering if anyone else has had, are enlarged/inflammed lymph nodes in both axilla and right sided earache.

Thankfully, I'm on Oestrogel which lets me get on with life but my dose is quite high. I can't ever see me being able to stop it!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on December 31, 2014, 07:46:07 AM
aww ladies this menupause is no fun! hope we all find something that suits us that will help , sending hugs and Happy New Year to you all xx
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on December 31, 2014, 02:54:49 PM
I get cramp sparkle/and cold feet cant do without my socks x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on December 31, 2014, 06:26:06 PM
Hi sparkle I got cramp occassionally before but nothing like I do now in my feet it's awful I've mentioned on here before but it didn't seem to be something others hàd apart from u now so not sure if menupause related x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Galadriel on January 01, 2015, 09:05:02 AM
Good morning ladies. Just browsing the site and thought I'd look in on this thread to see all the weird, wonderful and occasionally scary symptoms.
I get cramp in my feet if they get too cold... bloomin nuisance when I go to yoga classes in our village hall - the floor is alway cold. Santa brought me a pair of yoga socks with built-in toes and little sucky grippy blobs so hopefully this won't be such a problem.
I've been amazed and scared to death by some of my other ones - twitchy trembly muscles, flipping from happy to anxious in a millisecond, tired all the time (thyroid tests are fine), extremely painful boobs (not on HRT at the moment), jaw clenching and cold/hot spots in my mouth.

If only it was just flushes and sweats?!!

Galadriel x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: NikkiDUK on January 01, 2015, 09:32:22 AM
Wow, so comforting to read this as a newbie! Had a lot of those symptoms (no hot flushes - yet...) and sometimes think "this is it, I haven't long for this earth." Had loads of blood tests back in October - all clear so that was a relief. As long as I know that realistically I'm fine and it's just my body going through a change, then I can manage, although some days are harder than others, especially if I get tired. Learning to pace myself is the toughest thing as I'm not one to sit still. I've flu d exercise and acupuncture really help me as does my work at the wolf centre. When you take the wolves out for their walk (they are all hand raised so like being around people) you have to concentrate so hard you forget about yourself. They really keep me going (and my lovely hubby too).
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: missjanecobb on January 01, 2015, 02:20:57 PM
I have yet to convince a doctor that nominal dysphasia is a symptom of my menopause. My Mum used to call it Nouns Disease on the grounds that you forget the names for things with the result that you start asking people "Could you pass the thingy on the whatsit please?"
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: gladys on January 01, 2015, 04:16:37 PM
Oh lady its such a comfort to know I not going off my head.I keepthinking my heart is beating faster but its because I keep thinking about it and panicking so it will be worse lol, and I have cold feet sweaty feet sore shoulders all the symptoms you lady have isn't it fun
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on January 01, 2015, 04:40:54 PM
Oh the heart one has got to be the worst for me, one minute ok the next I feel my heart flip and go faster makes me panic I think it makes it worse, then there's tbe hotness with it no fun x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Galadriel on January 01, 2015, 05:08:43 PM
Sparkle - the only wonderful symptom I can come up with is the upswing in libido. I get this occasionally and make the most of it when it's around  ;)

Galadriel x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: meno lesley on January 01, 2015, 05:39:05 PM
Kate ja and Sparkle

I have had trouble with my feet for the last few years and can only describe it as a pulling and tightening of muscles or tendons, it is horrible. I've seen countless specialists who can find no reason for the pain. I am sure it is hormone linked as some days it is ok and others where I can barely walk.

Lesley x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on January 01, 2015, 06:01:08 PM
Me too Lesley. Some days it is fine, others I have pain behind my knees and down my calves which really hurts. Am convinced it is hormonal. Only thing that sometimes helps is a sports massage , crazy though it sounds! X 
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: gladys on January 01, 2015, 06:04:15 PM
Yes I have to say my feet hurt so much some days as if my tendons or all in knots painful, to walk and also problems with sensitive teeth and gums told its a related oh the joys thanks again lady's such a  help to talk to others x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on January 02, 2015, 10:04:52 AM
Sparkle, you're so right.  I ended up having lots of tests on my shoulder and ankle/foot. At one point my symptoms were so bad I needed crutches and literally cried in pain.  Having seen a spine specialist, neurologist, ankle surgeon and vascular consultant (!) the conclusion was that water retention was irritating the nerves at 'junctions' like under my arm and on my ankle, which caused nerve pain and the tingling.  My shoulder has calmed down, but I still get weird crawling sensations, along with the leg pain you describe. My shoulder was diagnosed as possible thoracic outlet syndrome, which is most common in women in their 40s ... What a coincidence!

 It makes me so frustrated that all the tests (and associated fear) so many of us have had could have been avoided if only someone had linked it it low estrogen. Think how much money could be saved if only they invested a bit more when training doctors about hormones! X
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Lynjane on January 05, 2015, 10:22:17 AM
Hello ladies, have not been on this site for a while due to Christmas and new year rush, but I wanted to mention something. I too suffer from most of the problems mentioned, and at 63 I'm 9 years into menopause, (sorry if that frightens the life out of you). I don't even bother to go to my GP anymore because after 9 years it is medically considered I should be 'over it'....well I'm not!.,😟. Anyway, my point is that over the Christmas festivities we entertained my family and husband's, although up to a point I enjoyed it, I also found it very stressful and by December 28 was at meltdown stage...all the old anxieties which had calmed a little of late came rushing back and now I just feel so upset because I seem to be back where I started! Crying at the slightest thing, getting hot and sweaty at the least exertion, unable to cope with the smallest stress and worst of all feelings of depression flooding through me for no reason! Sorry rant over, but wondered if anyone could relate? PS: have never been able to use HRT due to blood pressure probs!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Annaaustria on January 08, 2015, 12:49:30 PM
It's been such a relief to read your symptoms!  That does sound cruel, sorry. I can so relate to the dying one, I keep on thinking I'm going to die!  My menopause kicked in after a partial hysterectomy- womb out, ovaries in. Panic attacks, palpitations, crying, I was given oestrogen for these and felt like death so stopped after a few days. I have no faith in my gynaecologist, although he was great over the operation he just wants to push me off with pills. Things were good until I went back to work for a couple of months, then the word problem kicked it- maybe a side effect of mild stress.  Having also got hashimotos hypothyroiditis I was convinced I was starting a brain tumour or dementia- (Oh I live in Austria and dont have english mates to console me that often!). The palpitations returned too. So coming on this site has been such a help. Do I buckle in and get some oestrogen gels which are very low level or do I stick it out???
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on January 08, 2015, 02:36:24 PM
Hi Annaaustria, good to hear from you. I visited Salzburg a few years ago and fell in love with Austria. You're so lucky  :) (though I guess the lack of English speaking friends to support you presently must be a disadvantage) ?

You say you stopped the estrogen after a few days. Maybe you should have tried it a little longer? I so nearly gave in after a week but people on here convinced me to hang in. I have to say, it was at least two months before I felt any sort of benefit, but eventually It did start to work ... and now, if anything, I think I need to up my dose. Lots of us have had side effects, and for some they lurk in the background even after things have settled (me included). But overall, I have to say, I now feel better off with it than without.

It's worth doing some research - this site is perfect - as it may be you just need to alter the form of estrogen you take . Perhaps patches would be better for you?

Really hope you get things sorted soon x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Annaaustria on January 09, 2015, 01:34:03 PM
Thanks Briony, yes, definately about friends, having a girly rant at the old man for some reason doesn't work so well......There is great stuff here, and I am thinking about some form of gel, but it means I have to go back to the gynae I don't like!  Have a great weekend!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Witches Cat on January 09, 2015, 01:52:40 PM
Hello everybody, what a fantastic thread... I haven't been on here since the middle of October and being taken off HRT by the hospital. I was told I'd have to go "cold turkey" and no more HRT for me... after a few days I was feeling fantastic and really pleased with myself and life in general. Sadly it didn't last, I came down to earth with a bump over Christmas and found myself creeping off to be alone and have a cry. For the last 20 or so years my back has given me probs after slipping a disc, but it only played up if I did something stupid (lifting badly, heaving stuff about etc) but now... oh boy, getting up after sitting down... pain... turning over in bed... pain... trying to get boots, shoes, socks etc on... pain... just walking after getting out of bed... pain....take something for the pain and I get constipation.... flushes are back... muzzie head (got new glasses but no better) dry skin, dry "bits"  anxiety is back, and a craving for chocolate biscuits at bedtime that is so hard to resist that sometimes I can't manage it..  Thank god it's not just me..
Happy New Year everybody....   ;)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Kristy on January 13, 2015, 10:04:45 AM
For the last two years, I have had the following Meno symptoms (on and off and not all at the same time, thank God):
Hot flushes
Itchy skin
Dry itchy eyes
Total lack of libido (although I still enjoy cuddles, as long as I'm not having a flush)  :)
Feelings of not being able to cope or keep up with constant change (especially at work)
Occasional tearfulness.
Irritability and not being able to cope with crowds or excessive noise.
Aversion to hot weather.
Dull, tired looking complexion - I really miss that nice healthy glow to my face that I used to get in the middle of my cycle when I was ovulating  :(.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 13, 2015, 05:49:19 PM
What a great thread :-)

So good to read that I'm not the only one who can't find my words sometimes... it's so frustrating!

And inability to multitask / easily flustered / foggy brain.

I don't get hot flushes as such, but my legs burn up, especially at night, and I have to stick them out of the bed to cool down again!

My hips hurt... I've been x-rayed for this one, but all was fine. It's a really dull, heavy ache and used to happen around the time of my period but now happens, at a lower level, pretty much all the time.

Just recently I've become more 'itchy', especially my scalp. Drives me potty in the night!

Oh, and insomnia. Aargh.

Anxiety (big time!) and some depression too. But it comes and goes. I used to have mood swings but they seem to have become less frequent, thank goodness.

I'm sure there's more...  ;)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Hurdity on January 13, 2015, 06:16:46 PM
Hi Witches Cat

Why have you been taken off HRT - are you able to start it again? It does seem unfair to have to put up with all those miserable symptoms if HRT can relieve them - not sure how old you are and where in meno?

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Witches Cat on January 14, 2015, 01:43:18 PM
Hello again Hurdity,  It seems the HRT was what had caused my uterus lining to thicken, having had a scan because of 1 minute episode of bleeding and finding the lining had thickened, I was sent to hospital for a biopsy, but because the gynecologist at the hospital couldn't get in to do a biopsy because of a very tilted uterus, and after a long chat to me, he suggested stopping the HRT and having another scan 5 weeks later to check the thickness again, if it had gone back to 4mm they could say it was HRT related, if it hadn't then I was in to be knocked out and have a biopsy done under a general  anaesthetic.  Luckily for me it had gone back to what they wanted and on Christmas Eve, I got a letter saying they would only want to see me if I bled again. But incase it thickens again no HRT, and that should also let some small fibroids shrink too. I must admit, I'm happier not taking meds (for anything) so I'm putting up with things, realising too that my mind is also adding to "stuff" and when I can stop worrying things tend to lessen, My family took me for a 5 mile walk on Sunday which I didn't want to do, but by the end of it I actually felt pleased I'd gone. National Trust land, forest and fields and lots of mud.    :)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Witches Cat on January 14, 2015, 01:44:02 PM
Forgot to put... I'm 59.... and I would think well through meno really.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on January 14, 2015, 03:22:45 PM
It really does amaze me that we all get most of the same symptons yet we think we are the only ones going mad! Lol GPs should really learn when women like us walk through the door saying this and that
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 14, 2015, 03:37:37 PM
It's good to come here and realise we're not alone with it all. Makes me wonder though, how do other women my age cope with all this and hold down demanding jobs? I had problems just working part-time, because of how I was feeling. And then I was forced to give up work over a year ago because of other health issues, but think I'd probably have ended up giving my notice in anyway, due to meno and family issues.

Perhaps it's only some of us who suffer with so many symptoms? One of my friends admits that she sailed through menopause, no hormone treatment or anything!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 14, 2015, 03:39:44 PM
As for GPs, the trouble is (I think) that they are very used to treating particular symptoms and forget to treat the person as a whole. Probably because they are under so much time pressure. It would be great to sit down for a full 30 minutes with a sympathetic GP and get all the issues out at once...  ;)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Dorothy on January 14, 2015, 03:43:29 PM
It would really help if women were made aware earlier of the symptoms.  I'm sure I cant be the only one who previously thought it was all about hot flushes.   I've had so many odd things recently and been telling myself I'm imagining things or being a fusspot or need to pull myself together and now I've read some of the symptoms I'm thinking 'oh, THAT'S why I'm like this'.  It's such a relief and I am so glad this forum is here!   I've had little things driving me round the bend for months, like itching, dry skin, tingly hands and feet, trouble sleeping, teary for no reason, not able to concentrate like usual and I've been getting really cross with myself. Now I know I'm normal (Hmm...maybe :) )
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 14, 2015, 03:48:07 PM
Sparkle, I had to laugh today... I received a message from a recruiter through Linked In, wondering if I'd be interested in a financial analyst position at a big pharmaceutical company? Considering I was finding it hard to count dinner money in a Primary School, I don't think I should apply, do you?!!!!

Dorothy, the variety of symptoms caught me out, too. I don't think menopause is discussed openly enough... how many times do you hear it mentioned on TV, for instance? More education is needed :)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 14, 2015, 04:02:35 PM
I couldn't even remember my postcode today  :-\  And yesterday I totally lost the thread of what I was saying, while leaving an answerphone message. Very embarrassing. I had to put the phone down and try again! Ho hum!

As you say, Sparkle, it doesn't bode well for the future  ???
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on January 14, 2015, 04:08:45 PM
I done that last week, dentist called leaving a message asking if I could come in morning instead of afternoon, I called back it was answer machine so left half jibberish message then hung up and she called back when I was trying to leave another message to correct myself, she just left "whatever ....... See you then" with laughing in background. Just as well she knows me
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 14, 2015, 04:12:04 PM
 ;D ;D ;D You've got to keep a sense of humour through all this, haven't you Millykin?!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Dorothy on January 14, 2015, 04:24:15 PM
Dorothy, the variety of symptoms caught me out, too. I don't think menopause is discussed openly enough... how many times do you hear it mentioned on TV, for instance? More education is needed :)

Definitely.  Last time I went to my Doctor's there were 2 posters and 1 leaflet in the waiting room offering advice and help to women who had had a hysterectomy but NOTHING about the menopause.  Seems crazy, especially as doctors will know who has a hysterectomy so could post them leaflets but doesn't know who has menopausal symptoms unless they complain about them.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: grumpy2008 on January 15, 2015, 11:20:37 AM
Last time I went to my Doctor's there were 2 posters and 1 leaflet in the waiting room offering advice and help to women who had had a hysterectomy but NOTHING about the menopause.

I agree - and the leaflets might helped the partners to understand too. Considering we all go through menopause in one form or another it amazes me that it isn't spoken about more. I wonder if there actually ARE any posters / leaflets about it? I haven't noticed any.
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: annieb on January 15, 2015, 05:04:20 PM
What a relief that along with the hot flushes, conviction that something awful is going to happen, aching everything and new muffin top someone mentioned that they can't add up. Not blowing my own trumpet here but I've always been able to add up in my head and worked for years handling cash - could spot an error at a distance !!  Recently was asked (or should I say someone else volunteered me and how do you say that you don't think you can add up anymore!!) into counting collections for a local charity. This week it took me 4 goes to add up only £400 in notes and small change. Kept seeing the 10p as 20p and completely lost it on the £2 coins.  I could have done this in minutes a few years ago . Thought it was just me  so kind of glad to see it's just another symptom. Think I may have to be honest next time and say I'm a menopausal woman - keep away  :)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: renee on January 15, 2015, 10:23:44 PM
Dry and itchy skin, extreme tiredness, insomnia, anxiety, low mood, vaginal dryness, mood swings, bouts of IBS, bouts of thrush, bloating, low libido and these symptoms are on HRT!!

Just changed to Femoston 3 weeks ago and I really hope it helps me as Im struggling!!!! X
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: annieb on January 16, 2015, 01:51:31 PM
Brilliant idea Sparkle! Like the idea of the badge. On a more serious note it does seem to me as though Menopause is a taboo subject (or even a bit of a joke) for some folks. If you mention that you are sweating like you're in a VERY hot sauna to anyone and explain why they look uncomfortable with the topic. Maybe I should l be more open about how I'm feeling. Or just wear the badge - MENO LADY - BEWARE!!
Thinking straight is a real problem and making decisions even worth - even simple questions like do you want tea or coffee?  I've started saying SURPRISE ME!! so I don't have to decide ;D
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Dorothy on January 16, 2015, 04:17:04 PM
I love it!

Sounds like the nurse should maybe join this forum  ;)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Amandajane46 on January 17, 2015, 10:00:37 PM
Hi I'm new and my symptoms have been as follows
Cold night shivers
Numbness n tingling in arms n legs
Sore joints in Kness
Worms crawling feeling over eyes n nose
neck n shoulders pain
Sore breast
Jelly legs
Itchy skin
Feeling my heart was coming out my chest
Feeling of being ****ed with needle
Feeling of doom
Health anxietys
Whooshing in ears
Burning scalp
Fuzzy vision
Soaking wet under breast
Bowel problems

I've been perimenopause for about 2 years but only found out about 2 months ago what was wrong with me I see about 18 different doctors I thought I was dying it's been hell but I'm thankful for finding this site  :)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: karenja on January 18, 2015, 05:29:10 PM
Hi Amandajane

Ive had the numbless and tingling, nausea, sweats, jelly legs, palpatations, feeling like my heart is coming out of my chest, chest tightness, health anxiety, feelings of doom, god the worms crawling feeling is something I haven't experience thank goodness, but this site is invaluable Ive had so much advice xx
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Dorothy on January 18, 2015, 10:30:14 PM
My skin is going so wrinkly that I'm beginning to feel eating prunes would be cannibalism.  I was expecting that as I know dry skin is one of the symptoms, but I am also coming out with spots like I haven't since I was about 15.  Is this normal?  It seems really unfair to have to cope with aging skin AND teenage skin trouble at the same time  :'(
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on January 18, 2015, 11:22:31 PM
I sympathise with the spots, Dorothy. If they get bad - the cystic ones with no head are typically menopausal - have a word with your GP. A low dose antibiotic has really helped me x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Hurdity on January 19, 2015, 12:47:02 PM
I had menopausal spots - sort of raised hot red ones on my cheeks but without a head as Briony says and I didn't have acne as a teenager.They disappeared never to return when I started HRT - well they briefly started to come back when I stopped HRT for 3 months, 4 years ago...

Hurditty x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Dulciana on January 22, 2015, 07:32:17 PM
I get a lot of what various people have put here, plus feelings of apathy, irritability, self-doubt and being overwhelmed.  Oh yes, and a tendency to over-anticipate.   
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Millykin on January 24, 2015, 01:44:57 PM
Haven't had that feeling but had a little chuckle to myself, I had health anxiety and if something cropped up on left side ( anywhere head to toe ) I thought heart ! But anything on right side I'm ok with. Strange
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Briony on January 24, 2015, 02:20:43 PM
JUlesishappy, I get it too, but in my shoulder. It's recognised as a symptom of low oestrogen (forgotten what the medical term is but it means 'weird crawling sensations'). x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: holidaylover on January 24, 2015, 02:53:44 PM
'Formication' is the name for the creepy feeling, and yip!, I am sitting at this moment with it in my arms and legs. Slightly ****ly and like things are crawling under the skin. Amandajane46, I think I gave exact same symptoms, although, I yet have to experience the worms over eyes. I'm sure I'll get hit by this at some point too! (Did get cobweb feeling on nose though). The joys!
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: gladys on February 02, 2015, 02:16:29 PM
Sore teeth and gums very sensitive.sore boobs crawling feeling over my shoulders heart palpitations feeling of dread sadness sore joints sore foot right one noise in ears sore throat oh the joys all this and my mother just passed away but coped better than I thought I would :)
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: cheekygal on February 02, 2015, 05:13:16 PM
Hi Ladies,  I have many of the symptoms a lot of you mention, here's my most bothersome.....

Anxiety sometimes to the point that I feel I am about to have some sort of mental breakdown. 

Feelings of dread about almost everything. 

Low moods, black cloud feeling

Sensitive to noise and bright lights, especially in supermarkets, hate when there's a queue, makes anxiety worse.

Dizziness, and cotton wool head feeling

Random twitching muscles & sometimes inner shaking (not as bad as it used to be)

I do sometimes find it hard to believe they are hormone related.  A  female GP even said to me we can't blame everything on hormones!  She must've been one of the lucky ones as I am sure she is late 50's!

There's no way of telling if our symptoms are down to low or high estrogen, I've rea some people feel worse on HRT

Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: cheekygal on February 02, 2015, 05:17:40 PM
Sorry I hit the post button before I was finished.  As I was saying, I read some women felt worse on HRT, but I guess it's all about what's best for us as an individual.

CG x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: cheekygal on February 02, 2015, 05:35:00 PM
I actually remember the first time I had the wooly head feeling, it was the day I got my  periods back after having my first child 29 years ago, that was the start of a horrendous 14 years trying various different antidepressants and homeopathic treatments all of which made me worse, I ended up agarophobic for 12 of those years, so looking back maybe it was hormonal after all.  I read an article from the daily mail a few years back, where Denise Welch commented on her experiences of depression and anxiety, which was made worse by the menopause.  This prompted her to visit Professor Studd, who said she was estrogen deficient, and probably had been for years, she hadn't looked back since and said the menopause was the best thing that happened to her as she to had been fobbed off for years and also given AD's.

CG x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Essexragdoll on February 02, 2015, 09:38:11 PM
Oh my goodness did you have the wooly head for the whole of the 14 years ?
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Tracey123 on February 02, 2015, 10:57:46 PM

I have just posted my concerns and then just read your post. I have most of the syptoms you have mentioned...(.OMG I have just had a mental block with my spellings) Yeah that too!

I just hope that I can get my life back at some point! x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: cheekygal on February 02, 2015, 11:23:48 PM
No Essexragdoll, not the whole 14 years, I did have spells inbetween where I felt well, but looking back just wondering if all my problems have been hormone related.  I had a not too bad couple of months recently, then had a period 3 weeks ago, first one in 14 weeks and have had pretty bad anxiety again ever since.

Tracey, yep the spelling is another and word block, I only listed the ones that bother me the most.  Oh I wish this would end, sat here now feeling my arms are shaking and just want to cry.

CG x
Title: Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
Post by: Tracey123 on February 03, 2015, 06:33:27 PM
Oh Dear Cheekygal, I hope you are feeling a litttle better this evening. Menopause sucks and I understand where your coming from xx Chin up gal! ;)